• 2 years ago
TAKLEE GENESIS Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In the human world during the Vietnam War, the American military constructed a large communication station, claiming it to be a place for experimenting with faster-than-light travel under the name of Project Taklee Genesis...

directed by Ma-Deaw Chookiat Sakveerakul

starring Paula Taylor, Peter Corp Dyrendal, War-Wanarat Ratsameerat, Natcha Nina Jessica Padowan, Wit-Phutharit Prombandal, Sai-Intira Charoenpura, Nara Thepnupha, Peak-Phusita Watthanakronkeaw, Jack-Kittisak Patomburana, Jenjira Pongpas

release date Coming Soon 2024
00:00 No, that's not true. Mother Nature is a real creator. Everything that's ever existed or been created is for a reason, and it's not from God's magic or a supernatural story made up to scare us.
00:16 Why they want me to be scared?
00:19 Because they don't want us to know the secrets that maybe we're curious about.
00:25 [Music]
00:37 [Roar]
00:39 [Music]
01:02 [Roar]
01:04 [Music]
01:17 [Roar]