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  • 去年
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00:00 Oh my goodness, I am shocked.
00:02 I'm not going to answer that one because I know it's going to be used against me in the future.
00:08 (Hit)
00:09 (Hit)
00:12 (Hit)
00:14 Hello, I am the director of Hollywood, James Wan, Catherine Kai Xin.
00:25 Yes, another breakthrough in my life.
00:27 I believe everyone knows who James Wan is.
00:30 But I still want to let you know that he is the director of Conjuring, Insidious and Aquaman.
00:36 Yes, today is the day that Aquaman is going to be released in Malaysia.
00:40 So the film company is holding a media conference.
00:44 And I am one of the invited members.
00:47 I represent Gou Xuan.
00:48 Oh, there is a friend.
00:50 Come here.
00:51 I represent Gou Xuan to attend the media conference.
00:56 It's also the first time I attend a media conference in my life.
00:58 So I will take you to see what the media conference of Aquaman looks like.
01:03 Let's go!
01:04 (Media Conference)
01:07 I just finished registering, so I got my media pass.
01:10 And this Aquaman's goodies.
01:13 I won't tell you what's inside.
01:16 Let's go inside.
01:17 Wow, what a well-made entrance.
01:29 And my idol, Jason Mourad.
01:32 Wow, I just realized that there is a jellyfish on the ceiling.
01:36 When I saw this design, I have a lot of expectations for the movie.
01:42 Oh yeah, we are now in the IMAX hall.
01:52 Look, it's very strict.
01:53 They will put the phone in a sealed bag.
01:57 And later, they will have an interpretation of Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.
02:02 It's my first time experiencing this.
02:04 So I'm not sure what the movie will be like.
02:06 Let's look forward to it.
02:07 The specification is very serious.
02:08 Look, they also provide us with 3D glasses.
02:26 Wow, there is a photo session.
02:28 You can take photos with James Wan.
02:31 We just entered the cinema.
02:33 We are the first group of audience who entered the IMAX movie hall.
02:38 We watched the 15-minute clip.
02:42 I felt that it was very tight.
02:44 And the footage was very shocking.
02:47 So, remember to watch this movie on 21st.
02:50 And I realized that the media conference today
02:53 has friends from all over the world.
02:56 Including Korea, India, Hong Kong, Cambodia, and Malaysia.
03:03 So I just saw the media friends and James Wan, the director,
03:07 just chatted briefly.
03:09 And when I saw him in person, I was nervous.
03:11 Because later, I will have my first one-on-one English interview in my life.
03:17 Come on, Catfish!
03:19 I hope I won't be nervous.
03:21 Yeah, come on, let's speak in English.
03:26 I'm nervous.
03:27 I'm nervous.
03:32 Hey, hi!
03:38 I'm going to speak in English.
03:43 Hi, I'm Catfish.
03:44 Hi, I'm James Wan.
03:45 We are all first-time viewers.
03:47 And we want to experience...
03:48 Wait, no.
03:49 ...a new experience.
03:54 I'm sorry.
03:55 I'm sorry.
03:56 I'm sorry.
03:57 Why you like that one?
03:58 Sorry.
03:59 Hi, James.
04:07 Hi.
04:08 Let me first introduce myself.
04:09 My name is Catherine Kai Xing.
04:10 And can you use Aquaman style to say hi to Gaoshun listeners?
04:14 Oh my goodness.
04:15 Don't ask me to mimic Jason Momoa.
04:18 He's so larger than life.
04:20 Very face-tone.
04:22 And he's big.
04:24 Hi, everyone.
04:27 Thank you for listening.
04:28 I'm James Wan.
04:29 And I'm here to talk about Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.
04:32 I'm going to give you two options for every question.
04:35 And you're going to pick one preference.
04:37 Okay.
04:38 So, if you can only pick one in the future,
04:41 which genre would you pick?
04:43 Horror movie or superhero movie?
04:46 Just anything to make or to watch?
04:49 To make.
04:50 To make.
04:51 Yes.
04:52 Only one.
04:53 Well, I like to go back and forth.
04:54 So, I've just finished my superhero movie.
04:57 So, naturally, my inclination is to go and do something I haven't done in a while.
05:02 So, I would, given those two choices, I would maybe pick horror.
05:05 Okay.
05:06 So, the next one is Jason Momoa or Patrick Wilson?
05:10 To do what with?
05:13 Yes.
05:14 No, it's just your preference.
05:15 Just to hang out with?
05:16 Yes.
05:17 I like both of them for different things.
05:19 I would say, you know, like, if Jason, if I want to go hang out and drink and just like...
05:23 It's got to be for fun.
05:24 Yeah, just for fun and stuff like that.
05:26 Patrick, if I, you know, like, I kind of want to like geek out about old school movies and stuff like that.
05:32 Yes.
05:33 Okay, I have one question.
05:34 Patrick, you lose weight because of the movie, right?
05:36 Because I saw the 15-minute footage or that's CG?
05:39 I don't want to, you know, give the secret away.
05:41 I think you just have to wait for the movie.
05:43 That would be a spoiler.
05:44 Oh, okay.
05:45 Black Manta or Aquaman?
05:46 Well, I would say because I spent a lot of time with Aquaman already, I would say Black Manta is a really interesting character.
05:53 And I feel like, you know, there is opportunity to explore more about who he is and kind of like where he came from.
06:00 I think that would be really cool.
06:01 So, you mentioned that you have had durian, laksa, so many Malaysian beaches, right?
06:09 Which one would you recommend to Aquaman?
06:11 Laksa or durian?
06:13 Laksa.
06:14 I would say laksa. Why? But there is fish inside.
06:16 Well, get the chicken one. Don't get the seafood one.
06:20 There's chicken one? Chicken laksa?
06:22 Yes.
06:23 I've never tried before.
06:24 You've never had laksa before?
06:25 I had laksa before but never tried the one with chicken.
06:28 Oh my goodness. I am shocked.
06:30 Yes, you can get chicken.
06:32 Or vegetarian. There you go.
06:33 If we must remove one thing from Aquaman, would it be long hair or contact lenses?
06:41 I know Jason would say contact lenses.
06:44 Why?
06:45 Because it gets painful for him to wear those contact lenses after a while.
06:49 What about long hair or beard?
06:51 I think the ladies love his long hair.
06:54 But they also like his beard as well. I don't know.
06:57 I like the way Jason looks clean shaven. So, me personally, I would keep his long hair and clean shaven him.
07:06 Okay, so one last one. This is going to be a tough one.
07:09 A movie with good reviews or a movie with good box office?
07:14 You can only pick one.
07:17 That is... I'm not going to answer that one because I know it's going to be used against me in the future.
07:22 But I thought it's going to be good box office, no?
07:25 I'm going to say no comment to that question.
07:27 Okay, so what kind of review are you expecting from the audience this time?
07:32 I honestly don't know. The movie-going public has changed.
07:39 New generation things keep evolving.
07:43 I think part of what we do in our business is just trying to tell the best stories you can.
07:49 And then whatever happens, happens.
07:51 But as a filmmaker, as an artist, you can only follow your vision.
07:56 And then it's out there. We'll see what happens.
07:59 Whether the world embraces it or tears it apart, who knows?
08:02 Okay, great. Thank you so much.
08:03 Thank you.
08:04 Thanks for having me.
08:05 I've finally completed my first Hollywood interview.
08:09 The director was so nice.
08:11 He let me take a deep breath.
08:13 It felt like I was in a real-life movie.
08:16 The most challenging part for me was the English.
08:19 And the second part was to finish the interview in five minutes.
08:22 It wasn't easy.
08:24 I really wanted to ask more questions or have more fun and interesting interactions.
08:29 But they would count down to one minute and then end.
08:33 I was really anxious.
08:35 But I was honored and happy to interview a director who is so punctual.
08:42 I completed my mission.
08:44 He was also very nice.
08:46 He comforted me when I first interviewed him.
08:48 He said, "Don't worry. I won't make things difficult for you."
08:51 He's a great guy.
08:52 It was a great experience.
08:54 I hope you can go to the cinema to support this movie.
08:57 Because I only got to say, "It was amazing" after watching the 15-minute footage.
09:02 It was amazing.
09:03 It was amazing.
09:06 Remember to subscribe to my channel and turn on the notification.
09:08 Bye.
09:09 (Music)
09:13 (Music)
09:17 (Music)
09:20 (upbeat music)
09:22 (whooshing)
