• 2 years ago
Former Karnataka CM Basavaraj Bommai dissects CM Siddaramaiah's stance on the hijab ban, revealing governance lapses, a development standstill, and public discontent. Watch the full byte for insights.

#KarnatakaPolitics #BasavarajBommai #SiddaramaiahStatement #HijabBan #GovernmentFailures #DevelopmentIssues #CauveryIssue #SupremeCourt #PoliticalStatement


00:00 If you look at the pattern, the Siddhra Maya is doing.
00:07 Initially he said that he will give 10,000 crores to minority
00:12 to divert the entire discussion in the assembly.
00:17 This government has failed on all fronts.
00:20 Congress MLAs themselves are criticizing and they have written letter
00:24 that no funds have been allotted for any development.
00:28 For last six months there is no development at all and everybody is unhappy.
00:34 And all their guarantees have been not fulfilled to the 100%.
00:37 Therefore, there is a discontent among the people.
00:41 Above all there is a drought in the state and there is a Cauvery issue in the state.
00:48 CM, instead of solving all these problems and attending to the drought and people's problems
00:54 and looking into the pathetic condition of the finances,
00:59 he has got a better business to do than raking up this old issue
01:04 which has been in the Supreme Court now.
01:07 It is a matter in the Supreme Court.
01:09 And you should at least have a patience to wait till the decisions of the Supreme Court to come.
01:16 And he is talking of choices.
01:19 Yes, everybody has got a choice, but that doesn't mean that nobody is above law.
01:28 Now why policeman has got inform?
01:32 Why policeman has got inform?
01:35 He is also free to wear what he wants.
01:39 So there is certain decorum, there is certain purpose and discipline.
01:45 The forces should have an inform to identify that they belong to the force
01:52 and they have got their own duties to do and they extract the respect.
01:57 So you can't sweep everything in one broomstick.
02:03 And if Shidramay thinks that he is going to consolidate minority votes in this,
02:10 I don't think that already minorities are with him and the matter is in the Supreme Court.
02:16 And there are a lot of problems on hand and it is foolhardy that this CM is going about.
02:22 And Supreme Court will take cognizance.
02:25 I am sure that Supreme Court will take cognizance of this order.
02:29 And till yesterday the Education Minister was also telling that
02:34 if the matter is in the Supreme Court and we have got a dress code.
02:38 You tell me Shidramaya also had a dress code when he was small.
02:43 Everybody we have gone through that and it is an international thing.
02:49 Secondly, in the countries like Iran, Afghanistan,
02:55 all so-called Islamic countries, women are now fighting for their equality.
03:04 And remove the hijab, but they are asking for liberty.
03:08 So this being the case, I think Shidramaya, it is a political statement
03:14 and he is drying the wedge in the society.
03:18 Right from the young age, from the high school age, he is drying a wedge in the society.
03:25 And this could be taken very seriously by Supreme Court.
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