Pelé "très triste" de l'état du foot brésilien, dit son fils

  • last year
"Si (Pelé) avait été là cette année, il aurait été très attristé par la crise du football brésilien", a déclaré Edinho, le fils du "roi" Pelé, lors d'une entrevue accordée à l'AFP quelques jours avant le premier anniversaire du décès de son père.

"Il était toujours "très préoccupé du sort du football brésilien", a affirmé Edinho, ancien gardien de but devenu entraîneur et l'un des sept enfants de Pelé, atteint d'un cancer du colon et décédé le 29 décembre 2022 à 82 ans à Sao Paulo.

Un an après la disparition du légendaire et génial attaquant brésilien, triple champion du monde avec le Brésil (1958, 1962 et 1970), la Seleçao, orpheline de Neymar, blessé le 18 octobre, au moins jusqu'à l'été prochain, ne se porte en effet pas très bien.

Elle n'occupe après six journées que la sixième place, la dernière directement qualificative pour le Mondial-2026, du groupe Amsud où elle reste sur une défaite au Maracana face à l'Argentine (1-0) le 22 novembre.

"Nous connaissons un déclin (...) Nous avons encore de grands joueurs, mais avant nous avions plus de joueurs de haut niveau qu'aujourd'hui", a estimé Edinho.

A cette crise de résultats s'en est ajoutée une autre, institutionnelle, avec la destitution le 7 décembre d'Ednaldo Rodrigues, président de la Confédération brésilienne de football (CBF), sur décision judiciaire.
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00:00 If Pelé had been there this year, he would have been very saddened by the crisis of Brazilian football, said Edinho, the son of King Pelé, during an interview with AFP a few days before his father's first birthday.
00:13 "He was always very concerned about the fate of Brazilian football," said Edinho, a former goalkeeper who became a coach and one of Pelé's seven children, who suffered from colon cancer and died on December 29, 2022 at the age of 82 in Sao Paulo.
00:27 A year after the disappearance of the legendary and brilliant Brazilian striker, triple world champion with Brazil 1958, 1962 and 1970, Cele Sao, an orphan from Neymar, injured on October 18, at least until next summer, is not doing very well.
00:44 It only takes sixth place after six days, the last directly qualifying for the World Cup 2026, of the group in the south where it remains on a defeat at Maracana against Argentina, 1-0, on November 22.
00:57 "We know a decline, we still have great players, but before we had more high-level players than today," said Edinho.
01:04 Another institutional crisis has been added to this result, with the dismissal on December 7 of Ednaldo Rodrigues, president of the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF) on judicial decision.
01:17 The Rio de Janeiro court invalidated an agreement allowing his election.
01:22 "This crisis did not appear overnight, these are important and complex problems," said Edinho, 53, who leads the team of the 2nd Brazilian Division of Londrina in the state of Paraná.
01:33 "We miss a lot. "
01:35 Santos FC, where the famous number 10 has accomplished most of his career, is going through difficult times.
01:42 The club of the port city was retrograded early December in the 2nd division, a first in 111 years of existence.
01:49 Unfortunately, this is not a surprise.
01:52 Anyone who accompanied the daily life of the club could anticipate such a scenario, which ended up becoming concrete,
01:59 according to the former goalkeeper of Santos for several seasons, in reference to several years of financial, sporting and institutional crisis.
02:07 Friday, the commemoration ceremonies for the first anniversary of Pelé's disappearance, whose mausoleum where his remains are located was opened to the public in May last year in Santos, will be discreet.
02:18 The six children living from what is considered the greatest football player of all time will hold a virtual or intimate meeting, some living in the United States, and a mass is planned in his honor in front of the Pelé Museum.
02:29 "It was exceptional, we miss a lot," said Edinho, about the one who brought the name of the country through football, "those of which we are very proud."
