États-Unis : pas d'enveloppe pour l'Ukraine d'ici la fin de l'année

  • last year
Faute d'accord entre républicains et démocrates au Sénat, les États-Unis ne seront pas en mesure de débloquer, avant la fin de l'année, l'enveloppe de 61 milliards de dollars d'aide à l'Ukraine réclamée par Kiev et la Maison Blanche.
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00:00 Due to a lack of agreement between Republicans and Democrats in the Senate, the United States
00:03 will not be able to unlock, before the end of the year, the $61 billion aid envelope
00:08 to Ukraine claimed by Kiev and the White House.
00:11 US parliamentarians will make their entrance on January 8.
00:15 No new American funds for Ukraine in 2023, the heads of the Senate of the United States
00:20 agreed on Tuesday, December 19 that the Congress would end the year without validating the $61 billion
00:25 envelope claimed with insistence by Kiev and the White House.
00:28 Republican and Democrat negotiators have not reached an agreement, despite the repeated
00:34 pressures of American President Joe Biden and the calls of his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr
00:38 Zelensky.
00:39 Senate leaders, Democrat Chuck Schumer and Republican Mitch McConnell, said they hoped
00:44 they could vote on this aid early next year.
00:47 It is one of the most important events for the Ukrainian president, in a year marked
00:51 by the hope of a major counteroffensive, the pressure from Russia on the front and the
00:56 failure to unlock a net $50 billion by the European Union.
01:00 And the White House has already warned that it would be short of resources for Ukraine
01:04 by the end of the year.
01:05 Volodymyr Zelensky came to Washington in person on his third trip to the American capital
01:11 in a year and a half in December to try to accentuate the pressure.
01:13 The United States will not betray Ukraine, he had hoped at a press conference on Tuesday.
01:20 As long as it takes.
01:21 It is also a severe camouflage for Joe Biden, who has supported Ukraine and strengthened
01:27 the Atlantic Alliance, two major markers of his foreign policy.
01:30 To illustrate this commitment, the Democratic leader, a candidate for his re-election in
01:36 2024, even went to Kiev in February for the first trip of an American president
01:40 to a territory at war not controlled by the United States.
01:43 But almost two years after the start of a war that is already being unleashed and more
01:46 than $110 billion already unlocked by the Congress, the question of the continuity of
01:51 this support for Ukraine, supposed to last as long as it will take, is posing with more
01:55 and more insistence.
01:57 Republicans in particular have begun to find the note too salty.
02:01 And they had conditioned their support for this new envelope to a drastic hardening
02:05 of American migratory policy.
02:07 The negotiations on this explosive file, however, did not end in time.
02:12 Aware that the feeling of urgency has well emerged in Washington since the beginning
02:16 of the war in 2022, President Biden had asked Congress to double its request for help
02:21 for Ukraine to another of about $14 billion for Israel, an ally of the United States
02:25 at war with Hamas.
02:26 For now, in vain.
02:29 Meeting on January 8.
02:31 Since the beginning of the conflict, the Kremlin has been betting on the influx of Western aid,
02:36 and any hesitation of the allies of Kiev comforts Russia in the idea that its bet will be winning.
02:40 The failure of the Congress to vote for this envelope does not sign the end of the support
02:44 of the United States in Kiev.
02:46 American parliamentarians are making their entrance on January 8, and Republican and
02:51 Senate Democrats are just saying their intention to validate this envelope, which includes
02:55 a military, humanitarian and macroeconomic aspect.
02:57 It is in the House of Representatives, which must also approve these funds, that things
03:03 get complicated.
03:04 Its new president, Republican Mike Johnson, is not opposed, on the principle of extending
03:10 American assistance, but claims that it is not well-framed.
03:14 What the Biden administration seems to want, are billions of additional dollars without
03:19 adequate supervision, without a real strategy of victory, has it established after its
03:23 interview with Volodymyr Zelensky in mid-December?
03:26 The conservative speaker must also compose with the hard right of his party, parliamentarians
03:32 who no longer want to send a single cent to Ukraine.
03:35 These elected officials, close to former President Donald Trump, dismissed the last speaker
03:39 a few months ago, accusing him, among other things, of having concluded a "secret agreement"
03:44 on Ukraine with the Democrats.
03:45 At his press conference on Tuesday, Volodymyr Zelensky also warned that a return
03:50 of Donald Trump to the White House could have a "strong impact" on the war in Ukraine.
03:55 With AFP.
