• 2 years ago
Souvent critiqué ces derniers mois, le gardien du Paris Saint-Germain Gianluigi Donnarumma (24 ans, 15 matchs en L1 cette saison) est principalement pénalisé par un jeu au pied assez moyen.
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00:00 Often criticized in recent months, the Paris Saint-Germain goalkeeper Dzianluigi Donnarumma, 24, 15 games in L1 this season, is mainly penalized by a foot game at his means.
00:10 These unjustified criticisms are directly attributable to the tactics of the Parisian coach Louis Sénriquet, according to the former goalkeeper of the France-Lyon team, Charbonnier.
00:20 "He was one of the first to hit it last season, rightly so I think. I did not blame him for his foot play, but above all for not being decisive on the first stops he had to make.
00:30 This year, he reversed the trend and I find him decisive, he crossed a cape, he is poorly exploited in relation to the design of Dzianluigi Donnarumma's game.
00:38 The Spaniard should change his principles. I'm tired of seeing goalkeepers being put forward for their foot quality", emphasizes Charbonnier on RMC.
