Football united against Super League - Ceferin

  • last year
UEFA chief Alexander Ceferin says football is united against the idea of a European Super League
00:00 I personally see and we see a decision as a chance to improve some of the regulations.
00:06 But firstly and crucially, football remains united and as evidence you see all of us
00:14 stakeholders speaking together today at the press conference. We have national governments
00:21 and institutions behind us. It's fair to say that the press release issued by the ECJ
00:30 and subsequent media generation does not fully reflect the court's findings.
00:36 In fact, there is a stark contrast between the press statement and the judgment.
00:42 The judgment is actually positive as it embraces the key features of the European football pyramid.
00:50 Open competitions, sporting merit and solidarity. And you have in this press conference
00:57 its governing body and all recognized stakeholders. So the ECJ accepts that UEFA maintains its role
01:07 as organizing and authorizing body. Now a so-called European Super League
01:13 central attack on our dual status was therefore clearly rejected. ECJ decision is based on old
01:23 facts which form basis of questions referred by Madrid court. The old so-called Super League
01:30 project and under old authorization system that's what existed in 2021. The ECJ certainly has not
01:39 given the green light nor approved projects like the so-called Super League. We actually welcome
01:49 the clarity that the ECJ have delivered today including the endorsement of a pre-authorization
01:54 system and UEFA's dual role as organizing and authorizing body. Now the fact is so-called
02:03 European Super League has never requested authorization for its projects. Whatever they
02:08 say differently is not true.
