Départ Sydney-Hobart: orages perturbent la course.

  • last year
Plus de 100 bateaux ont pris le départ mardi pour une nouvelle édition de la légendaire course à la voile en équipage entre Sydney et Hobart, avec des orages comme invités de dernière minute.

Des éclairs et des précipitations ont touché le port de Sydney quelques minutes avant le départ, pour les 103 voiliers embarqués dans un trajet de 628 milles marins (un peu moins de 1.200 kilomètres) via le détroit de Bass.
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00:00 More than 100 boats set sail on Tuesday for a new edition of the legendary sailing race
00:04 between Sydney and the Bars, with storms as last-minute guests.
00:09 Lightning and rain hit the port of Sydney a few minutes before departure,
00:15 leaving three sailors on a 628,000-nautical-mile voyage, just under 1,200 km,
00:20 via the low Detroit.
00:22 Among the favorites is the "Super Maxi" in the back of the boat, holding the title,
00:27 holding the record for the most exhausting crossing to the Bars on the southern coast
00:31 of Tasmania's Australian island in one day, 9 hours, 15 minutes and 24 seconds, established in 2017.
00:39 The boat, over 100 feet long, about 30 meters, is fast in all conditions,
00:45 assured by its skipper, John Winning.
00:48 Moreover, in the first half, it took the lead in the race after four hours of race on Tuesday,
00:53 with a lead of less than a minute.
00:56 This year marks the 25th anniversary of the 1998 edition,
01:00 mourning the disappearance of six participants following a storm.
01:04 Five boats had sank and 55 sailors had been rescued.
01:09 "Severe storms, hail and unpredictable gusts of wind are expected during the race,"
01:15 warned Gabrielle Woodhouse of the Australian Meteorological Service in a last briefing before departure.
01:22 "Boats still at high tide on Friday are likely to face high waves of 3 to 5 meters," she added.
01:29 The crew of the Super Maxi Low Connect appears to be one of the main opponents of Andou Komanche,
01:34 after finishing second in the last three editions.
01:38 "I still want to win the race, and finally winning it would be a dream come true,"
01:43 said his skipper, Christian Beck, to the Channel 9 television channel.
01:49 "The start is great, and the pub at the end is great too, so I love all the competition," he continued.
01:56 Among the contenders for victory are also two other Super Maxis,
02:00 the SHK Scallywag, which is a step up after significant modifications,
02:05 and the novices of Wild Tingsan.
02:08 The difficult weather makes the race very exciting for the SHK Scallywag crew,
02:13 assured its skipper, David Witt, on social media.
02:17 The race should last several days for the dozens of small competition sails,
02:22 whose classification depends on the size of the boat.
