• last year
L'opposant sénégalais emprisonné, Ousmane Sonko, a déposé sa candidature à l'élection présidentielle de février 2024 devant le Conseil constitutionnel, malgré le refus de l'administration de lui fournir tous les documents nécessaires, a annoncé mardi Ousseynou Ly, un responsable de la cellule de communication de son parti.

Moins de deux semaines après sa réintégration sur les listes électorales du Sénégal, l'opposant politique emprisonné Ousmane Sonko a déposé sa candidature à la présidentielle de février 2024 devant le Conseil constitutionnel en dépit du refus de l'administration de lui livrer tous les documents nécessaires, a indiqué mardi 26 décembre Ousseynou Ly, un responsable de la cellule de communication de son parti.

"Je confirme qu'Ousmane Sonko et Bassirou Diomaye Faye ont déposé leurs dossiers de candidature au Conseil constitutionnel", a-t-il indiqué à l'AFP, sans donner plus de précisions.

Ousmane Sonko, engagé dans un bras de fer de plus de deux ans avec l'État qui a donné lieu à plusieurs épisodes de troubles meurtriers, avait jusqu'au 26 décembre pour déposer sa candidature et recueillir ses parrainages.

Bassirou Diomaye Faye, lui aussi en prison, est le plan B du parti d'Ousmane Sonko, le Pastef – parti des Patriotes du Sénégal pour le travail, l'éthique et la fraternité, dont les autorités avaient annoncé la dissolution fin juillet – pour le scrutin présidentiel du 25 février 2024.

"Certain que la candidature sera validée"

La semaine dernière, le représentant d'Ousmane Sonko a été empêché de récupérer les documents nécessaires à sa candidature à la Direction générale des élections.
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00:00 The imprisoned Senegalese oppositionist, Ousmane Sonko,
00:03 has submitted his candidacy for the presidential election in February 2024
00:07 before the Constitutional Council,
00:09 despite the administration's refusal to provide him with all the necessary documents,
00:13 announced Tuesday by Houssen Ouli,
00:15 a person in charge of the party's communication network.
00:18 Less than two weeks after his reintegration on the Senegal electoral lists,
00:23 the political opponent imprisoned Ousmane Sonko
00:26 has submitted his candidacy for the presidential election in February 2024
00:30 before the Constitutional Council,
00:32 despite the administration's refusal to provide him with all the necessary documents,
00:36 announced Tuesday by Houssen Ouli,
00:38 a person in charge of the party's communication network.
00:41 I confirm that Ousmane Sonko and Bassirou Dioumefay
00:45 submitted their candidacy files to the Constitutional Council,
00:48 he indicated to AFP, without giving more details.
00:52 Ousmane Sonko, committed in an arm-wrestling for more than two years with the state
00:56 which gave rise to several episodes of murderous disorder,
00:59 had until December 26 to submit his candidacy and collect his donations.
01:04 Bassirou Dioumefay, also in prison,
01:07 is the B plan of Ousmane Sonko's party,
01:09 the PASTEF party of the Senegalese patriots for work,
01:13 ethics and fraternity,
01:14 whose authorities had announced the dissolution at the end of July
01:17 for the presidential scrutiny of February 25, 2024.
01:21 Certain that the candidacy will be validated.
01:24 Last week, Ousmane Sonko's representative was prevented
01:28 from retrieving the documents necessary for his candidacy
01:31 to the General Elections Board.
01:33 His lawyers had then announced their intention
01:36 to file the candidate of the opponent,
01:38 saying "to trust the justice"
01:40 in the face of a state seeking, according to them, to remove him from the scrutiny.
01:44 We are certain that the candidacy will be filed and validated.
01:48 The Constitutional Council is a jurisdictional and non-political body,
01:53 said Friday one of its lawyers, Seyd Larifou,
01:56 at a press conference in Paris.
01:59 Declared guilty of "minor debauchery",
02:01 on June 1, and sentenced to two years in prison,
02:04 Ousmane Sonko refused to appear in his trial
02:07 and was sentenced by contumacy by the Senegalese justice.
02:11 The 49-year-old opponent,
02:13 imprisoned since the end of July under other inculpation chiefs,
02:16 whose "appeal to the insurrection",
02:18 "association of abusers in connection with a terrorist enterprise"
02:22 and "danger to the state's security",
02:24 qualifies his affairs and the others in which he was put to trial
02:27 of "plot aimed at removing him from the presidency".
02:30 In mid-December, a judge re-launched his candidacy
02:33 by ordering his re-enrollment on the electoral lists,
02:36 confirming a decision made in October
02:39 by the Ziegenschor Tribunal, which had been broken by the Supreme Court.
02:43 Former Prime Minister Aminata Touré,
02:46 formerly close to Maki Saleh who then joined the opposition,
02:49 also announced the withdrawal of his candidacy on Monday.
02:52 The Constitutional Council must announce on 20 January
02:56 the list of candidates held at the presidential election.
02:59 With AFP.
