Fran Brown Early National Signing Day Press Conference 2024 Class

  • last year
Syracuse head coach discusses the early national signing day.
00:00 - Come on everybody, we got Coach Fran on the call here.
00:03 He's gonna start with a brief opening statement.
00:05 After that, we will take questions.
00:06 Just raise your hand and we'll take your questions
00:08 for about 15 minutes.
00:09 Coach.
00:10 - It's an exciting day for the program, man.
00:12 We just got a chance to wrap up our 24 class.
00:15 I'm just extremely excited, thankful all our coaches, man,
00:19 all the support staff, Coach Robinson, Coach Nick,
00:22 Coach Nuns, I mean, you guys just did an amazing job.
00:25 And anyone else that I may forget,
00:26 I'm not trying to forget you,
00:27 but just each and every coach, man,
00:29 you guys put all the effort in and done everything
00:32 and it won't go unnoticed.
00:34 I just really appreciate you guys.
00:35 - And we'll take questions out by raising your hand.
00:39 Please mute when you are not on for the question.
00:43 Tommy, start us off.
00:46 - Hey, Fran, appreciate you making the time, man.
00:51 - Oh, my man, Tommy, what's up, man?
00:53 - And I know it's probably been crazy for you
00:56 to pull off what you pulled off.
00:57 How'd you do it?
01:00 - Can you hear me?
01:02 - Yeah, can you hear me?
01:03 - What's up, Tommy?
01:04 We've known each other for some time.
01:06 How you doing?
01:07 - Doing well, man.
01:07 How are you?
01:08 Appreciate it.
01:09 - I can't complain, man.
01:10 Dark, that's really how.
01:13 And a great staff that believed in it probably more than me,
01:18 you know, and just continued to push.
01:21 And, you know, we're getting not exactly
01:23 where we want to be because we're super competitive,
01:25 but I think all the guys were detailed.
01:27 They held each other accountable, including myself.
01:30 Relentless and just toughness, you know what I mean?
01:32 And we just done that.
01:33 And that's really how we got it done
01:35 because everybody believes in the culture.
01:37 The kids bought into the culture
01:39 and, you know, we're able to do some things
01:41 and we still got a little more to come though.
01:43 Not done yet.
01:44 - Chris.
01:48 - Fran, I wondered if you'd talk a little bit
01:52 about recruiting a quarterback out of the transfer portal.
01:56 And did you need to get the agreement
01:59 that the wide receivers would come here
02:01 to make it an appealing place for Kyle?
02:03 Did you need him in place to get the wide receivers to come?
02:05 How did you work all that out?
02:07 - I was just talking to him, you know,
02:08 I just wanted to get Kyle to come home.
02:10 Kyle wanted to get back home.
02:13 This was a place on Kyle's mind,
02:14 just as soon as he hit the portal,
02:16 as soon as he hit it and it was announced that he was there.
02:20 We reached out, Kyle reached back out
02:21 and then went back and forth.
02:22 And we just continuously communicated
02:25 and just talked to each other.
02:26 And I've known Kyle since he played little league football.
02:29 So this isn't just like a fresh thing where it's like,
02:32 oh, snap, let's see if this could be a place.
02:34 We've known each other,
02:35 just he's played with our offensive coordinator's son.
02:38 Coach Nuns is known to be a good quarterback coach,
02:42 but I've known Kyle's father.
02:43 Kyle's father and my wife worked in the same hospital.
02:47 You know, when she was finishing up her clinicals,
02:49 she kind of got a chance to know them.
02:51 So this wasn't just a thing that was like,
02:54 oh, we should try it and go and do it.
02:55 It was like, okay, Kyle wanted to come back home
02:58 and he wanted to come where he will be truly,
03:00 truly appreciated and understood
03:03 how good of a quarterback he is and some things.
03:05 And we felt as though he's the guy that we can get
03:08 to really lead this program
03:09 to where we need to take it off to,
03:11 so it can be a program and not just a team.
03:14 And I don't think there will be a better quarterback
03:16 out there in the country right now
03:18 that would have been able to come and do this for us.
03:21 - Thank you.
03:23 Mario?
03:25 - Hi, Coach.
03:28 Everyone sees the pictures of the Ferraris,
03:30 the Hibachi dinners in the dome.
03:32 Was there a big emphasis when you took the job
03:36 with John Wilde Hack about, you know,
03:39 making a splash right away with things like this?
03:41 How did that go about and happen?
03:43 - That was just a bright ideals from Coach Devin Red
03:47 and another guy, Ghalil,
03:51 who runs our recruiting department.
03:52 Those guys are just magnificent
03:55 and we wouldn't have been able to do anything without them.
03:57 And those guys had all those ideals.
04:00 Mine is just honesty and dark.
04:02 You know, I'm just a straightforward.
04:04 I don't have time for all that other stuff like that.
04:06 That was their ideals and they know what the kids like.
04:09 They know what my son likes.
04:10 So, you know, whatever it was that we need to do,
04:13 and that's just a night of excitement,
04:15 but that wasn't what made everybody want to come here.
04:18 They want to come here
04:19 because we got really good physician coaches.
04:20 They want to come here
04:21 because we have a great athletic director.
04:24 Our chancellor is behind the program a lot.
04:26 They see all the things that are being done.
04:27 So that was just a little piece of it,
04:30 but it had no, like, it wasn't like why they wanted to come.
04:33 They wanted to come because they got a chance to listen
04:35 to the heads of our academic departments
04:37 and they hear their plan and they hear my vision
04:40 of what it takes to go and be successful.
04:42 So, you know, with all the bells and the whistle,
04:44 that's cool and that's what you guys see.
04:46 But when they come here,
04:47 they understand and know like, oh, snap, that's success.
04:51 When you can have that vision
04:52 and you can see what success is already before you get to it,
04:56 kids want it and they're up to the challenge
04:58 of being coached hard,
05:00 being held accountable for everything
05:02 that you're going at, you do.
05:03 So I think that's why they come
05:05 and every kid that's committed here,
05:06 they know that this is going to be a challenge for them.
05:08 It's going to be the hardest thing
05:09 that they've ever went through in their entire life,
05:11 but at the end of the day,
05:14 they're going to make out and be where they want to be.
05:17 - Thank you, Coach.
05:18 - Yeah.
05:19 - Josh?
05:21 - Coach Brown, just want to know
05:23 with some of the weaknesses that you identified,
05:25 you know, from last year's roster,
05:27 was there a certain position group that you prioritized,
05:29 whether on the high school slate or in the portal?
05:34 - I wouldn't necessarily say that.
05:38 I would say that it was important
05:39 that we got a really good strength coach.
05:41 It was important that our strength coach,
05:43 Cam, and I got a guy that I think is very detailed.
05:45 He's tough, he's smart, he understands what to do.
05:48 Him and both of our strength coaches,
05:50 you know, those two guys are amazing.
05:52 And I think they got some assistance
05:54 that understand what it takes to go be successful,
05:57 what it takes to win in the fourth quarter.
06:00 That was really important to me.
06:01 And I mean, just like earlier, you know, we want to win.
06:04 And it was important to go get the quarterback.
06:06 You know what I mean?
06:07 It was important to get a pass rusher.
06:08 And I think we've done those things
06:10 because on any football team,
06:11 you want to make sure you got good offense alignment,
06:13 a tackle, you want to make sure you got a receiver,
06:15 which we went and got.
06:16 You want to make sure you have a pass rusher.
06:20 You know, and then we got a quarterback.
06:22 So we got all those pieces.
06:23 We got the pieces that it takes to have a good football team.
06:26 Got some corners, you know, you got everything.
06:28 I think we went and touched a little of everything
06:30 that was needed to touch.
06:32 But the main thing to me
06:33 was the strength and conditioning coach.
06:36 Getting Coach Chad Smith here was a big help.
06:39 Jordan Barber, we were really excited
06:41 about getting those two guys.
06:42 - Thank you, Coach.
06:46 - Jesse?
06:48 - Hey, Coach.
06:49 Thanks again for the time.
06:50 Appreciate it.
06:50 You got a lot of talented guys coming in here next year.
06:54 Just what is the most exciting part
06:56 about this recruiting class?
06:58 You know, the first one that you bring here to Syracuse?
07:01 - Practice.
07:02 Just can't wait for practice.
07:03 I can't wait to get out there and practice.
07:05 I can't wait to be in the weight room, just competing.
07:07 Like, I want to compete.
07:09 I can't wait for them to get here
07:11 and understand the level of competitiveness
07:13 that it's going to be.
07:14 And that's what I'm looking forward to.
07:15 The level of competitiveness that it's going to be.
07:18 And that's day in and day out.
07:20 We compete in the class.
07:21 We're going to compete on the football field.
07:23 And there's no time for waiting.
07:25 That's the one piece that I'm excited about.
07:27 I can't wait for practice.
07:28 Everybody's looking for that.
07:29 I don't care about the season.
07:31 Season's going to handle itself when it comes.
07:32 I can't wait till January 16th.
07:34 That's our first lift.
07:36 On January 15th at 5 p.m., we got a meeting.
07:39 And that meeting is going to set the tone
07:40 for that first lift tomorrow.
07:41 And we are going to compete.
07:43 Like, I'm one of those type of guys.
07:45 I'm going to wait for this break.
07:47 But I can't wait to practice.
07:48 You know, that's what I'm looking for,
07:49 practice and waiting.
07:50 - Thanks, Coach.
07:54 Dan?
07:56 - Coach, you're all about relationships
07:59 and building those connections.
08:01 There's people that are relationship-driven
08:03 and there's people that are transactional.
08:05 Just what you can say about those relationships
08:07 that you have built to get these student-athletes
08:10 to flip from where they were committed to,
08:12 to leave the schools that they were at.
08:14 What are some of those relationships
08:16 that go beyond simply trying to tell somebody
08:19 what they want to hear?
08:21 - It's just honesty.
08:22 I think my name speaks for itself
08:23 when it comes to where we're at,
08:26 this part of the, you know,
08:28 atmosphere being up here on the East Coast.
08:31 Just being up here in the Northeast,
08:32 this is, it's my backyard.
08:35 So they all know who I am.
08:36 They know where I come from.
08:38 They watch, some of their parents watch me
08:39 from being a little high school kid
08:41 to growing up to the man that I am right now
08:43 as a husband.
08:44 And when you see all those things
08:45 and you see who I am and my faith,
08:47 you see how I am as a husband, as a father,
08:50 you know, and then as a football coach,
08:51 when it comes down to how I'm involved with my players,
08:55 how I stay on top of my players
08:57 and where we're just in it together.
08:59 And I'm not just a coach that I'm looking for
09:02 everything for me,
09:04 kind of trying to make sure that I get them done.
09:05 'Cause if I get the kid to accomplish that degree,
09:08 I get the kid to accomplish being a draft pick.
09:11 I get the kid to accomplish being a good man
09:13 in the community.
09:15 Then it's a great chance to have what I want
09:16 later on in life is going to come.
09:18 - Wyatt.
09:22 - Thanks for your time, coach.
09:25 I was wondering,
09:27 I know that you've promoted both Athlete 2 Care
09:30 and Orange United.
09:31 I was wondering if you can talk about the conversations
09:33 that you've had with those groups
09:34 and you're just, you know, your general approach to NIL.
09:38 - I don't even really have conversations with them.
09:39 You know, we got other people that's involved in that
09:41 and do it.
09:42 I don't really have conversation with those guys.
09:44 I just really focus on the football aspect of it,
09:46 of getting guys to come in.
09:48 Of course, every university has it now.
09:50 If you don't have it, then it's going to be hard,
09:52 but I don't really conversate with those guys like that.
09:54 I kind of try to stay away from that.
09:56 You know, my thing is to lock in on the football,
09:59 locking on the coaches and the full-time staff
10:02 and the player himself of being developed
10:04 on the football field and in the classroom.
10:06 So I kind of stay away from that.
10:08 We have someone that does that.
10:09 That's not my area.
10:12 - Griffin.
10:16 - Hey, Coach.
10:18 You brought a lot of talented guys into the program today,
10:22 but one that really sticks out to me is King Joseph
10:24 and how you were able to flip his commitment.
10:26 How did that all transpire for him to now
10:29 be a part of your program?
10:30 - Well, it started when I first got down to Georgia.
10:33 I went to a camp.
10:34 I took my son to a camp and he was at the same camp
10:37 and I watched him there
10:38 and I was just seeing him move.
10:39 And then when I went to Georgia,
10:41 I said, "There was this kid that was out there at this camp.
10:43 He had on like number 35, his underarm cap."
10:45 Said, "It was pretty good, y'all."
10:47 They watched him and we liked him there
10:49 and he was coming up and kind of went through.
10:51 And, you know, he's a big recruit.
10:53 Everybody trying to recruit him.
10:54 There's a bunch of stuff going on.
10:55 So I kept a good relationship with him
10:58 and I talked to him about life.
11:00 And our relationship, it just overtook everything else.
11:04 Like nothing else really mattered
11:05 with the relationship I have with him.
11:08 The relationship I grew with his mom,
11:10 the relationship that his mom and my wife
11:13 had with each other just, you know,
11:14 'cause they're both in the nursing field.
11:16 So when they would come up to Georgia and talk, it was good.
11:18 So then when it came time for me to come
11:20 and get my own program, it was just like, "Yo, what's up?"
11:25 You know what I mean?
11:26 You know what it is.
11:26 Like, "Let's go have some fun."
11:28 You're going to have a guy here that you can learn from,
11:30 be with, you know, and Fidel Diggs.
11:32 And you get to do all this stuff right with him.
11:35 And this would be good if you guys could do this together.
11:37 I think it'd be a big deal.
11:38 'Cause you get to learn from a tough guy
11:40 that plays football the right way.
11:42 And you get to go do that right out of high school.
11:44 So all that was intriguing to him.
11:46 And his mom wants him to get a degree.
11:48 And she knows that I'm going to be on top of him.
11:51 And I know that if I'm not on him,
11:55 then she going to come and cussing me out.
11:57 So I got to make sure that he academically stay right,
11:59 because that's all she cares about.
12:01 All she talks about is he better get his degree.
12:04 He has to get his degree.
12:05 So that's where we are.
12:07 - Thank you, Coach.
12:08 - Coach, obviously you brought in a lot of your own recruits,
12:14 but you also managed to maintain some of those
12:16 that were committed here before you took over.
12:19 Jamie Tremble, Ja'Kari Williams, two of the big ones.
12:22 What were those conversations like
12:23 knowing that they maybe were initially promised
12:26 a different vision than the one you currently have
12:28 for the program?
12:29 And what was the conversation like keeping them on board?
12:33 - I just think that my vision was clear.
12:36 They could see it.
12:37 They understood what it was.
12:38 I think Ja'Kari will have opportunities
12:40 to be the future of this program.
12:42 You know, I sat there and I talked with him.
12:44 Jamie's a freak show.
12:46 You know, I watched Jamie when I was down in Georgia.
12:48 I mean, we were interested in Jamie there.
12:50 So I mean, he's just a freak athlete.
12:52 He can do a lot.
12:54 You know, he's going to be a tight end,
12:56 but he's also going to go out wide.
12:57 You know, he's going to do a lot with him.
12:59 So you got to be able to use his athletic ability.
13:02 Just, I mean, you don't find a lot of guys like that.
13:04 And I mean, look at his pedigree, right?
13:06 You talk about his dad, his brother, his mom's athlete.
13:10 I mean, the whole family's athletic, you know?
13:13 So, I mean, he's just a freak show.
13:15 So, you know, we were able to continue
13:17 to show them a vision.
13:18 The vision was clear.
13:20 They understood what our tight ends coach,
13:21 Coach Mike Johnson, who's been,
13:23 he was our co-offensive coordinator,
13:25 but he's been an offensive coordinator for the 49ers,
13:27 been an offensive coordinator for the Atlanta Falcons.
13:30 And them being able to understand
13:32 and know he's going to be able to develop, you know,
13:34 and then you get a chance to come and learn under Arunden,
13:37 who's a really good football player also.
13:39 So there's a lot that we have to offer.
13:42 And he's a very, very intelligent kid.
13:46 So he dotted all his I's, crossed all the T's,
13:50 went through everything the right way.
13:52 Moms drilled me and asked me a lot of questions.
13:55 And, you know, all the questions just continue
13:57 to come up the right way.
13:58 She's a very intelligent woman.
14:00 So she can ask you the same question
14:02 in seven different ways.
14:03 You better have the same answer.
14:04 So it was pretty cool with them.
14:06 I enjoyed just getting to learn and know them.
14:09 And we're still getting to learn and know each other.
14:11 You know, we still got more time,
14:12 so, but I'm excited about them.
14:14 - Thank you.
14:16 - Emily.
14:18 - Hey, Fran, you mentioned earlier,
14:20 there's obviously still work to do in this class.
14:22 I'm just curious, kind of,
14:23 if there's anything in particular
14:25 you're going to be looking for
14:26 in the next kind of month and a half
14:27 before the February signing day,
14:30 or if that will kind of depend on transfer portal activity
14:33 and who else maybe leaves the current roster.
14:36 - All I'm going to say, Emily,
14:37 is I'm going to look for good football players.
14:40 Good football players.
14:41 They're out there.
14:43 We're going to tell them what our vision is
14:44 and what we're going to do here.
14:45 We're going to explain dark to them
14:48 and see if they like it.
14:49 But I wouldn't give you too much more.
14:50 If I give you my secrets,
14:52 then it wouldn't be secrets, right?
14:54 So, but we're going to get good football players.
14:56 I can promise you that, all right?
14:58 - Thank you.
15:00 - Back to Josh.
15:02 - I was kind of like what Emily was saying.
15:05 There's a lot of player movement,
15:07 either on your side, but also with guys,
15:09 you know, potentially sitting at the bowl
15:11 or potentially ending their college career.
15:13 Which recruit players did you emphasize
15:15 or did you kind of prioritize replacing guys
15:18 that may leave the program?
15:20 - No, I just came out,
15:22 just looked at the roster and seeing what we needed.
15:24 You know, what was in depth
15:25 and then what were game changers.
15:28 Look for what's needed and then game changers.
15:31 So I saw what was needed.
15:33 Okay, who could be a game changer for us?
15:35 Who can help us and get changed the game
15:37 and go from there, you know?
15:38 So that's all we really did was just looked at the roster.
15:41 We know what we need.
15:42 Okay, now who's a game changer?
15:43 'Cause game changers, you got to get those guys
15:45 when they come, 'cause they don't often come a lot.
15:47 You know, we wanted to get those guys.
15:49 And then we wanted program builders,
15:51 guys that we believe can play football really well,
15:54 but are extremely tough
15:55 and will help you build a program
15:57 like Jackson Meeks.
15:58 That'll be coming here as a tough guy.
16:00 You know, can catch his butt off,
16:02 run routes, do all that well, block,
16:04 but he's going to show guys in that receiving room.
16:07 And I'm not saying they don't know how,
16:08 'cause a lot of guys take everything personal,
16:10 but I think he's a tough guy
16:12 and he's going to show guys how to practice.
16:13 This is what practice looks like, if that makes sense.
16:16 So, that's it.
16:19 - Thank you, coach.
16:20 - No problem, man.
16:21 - We're going to take a couple more for coach.
16:24 Yeah, we'll start with Chris.
16:26 - Ryan, one of the most difficult things
16:28 whenever there's a coaching change
16:29 is there are some people that committed
16:32 to the previous coach that don't stay committed
16:35 or decommit.
16:38 What were your conversations like
16:40 with kind of the six or seven kids
16:41 that chose to decommit?
16:43 - It was a mutual agreement most of the time.
16:45 You know what I mean?
16:46 Sometimes on my part, sometimes there.
16:48 I'd rather not say whose part it was,
16:50 but at the end of the day,
16:51 it becomes a mutual agreement
16:52 because we have to do what's best for the team.
16:54 We have to do what's best for them.
16:56 And then I have to do what's best for Syracuse University.
17:00 So, I mean, it's never a good thing
17:02 for someone to not leave.
17:04 My thing is I just want to make sure
17:05 that they have a place to go.
17:08 When I know they'll have a place to go,
17:10 then okay, y'all be cool.
17:11 We'll get them somewhere.
17:12 Coaches say they'll get them somewhere.
17:14 Great, you say you'll get them somewhere.
17:16 I'm straight, let's make our moves now.
17:18 And then vice versa, you know.
17:19 We want to make sure we got some guys to get,
17:21 but we don't worry about,
17:22 they shouldn't worry if we can get a guy.
17:24 I'll tell them, hey, we're big boys.
17:26 We'll handle our business.
17:27 You know, so I'll just try to say
17:29 all those were mutual agreements.
17:31 And better yet, you could say that they just wanted to leave
17:33 and not want to be here for it to be,
17:35 you know, the right thing to say
17:36 out of respect for everyone that didn't end up staying.
17:39 Knowing those guys went on to do what they felt was better
17:42 for their career and to further along their education.
17:46 - Thank you.
17:48 - Yeah.
17:49 - Tommy.
17:51 - Tray, I've heard from, you know,
17:53 and seen on social media,
17:54 some lifelong Syracuse fans saying
17:56 this is the most excited and invested
17:59 they felt in this program since,
18:01 you know, more than 20 years, since the McNabb years.
18:04 What's it like knowing that you've created that buzz
18:07 and that this fan base largely matches
18:10 the excitement you're feeling?
18:11 - First off, I didn't do it.
18:13 My staff and myself and these players
18:16 that are already here on the team,
18:18 they kind of created it.
18:19 And I just came in and jumped on
18:20 and seen something and seen a way that we can go,
18:23 had a different vision.
18:24 And we all like decided, myself, Coach Robinson,
18:28 we all just got together, like,
18:29 "Yo, this the move.
18:30 This is how we got to do it.
18:31 Let's go get it.
18:32 Let's do it this way.
18:32 Let's impact.
18:33 Let's move off of this."
18:34 I got some creative thoughts.
18:36 The other guys had creative thoughts.
18:37 And, you know, we got a great creative team.
18:39 Like, they do a good job of putting the picture out there
18:42 so you guys can all feel like you're right there with us
18:45 and taking every step of the way.
18:46 So, I mean, I don't think you could ever just say,
18:49 "This was me.
18:50 I happened to sit in the seat."
18:51 But there's so many people behind the scenes
18:54 that are just intelligent, like I tell them all.
18:57 I'm happy you guys are all here
18:58 'cause you guys have the IQs.
18:59 I have really, really high IQs.
19:01 I'm just a good decision-maker.
19:03 So I can use your IQs and make good decisions.
19:05 And then we put this thing all together
19:07 and I think we're going to have something special.
19:09 - Jesse?
19:13 - Coach, I know today is obviously an exciting day.
19:18 Tomorrow, probably just as exciting
19:20 as the bowl game.
19:21 Just what are you looking forward to the most
19:23 seeing, you know, kind of how this roster
19:26 that as is fares tomorrow night?
19:29 - Honestly, what I'm excited for,
19:32 I want them to go play and win.
19:34 Like, I can't wait to see Coach Nunes get another one.
19:37 I mean, like, that's big to me 'cause, like, that's my guy.
19:39 Like, me and Coach Nunes are really, really close.
19:42 We got a chance to work at another institution together.
19:45 I mean, we look at it like he's a tight guy
19:48 from up North Jersey.
19:50 I'm from South Jersey.
19:51 We got together and, like, that's my man, you know?
19:53 So, like, me and him have a really, really good relationship.
19:56 Our wives are good friends.
19:58 Our children are.
19:59 Like, I respect that last name, you know,
20:01 just the Campanellis itself for football in New Jersey.
20:05 So I want to see that.
20:07 But I can't wait until 11.30 p.m. at night
20:11 when I'd have a chance to sit in front of that team
20:14 and it's finally I'm the head football coach
20:18 of that team completely.
20:20 And I got some mid-year guys that got the chance to come in
20:23 and they're working out early and doing all that.
20:26 And I'm going to have the other guys on the Zoom,
20:29 and it's time to go to work.
20:30 Like, even just talking to you about it right now,
20:32 like, I just can't wait for that.
20:33 Like, I'm excited.
20:34 I've been waiting my entire life
20:37 for that opportunity and that moment,
20:38 and I'm going to seize it.
20:41 I'm going to be excited about it.
20:43 And then we're going to go to work.
20:44 I'm telling you guys, go home, relax.
20:47 January 15th, it's on.
20:50 You know, and I'm ready to work,
20:51 but I can't wait till 11.36 that night, guys.
20:55 Like, that's all I'm thinking about.
20:57 But I want them to win.
20:58 I want to see that, Coach Nunes, and for the players.
21:00 Like, they deserve it.
21:01 They're down here.
21:02 I mean, they're handling themselves like men,
21:04 doing everything they're supposed to.
21:05 I'm watching them going in and out.
21:07 I done changed the rules.
21:08 No hats in the building.
21:09 So I see when I see them, they kind of see me coming.
21:11 They're taking their hats off,
21:13 taking their bandanas off and things of that nature.
21:15 So I just respect the way they're working, you know?
21:18 And I know it's different,
21:19 because I'm not actually coaching,
21:20 but I'm walking up and down the sidelines
21:22 and watching little things.
21:24 Hey, Lock-in, you're supposed to be watching this.
21:25 Hey, you're supposed to do that.
21:26 Just all the things that I've learned
21:27 over the years of coaching.
21:29 I get a chance to sit back and watch it.
21:31 And man, like I said to you,
21:33 at the end of the night, 11.30 plus,
21:36 if you can have a camera there,
21:37 you should be there and have a camera,
21:38 because I'm excited about it, bro.
21:40 I get a chance to do something
21:42 that only 30 other people got a chance to do at this school.
21:46 I'm the 30th person, so I got to do it the right way.
21:49 - Dan?
21:52 - Coach, you talk about when that moment happens,
21:56 this will officially all be your team,
21:58 but this was your first National Signing Day
22:01 where you're the head coach.
22:02 You got to put your staff together in these last few weeks,
22:05 got to put this class together as well.
22:07 Just what all of this has been like for you,
22:09 because there's only going to be one time
22:11 that you get to experience this for the first time.
22:13 So how have these last few weeks been through your eyes?
22:16 - It's been fun.
22:17 I'm competitive, so I'm trying to compete.
22:19 I see what we had in different rankings
22:21 and things of that nature.
22:22 I mean, you don't care.
22:23 I just want to get the best players,
22:24 but I want to compete.
22:26 I want to be number one in everything we do.
22:29 Like, I do not, like the one thing I learned
22:30 from Coach Smart is that we will not be hunted.
22:33 We will do the hunt.
22:36 So like, I want to make sure that's understood.
22:38 Like, I didn't go down there
22:40 and hang with Coach Smart and Brush Champion,
22:41 those guys for two years,
22:43 to come back and just make it okay.
22:44 Nah, I got one goal, one thing.
22:47 Well, two things, I have two goals for our players.
22:49 I want to make sure they all get educated and get a degree.
22:52 And I want to win a national championship.
22:54 When I get to do those two things,
22:56 then you will see, okay, he's happy now.
22:58 Like, he's extremely excited.
22:59 I'm going to enjoy it along the way,
23:01 because I got a wife and kids and they need to enjoy it.
23:04 But I'm here to help these kids get educated
23:05 and win a national championship.
23:07 And if we can do those two things,
23:09 all the other stuff that comes in between,
23:12 I know it'll work itself out.
23:13 All the individual goals, all the coaches I have,
23:15 they get to come and go, go be head coaches,
23:17 players get drafted, all that stuff.
23:19 Like, that's exciting.
23:20 And we're going to celebrate those things when it happens.
23:22 But my goals, educated, national championship.
23:27 So all this along the way is just what I pray for.
23:31 And God has put it in my place.
23:32 So there's never nothing that's too much.
23:34 I bet you drinking out of water holes,
23:36 I hear all these sayings like,
23:38 no, it's just whatever you give to me.
23:39 Like, I'm happy that it's me,
23:40 'cause it could be someone else.
23:42 I'm happy that the AD chose me to be the head coach.
23:44 I'm happy the chancellor took the time
23:46 to sit down with me and is happy about that.
23:48 I'm happy that all the alumni are saying
23:51 that we're coming back and want to be involved more
23:53 and want to get around.
23:54 And they're doing that because of myself,
23:56 because that means the man above chose me to go do it.
23:58 And I know if he chose me to do it,
24:00 that I can do it as long as I keep them first.
24:03 And it'll all work itself out.
24:06 - And then last person, another hand raised
24:07 when we call for a few more is Griffin.
24:08 So if you could finish us off, Griffin.
24:10 - We'll just finish with 12-3.
24:11 One, two, three, and then we'll be done.
24:13 So that way we can show.
24:15 - Yeah, coach.
24:16 Non-football related question for you.
24:18 How has your family transitioned
24:20 to this new chapter in your guys' lives?
24:22 - My sons love it.
24:24 My wife cussed me out like normal.
24:25 So everything's straight.
24:26 It's the same thing.
24:27 You know what I mean?
24:28 You know what I mean?
24:29 I enjoy it, though.
24:31 I mean, they've been fine.
24:34 My grandmother lives with us.
24:35 My grandmother's 86 years old.
24:36 So she stays with us.
24:37 We got three dogs.
24:38 I got a Yorkie, a Portakali, and a little Frenchie.
24:42 So just getting to go home.
24:43 Like I haven't been able to go home.
24:45 I was home with my daughter.
24:46 She's been telling me every day,
24:48 "Hi, Dada, I love you, Dada.
24:49 "Come see me, Dada."
24:50 So like just hearing her say that like warms me up.
24:53 But I mean, it's been fun, but I do miss them.
24:57 But then I also know like there's a reason that I'm doing it,
24:59 which is why I go so hard at this,
25:01 because I'm not giving that time to them
25:03 that some normal families get.
25:06 You know, our family's a little different
25:07 because I am a coach and I understand that.
25:09 So I try to make sure I can give them the time that's needed.
25:12 And my wife definitely tells me when I'm not,
25:15 and when I'm not focused.
25:16 So I mean, I hear it a little bit.
25:18 I heard it once and I said, "Okay, let me knock it in.
25:20 "I'm sorry, I love you.
25:21 "You did not send that text.
25:22 "I love you so much.
25:23 "I'm so thankful for you."
25:24 Just to kiss up so that way she don't be too mad at me
25:27 when she sees me.
25:29 That's a good question, man.
25:30 Thank you for asking me that, though.
25:31 - Good job.
25:33 - Thanks, Griffin.
25:34 - Last two, Chris, then Josh.
25:36 - Bran, obviously, like with any coaching change,
25:41 there have been a number of young men
25:43 that have gone into the transfer portal.
25:46 Have you talked to everybody?
25:48 And do you think like we're sort of through that wave
25:50 or do you think there's another wave, you know,
25:52 to come as you have these conversations?
25:55 - You never know.
25:56 You never know how kids feel, what they get,
25:59 or it just might be a certain conversation
26:01 that they think you had with somebody else
26:03 and you didn't have that with me or you never know.
26:05 I mean, I'll be prepared for it.
26:07 You know, I won't be there.
26:08 The transfer portal will benefit us from here on out.
26:12 Like, I'm not worrying about that.
26:14 Like, I told the guys when we first got here,
26:16 listen, I will not be held hostage.
26:18 I'm here because I can recruit.
26:21 So therefore, I'm not worrying about the transfer portal
26:25 like that because if you don't wanna be here,
26:27 why would I try to hold you here to prolong something
26:31 that's gonna eventually happen
26:32 or to not allow you to be happy?
26:34 You're a young man that's 17 to 23 years old
26:38 and you're not happy.
26:40 So that must mean something's going on up top, right?
26:42 So why would I want you to stay and not be happy
26:45 when you wanna go on a portal and you wanna do this?
26:47 We need to figure it out, myself, your parents, and you.
26:51 Let's all get together and let's see
26:52 what's the best solution.
26:54 And if staying here is the best solution,
26:55 as long as we can make sure your mental
26:57 is where it needs to be, then we can do that.
27:00 But if this isn't the best solution,
27:02 no matter who you are, I think you need to go
27:05 so that way you can have the right mental.
27:07 'Cause if you don't have the right mental,
27:08 you're not gonna be good, period, for yourself
27:10 or for anyone.
27:11 So I don't really worry about the portal.
27:14 No, it's not over.
27:15 Somebody's gonna go on a portal again from every team.
27:19 I mean, it's inevitable now.
27:21 They're gonna go.
27:22 Somebody gonna come and try to tell me
27:23 that they need more money
27:25 and you need to talk to the collective for me,
27:27 Coach Fran.
27:27 I'm gonna say I can't.
27:29 I don't like talking to them.
27:30 I'm not doing that.
27:31 So it's gonna be different things that happen
27:32 and guys don't wanna go on the portal.
27:34 And then it's gonna be other guys that wanna come.
27:36 At the end of the day,
27:37 we're gonna coach the guys that's here.
27:39 And we're gonna coach them extremely hard
27:41 and have fun doing it.
27:42 And they're gonna have fun and we're gonna win.
27:43 So if you wanna win, come to CUBES.
27:46 - Thanks.
27:48 - Josh, if you could finish us up.
27:51 - First, Coach, I wanna say,
27:53 I'm gonna speak for everybody and say,
27:55 thank you for being so transparent
27:56 and amenable with your time.
27:57 I think we all really appreciate that.
27:59 Having been through a coaching transition myself
28:01 at a D1 level,
28:02 how has it been for you implementing your culture,
28:05 talking about the no hats, no do-rags in the building,
28:07 in the football program also,
28:09 as you've been intentional about the community at large?
28:12 - I mean, it's been cool 'cause DART is our piece, right?
28:15 So, you know, detail, accountable,
28:16 we're not missing touch.
28:17 You know, we sticking with that.
28:18 That's what it is.
28:19 We won't bend.
28:20 You know what I mean?
28:21 We won't break on that at all.
28:22 So it is, are you committed?
28:26 Do you care?
28:28 Can I trust you?
28:29 I'm always asked those three things about everything.
28:31 You know what I mean?
28:32 Ask those three things.
28:33 I mean, and so once I ask you that,
28:36 and once I figure that out,
28:37 and once we find that, is he committed?
28:39 Does he care?
28:39 Do we trust him?
28:41 So then that helps.
28:41 And the guys know that and they see that.
28:43 But one thing, like, I've always lived my life of,
28:46 you gotta have a hat off when you go in the building.
28:49 You can't have on a do-rag, a wave cap.
28:51 You can't have that on when you go in the building.
28:53 You know, there's certain things that you just don't do.
28:54 So like, some of those don't do's,
28:56 it's like with me, like with me,
28:57 me and my wife and all of us sit down and eat.
28:59 When I eat, I won't drink until after I'm done all my food,
29:02 because that's how it was when I was little.
29:04 And I'm just programmed that way.
29:05 So like, I'll eat all of my food first,
29:07 and then I'm gonna drink my juice, or drink water.
29:09 'Cause if I didn't eat all my food when I was younger,
29:11 I wasn't getting no juice.
29:13 So it's just kind of like what the rules were,
29:15 and I'm just kind of following the rules.
29:17 Like, hey, you can't be in a hat in the building,
29:19 'cause I want you to get a job,
29:20 and I want you to know how to do certain things
29:22 in the real world where it goes that way.
29:24 And why am I so detailed about practice?
29:26 Because Kirby Smart told me that winning is in the details.
29:30 So I pay attention to all the little details,
29:32 'cause all the little details
29:33 is what helps me get in the championship.
29:35 And I got a national championship, right?
29:37 Which most people don't have.
29:39 A SEC championship, right?
29:40 Which most people don't have, and I've been able to do that.
29:43 So the culture isn't hard to install.
29:48 You just gotta be consistent,
29:49 'cause all I know is my culture.
29:51 I don't know what their culture was.
29:53 I just know you're not following my culture.
29:55 Yeah, I don't really care about what it was.
29:57 Don't tell me anything bad about your coach,
29:59 'cause I think he was a great man, and he brought you here.
30:01 What I care about is you're not following D.A.R.T.
30:04 And at this moment, I don't think you're committed.
30:06 I don't think you care, and I can't trust you.
30:10 So I won't change on that,
30:12 but I'm gonna be just as cool as they are.
30:14 Like, right now, I got this whole little Gucci belt on.
30:16 I'm sitting here chilling.
30:16 I'm gonna wear the same things you wear.
30:18 We're gonna have the same mindset.
30:20 But when you disrespect D.A.R.T., you got a problem.
30:24 Thank you.
