Pochettino on Chelsea's quarter final penalty win at the bridge

  • last year
00:00 I am so pleased to congratulate the players.
00:06 I think they deserve full credit because after two conceded in a way that we conceded when
00:13 we didn't deserve to concede, I think it can affect any team.
00:20 But I think we reacted really well and of course we dominated the game.
00:23 Again, a very good team like Newcastle.
00:26 And then we keep pushing in the second half.
00:29 We made some changes and of course tried to provide the team some impact.
00:36 But the most important thing in football is to believe until the end.
00:40 And that was possible because we keep believing and then always we know the penalties are
00:46 a lottery.
00:47 And of course talent and quality.
00:51 But of course, I think our objective before the game was to go through to the semi-final.
01:00 We are in the semi-final and now we need to move on and wait for tomorrow.
01:04 And then we focus and be ready for the next Premier League game in Wolverhampton, the
01:10 24.
01:11 How important could this as a night be for the development of this young team?
01:18 I think it's important, this type of games, in the way that we can achieve the way to
01:25 go through to the semi-final.
01:26 It's always so important.
01:30 Like it's important when you don't play well, like games like Everton and Newcastle,
01:37 when we play away from home.
01:38 It's to realise in which area we need to improve, in the way that we need to improve.
01:44 I think both are really important to really feel for this group in the way that we want
01:50 to evolve and develop the ideas.
01:54 And of course, so pleased because I think when you see the whole squad, players that
02:02 weren't involved in the game, players that were injured but they want to share the happiness
02:07 in the middle of the pitch.
02:09 I think it looks like we are a healthy group of players, that only we need time and our
02:17 responsibility is to guide them, you know, and to create the platform for them to really
02:22 improve every day.
02:23 And of course, with time I think we are going to create a very good team that can compete
02:29 and increase the competition and be in the place that Chelsea should be.
02:35 Yes, always we practice but that is not why...
02:44 Well, always we practice finishing, shooting, set pieces, how we defend, you know, set pieces,
02:59 how we attack.
03:00 Yes, and penalty of course.
03:02 Penalties we have not every day but, you know, a few days a week the players are doing things.
03:11 But to be honest, penalties you can practice every day, every day, every day, but after
03:16 it's about how you manage yourself, the stress, the competition and the quality.
03:23 If I am going to my set to shoot every day and practice penalty and then I go there and
03:28 start to shake and put the ball away, you know.
03:31 That I think is more about the quality than the practice in this type of subject like
03:40 penalty.
03:41 It was a big win for the team but also three players, then Kunku gets on and scores a penalty,
03:47 the goalkeeper, and it seemed like a big moment for Ludwig too.
03:51 Quite an important night for some individuals.
03:53 Yes, we are talking about players that are young, players that arrive and they suffer
03:58 an injury like Christoph and now they need a team and they need, in the middle of the
04:05 competition, they need the competition, they need the time, game time, to start to perform
04:14 and to get the best form.
04:15 And that is sometimes everyone can shush, OK, now yes, you're a recovery player but
04:22 the most important is in which form.
04:25 We need to, because the expectation is to see the best in Kunku.
04:30 And the problem is that we need time for him to perform in the way that we expect.
04:36 One thing is to be available, another is to perform in the way that we expect.
04:40 We need time, that is why we don't put too much pressure on him day by day and we are
04:46 pushing him to arrive as soon as possible in his best to try to help the team in the
04:53 way that we expect.
04:54 OK, we can do two more, Nizar and then we'll have Simon to finish.
05:06 He has to go out because he suffered, he was a little bit sick before the game, he suffered
05:10 some problem in his stomach.
05:13 He tried, he wanted to play because he said, OK, see if going well, but rather than going
05:19 well, going not so well and that is why he didn't feel well and needed to go to the dressing
05:26 room.
05:27 Was that Levi?
05:28 No, Levi was more because I seen my perception was at the end of the first half was a little
05:33 bit tired and we wanted to put some more offensive player like Milo and to provide more energy
05:42 in this side.
05:44 Yes, that was why we go for the option of Milo in the single half rather than to play
05:55 a continuous play with Levi but this is going to be ready.
05:59 Levi is nothing, you know, only that was a little bit tired my perception to change the
06:04 way that we were playing in this side.
06:06 Last question today Simon.
06:08 Yes.
06:09 You also touched on what Matt said just a bit, you talked about how big a goal he had
06:14 to be in confidence and secondly, just about the fan that came on the pitch when they went
06:21 forward, you may not have seen it.
06:24 No, I didn't see it and then I listened after.
06:29 My opinion, not always, I think we need to be careful and the fans need to be careful.
06:36 I don't like this type of thing because I seen it's a thing that can put in danger,
06:45 you know, the players.
06:47 Of course, I am disappointed and I am not agree with this type of thing that happened
06:52 in football here and in our Stamford Bridge and I'm going to be agree it happened in another
06:58 stadium in England or around the world.
07:03 I'm always disappointed with this type of thing because I think it's so dangerous and
07:06 I hope that it's not happening again.
07:09 Thank you.
07:10 We'll leave it there.
07:11 Thank you.
07:12 Good evening.
07:13 Thank you.
07:15 Thank you.
