Mavs Rookie O-Max Prosper Speaks on Career Night vs. Rockets

  • last year
00:00 >> How'd you feel about the overall?
00:04 >> Overall, it always feels good to be able to be out there and just play.
00:11 And I was just coming into the game knowing that I was gonna need to be
00:15 aggressive today with a lot of guys out.
00:18 So I was just gonna be like, let me play as hard as I can and let the results be.
00:23 >> How difficult is it playing a game like this when you don't have your superstar
00:27 backcourt and little grand carry?
00:29 >> It's very hard, I mean, those guys are irreplaceable.
00:31 So just to not have them, and it definitely shows because it's such a big
00:35 part of what we do.
00:36 And today was a big learning experience for the young guys.
00:42 We're able to gain experience.
00:43 Obviously, we didn't get the results we wanted at all.
00:47 But we're gonna learn from this and we're gonna move on to our next game.
00:51 >> You've been in a lot of games recently, but
00:53 it's been like two minutes here, five minutes here, seven minutes there.
00:56 What's the difference?
00:58 How different does it feel in a game like this where you know that you're gonna be
01:01 in there for long stretches and you can get more comfort?
01:05 >> Yeah, I mean, my approach,
01:08 it doesn't change whether I play a lot of minutes or not.
01:11 I mean, I gotta come in, be ready to play whenever my number is called.
01:15 And today I knew that I was gonna be out there for a long time.
01:18 So it was just about being ready and just playing the way I play.
01:22 I don't play any different.
01:23 Whether I play two minutes or 25 minutes, it's just about playing as hard as I can,
01:27 knowing what we're doing defensively, and being a spark for this team.
01:31 And that's just the way my mindset is regardless of how much minutes I play.
01:35 >> How different do you feel from the start of the season to now?
01:38 Just what you've been working on, whether shooting mechanics, whatever.
01:43 What have you seen in your own game that has developed?
01:46 >> The biggest thing is I feel more comfortable out there.
01:49 I have minutes under my belt now to a point where I understand what's going on out
01:54 there, you're not as anxious out there, whatever, cuz it's not your first match.
01:59 You just go out there and you go and play.
02:00 And now you can see things better and
02:03 be able to react quicker to things because it's flowing better.
02:07 So that's the biggest thing,
02:08 be able to read the game quicker, whether it's defensively or offensively.
02:11 That's the biggest growth.
02:12 And just keep staying confident.
02:15 Whether I don't play a lot or I play a lot, just next game mentality,
02:19 because it's a long season.
02:20 And you never know when your number's gonna be called.
02:23 And today was an example of that.
02:25 >> Is that a little bit of what's been happening?
02:27 There's been times that the coaches have thrown you out there for a minute or two.
02:31 >> Yeah. >> Is some of this just like, hey,
02:33 we wanna get you on the court and we want this comfort level.
02:36 Even if it's really short, we wanna just get this process started for you.
02:40 Is that something they've communicated at all?
02:41 >> I mean, I feel like if they put me on this because they trust me,
02:44 we talk about chemistry and trust.
02:46 If they put me on this because they know that I can go out there and
02:50 really impact this game, playing my game, whether it's for a minute or two,
02:54 to get somebody to rest or not, I'm still gonna go out there and be me.
02:58 That's the biggest thing.
02:59 So like I said, it don't matter how much minutes I play,
03:04 it's making those minutes count, basically.
03:07 >> What are you guys gonna do to bounce back tomorrow night against San Antonio?
03:10 >> The biggest thing is rest up, get a good night's sleep, and
03:14 just get back in tune with the guys that are coming back and playing tomorrow.
03:18 And just learning from this and being ready, cuz San Antonio's another team.
03:24 I mean, they got good players on that side, and the NBA's a lot of games.
03:28 So you can't dwell on this one.
03:30 Watch the tape, get some rest, and be ready to bounce back with
03:34 the guys that are coming back.
03:36 That's the biggest thing.
03:38 >> Last time we talked, you had just played three games in three days.
03:42 >> Yeah.
03:43 >> Now you're about to play back to back again, probably long minutes.
03:48 How's your conditioning since the last time we talked tonight?
03:51 >> A lot better, a lot better.
03:52 I do a good job of making sure I keep doing conditioning drills,
03:57 whether it's on the treadmill after games, or
04:00 spinning on the practice gym after games in the facility.
04:03 I mean, whatever I need to do to stay in the best shape possible,
04:06 especially games where I don't play as much, I make sure I go and run.
04:09 Because that's the way I play.
04:11 I need to be in the best shape possible because I play so hard.
04:14 I run up and down, that's my game.
04:16 So I feel in much better shape than I was at the beginning of the season for sure.
04:19 No, thank you, I appreciate you guys.
