• 2 years ago
Check out my books below:

How To Be Treated Like A Queen - https://bit.ly/Queen-Treatment
How To Make Him Fall Over Texts - https://bit.ly/Text-Chemistry101

So you’ve been talking to a guy. He seems cool, or at least interesting, and you’re getting along great. Then one night, your phone buzzes at 10 pm, he’s sent a text. Only he’s not his usual funny, charming self. He’s misspelling words. He barely makes sense. He’s being weird and flirty.

You’re the recipient of a drunk text.

I’m sure a million things are going through your head right now. He thinks about me when he gets drunk. Is that good? Am I just some booty call? Is this okay? What does it say about him that he texted me drunk? What does it say about me? And most likely, how do I respond?

I’m going to tell you how to respond to his drunk texts, how to make him stop if he’s making you uncomfortable, and what to say to make sure everything goes smoothly.

Hey ladies, I’m Amy North. Top relationship coach and you better believe I’ve had my fair share of drunk texts in the past. What did I do about it? I’m going to tell you exactly how to handle this sticky situation right now.