剔除警队害群之马 吉隆坡警方革除71警员

  • last year
八点最热报 | 全国总警长拉扎鲁丁,今天出席活动后,告诫全体警员,无论是否身穿制服,都必须照顾到警队的形象,不要躲在警察制服后面犯罪。拉扎鲁丁表示,尽管警队做了不少好事,但由于一些 “害群之马”的行为,导致警队受到千夫所指。(主播:颜江瀚)
00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 Last Friday, the case of a senior officer who killed a 17-year-old boy in a crack heist caused attention in all sectors.
00:12 National Chief of Police Rajalu Ding, after attending the event today,
00:15 told all police officers that whether they are wearing uniforms or not, they must take care of the image of the police force.
00:20 Don't hide behind the police uniform.
00:23 Rajalu Ding also said that although the police force has done a lot of good things,
00:26 but due to some "harmful" actions, the police force has been stopped.
00:31 He emphasized that if a police officer violates the law,
00:35 they will definitely be treated fairly and will not be covered.
00:38 In addition, Rajalu Ding also revealed today that
00:42 in the past two years, they have been cleaning up police officers who have committed mistakes.
00:48 Let's watch the domestic news.
00:50 Rajalu Ding, the Chief of Police of Kuala Lumpur,
00:53 said at the Chang Yue meeting this morning that the Kuala Lumpur Police Authority is taking appropriate action against all the criminals.
01:00 In the past 11 months, the Kuala Lumpur police have fired 31 police officers who have problems.
01:05 Last year, they also fired 40 people.
01:07 In two years, a total of 71 police officers were dismissed.
01:11 Yesterday, a case of a nephew cutting his aunt's head was filed in North Sea, Penang.
01:17 The Deputy Chief of Police, Mohammad Usof, confirmed today that the suspect was arrested and will be detained for seven days.
01:23 The police believe that the suspect's motive may involve drugs.
01:27 The police need to wait for the hospital to check to determine if the suspect has a mental illness.
01:32 The Minister of Health, Mr. Zulfi Fili, said today that there are currently 234 vaccination centers in the country.
01:39 He reminded people who are willing to get vaccinated to go to the MySuggestera app
01:43 to search for the list of vaccination centers.
01:46 People can also directly go to the vaccination center or make an appointment online.
01:50 Currently, the vaccination center only provides COVID-19 vaccines.
01:53 The Deputy Chief of Police, Mr. Shashikala, said today that a bus driver
01:59 colluded with a drug trafficking group for a $200 bribe and hid the drugs in a luggage compartment and transported them to Kuala Lumpur.
02:06 The driver and three drug traffickers were arrested when they were about to make a deal.
02:09 The police seized $110 worth of drugs worth more than $350,000.
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