• 2 years ago
00:00:00 (Sounds of a plane taking off)
00:00:15 (Sounds of a plane taking off)
00:00:20 (Sounds of a plane taking off)
00:00:31 (Sounds of a plane taking off)
00:00:40 (Music)
00:01:09 (Music)
00:01:12 (Sound of a plane taking off)
00:01:16 (Music)
00:01:35 (Sound of a plane taking off)
00:01:58 Back to bed Margo, now!
00:02:01 (Sound of a plane taking off)
00:02:04 Have you heard your father?
00:02:06 (Music)
00:02:33 (Sound of a plane taking off)
00:02:57 (Music)
00:03:06 (Sound of a plane taking off)
00:03:13 (Sound of a plane taking off)
00:03:26 (Music)
00:03:49 (Music)
00:03:56 (Sound of a plane taking off)
00:03:59 (Music)
00:04:07 Margo, during your last annual review you were showing continued exceptional mental health
00:04:15 and we're just about to celebrate your fifth wedding anniversary if I remember rightly.
00:04:19 Yeah, I still can't imagine my life without him.
00:04:22 Have you suffered any relapses over the last twelve months?
00:04:27 No, not at all.
00:04:33 No more visions?
00:04:37 I can't remember the last time we had an incident. It's fucking years.
00:04:44 Margo, tell her the truth.
00:04:47 It was just a dream.
00:04:50 It's all too common for those who suffer traumatic childhood experiences.
00:04:55 For those symptoms to reappear...
00:04:57 There's nothing wrong with me.
00:05:00 Not anymore.
00:05:13 Recently an old friend, Douglas, he was in charge of the estate, he passed away.
00:05:17 Well, it started to bring some of it back.
00:05:22 The lost memories?
00:05:24 Well, not just of that night, of that entire year.
00:05:27 It's like I'm rediscovering this lost part of my life each night.
00:05:32 Little by little.
00:05:36 Those long lost memories of your childhood are never really lost.
00:05:42 You merely suppress them to spare yourself pain.
00:05:46 If we're to stop this downward trajectory, then we'll...
00:05:50 I need to remember.
00:05:52 I need to remember everything.
00:05:55 I've run from the truth my entire life.
00:06:00 Never believing that I was strong enough to face it.
00:06:04 But I was wrong.
00:06:09 And now, I'm ready.
00:06:11 I need to know why.
00:06:16 Why it happened.
00:06:19 Help me remember.
00:06:22 Please.
00:06:25 Memories are based on our senses.
00:06:33 Sights, sounds.
00:06:37 Go back to that house.
00:06:39 Walk around in the shoes of your childhood self for a few days, it'll all come flooding back to you.
00:06:44 But be careful.
00:06:50 You're showing clear signs of regression.
00:06:53 You may add fuel to a fire we fought so hard to contain.
00:06:58 If your mental health declines, Mrs. Richardson,
00:07:03 I fear your days at Abingdon Asylum could be far from over.
00:07:07 I'm not sure about this.
00:07:21 I should have done this years ago.
00:07:26 [♪♪♪]
00:07:54 This is where you grew up?
00:07:56 You never told me your family were wealthy.
00:07:59 What does it matter?
00:08:00 Well, what happened to it?
00:08:02 The money, I mean, we're barely making ends meet.
00:08:05 I refuse to accept my inheritance.
00:08:08 Why?
00:08:10 I'll never take a penny from my father.
00:08:14 [♪♪♪]
00:08:16 Dad!
00:08:42 [♪♪♪]
00:08:45 [♪♪♪]
00:08:48 [♪♪♪]
00:08:51 [♪♪♪]
00:08:53 You okay?
00:09:18 [♪♪♪]
00:09:20 Need the way?
00:09:26 [crow cawing]
00:09:35 [footsteps]
00:10:04 Trust you weren't raised in total darkness.
00:10:06 Ah, the countryside. Not even a single bar.
00:10:14 So, it was just you, your father, and...
00:10:26 Douglas the butler that lived here, is that right?
00:10:32 My father's girlfriend, Nancy, would often stay the night too.
00:10:35 I also had a younger sister.
00:10:43 Her name was Evie.
00:10:49 You told me you were an only child.
00:10:55 I tried to keep you away from all of this.
00:10:59 [♪♪♪]
00:11:01 Sometimes it feels like I don't even know you.
00:11:04 [♪♪♪]
00:11:21 [♪♪♪]
00:11:24 [♪♪♪]
00:11:26 [♪♪♪]
00:11:28 [birds chirping]
00:11:37 [♪♪♪]
00:11:52 [♪♪♪]
00:11:54 [♪♪♪]
00:12:10 [♪♪♪]
00:12:12 [♪♪♪]
00:12:16 [footsteps]
00:12:33 [footsteps]
00:12:35 [crow cawing]
00:12:45 [♪♪♪]
00:12:51 [♪♪♪]
00:12:53 [♪♪♪]
00:13:20 [♪♪♪]
00:13:22 Can I take that off you now, please?
00:13:32 [♪♪♪]
00:13:42 That's much better.
00:13:49 I don't know why you insist on wearing it.
00:13:51 She could scare a child looking through the window.
00:13:56 Well, let them look.
00:13:59 I don't want her hiding away from the world any longer.
00:14:02 You're beautiful.
00:14:13 Just the way you are.
00:14:18 [♪♪♪]
00:14:20 [♪♪♪]
00:14:26 [♪♪♪]
00:14:29 [♪♪♪]
00:14:31 [♪♪♪]
00:14:33 [♪♪♪]
00:14:35 [♪♪♪]
00:14:37 [♪♪♪]
00:14:39 [♪♪♪]
00:14:41 [♪♪♪]
00:14:43 [♪♪♪]
00:14:45 [♪♪♪]
00:14:49 [♪♪♪]
00:14:53 [♪♪♪]
00:14:57 [♪♪♪]
00:15:01 [♪♪♪]
00:15:05 [♪♪♪]
00:15:11 [♪♪♪]
00:15:13 [♪♪♪]
00:15:17 [♪♪♪]
00:15:19 [♪♪♪]
00:15:23 [♪♪♪]
00:15:27 [♪♪♪]
00:15:33 [SIGHS]
00:15:43 [♪♪♪]
00:15:45 This must all be worth a fortune.
00:15:51 We're not selling any of it.
00:15:54 I just don't understand why you're holding on to everything if it holds no value to you.
00:16:01 How have I only just found out that we have all this money just sitting there and then--
00:16:06 Please.
00:16:08 [♪♪♪]
00:16:10 [♪♪♪]
00:16:32 [♪♪♪]
00:16:34 [♪♪♪]
00:16:46 [CLATTERING]
00:16:56 Margaret.
00:16:58 You sure you're all right?
00:17:01 Yeah.
00:17:03 It's just a lot to take in.
00:17:06 Of course.
00:17:11 Look what I found.
00:17:25 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:17:27 You look so happy.
00:17:32 I was.
00:17:34 Is that her?
00:17:38 Your sister?
00:17:40 Evie was severely disfigured.
00:17:45 She lived a tortured existence.
00:17:51 Nancy took an instant dislike to the both of us.
00:17:55 As Evie was a little different.
00:18:00 She was the easiest of targets.
00:18:04 Poor girl.
00:18:08 This was taken just months before.
00:18:12 Are you ever going to tell me what happened that night?
00:18:20 Or at least what you remember.
00:18:22 What's the first thing that comes to mind when you look at my father?
00:18:31 He looks...
00:18:34 like a good man.
00:18:36 A loving father.
00:18:39 We never knew our mother.
00:18:42 She died when we were both really little.
00:18:44 It created a special bond between the three of us.
00:18:49 All that changed...
00:18:51 the night Evie was murdered.
00:18:56 I'm so sorry.
00:19:02 She suffocated to death.
00:19:04 Screaming.
00:19:07 Begging for her life, or so he told the police.
00:19:10 They found her killer?
00:19:17 What?
00:19:19 When they found her body buried in the woods...
00:19:27 they took my father away.
00:19:30 He confessed to everything.
00:19:34 Before I had the opportunity to see him again, he was dead.
00:19:40 The official report said that he was killed by an inmate.
00:19:45 I never got the opportunity to ask him why.
00:19:49 And now I'll never know.
00:19:57 And now I'll never know.
00:19:59 And now I'll never know.
00:20:02 [snoring]
00:20:05 [snoring]
00:20:07 [snoring]
00:20:09 [door creaks]
00:20:36 [thud]
00:20:39 [wind howling]
00:20:41 [motorcycle engine]
00:20:53 [wind howling]
00:21:22 Mason!
00:21:24 Mason!
00:21:26 Open the door!
00:21:28 Open the door!
00:21:33 Mason!
00:21:35 Mason!
00:21:37 Mother!
00:21:39 Mason!
00:21:42 Mother!
00:21:44 Mason!
00:21:48 Move away!
00:21:51 [thud]
00:21:53 Hey, hey, hey!
00:21:55 It's okay, it's okay!
00:21:57 I'm here! Breathe!
00:21:59 [breathing heavily]
00:22:01 See you back on the wine.
00:22:12 Why did you lock the door?
00:22:20 I didn't.
00:22:22 I can't help you if you lock me out.
00:22:26 And I won't be here to look after you tomorrow night.
00:22:31 You're still going?
00:22:36 You don't turn down Henry Hargreaves.
00:22:40 So you're putting him before your wife?
00:22:42 I can't pass up this opportunity.
00:22:44 He's the only publisher in London that hasn't turned me down.
00:22:47 You can't just leave me on my own. I'm struggling to--
00:22:50 Margot, please.
00:22:52 This isn't a discussion.
00:22:55 You chose to come here.
00:22:58 I can't pass up this opportunity.
00:23:02 I'm leaving tomorrow night.
00:23:12 [footsteps]
00:23:14 [music]
00:23:17 Look.
00:23:35 Let me take you home. En route.
00:23:39 It doesn't matter where I am.
00:23:42 Can't escape my own thoughts now, can I?
00:23:45 They are more tolerable.
00:23:49 With you by my side.
00:23:53 I'll be back with you. This time tomorrow. I promise.
00:24:03 He's just walking away.
00:24:08 He's the one, Margot.
00:24:10 I'm coming back with a book deal.
00:24:13 I know it.
00:24:36 Those sightings are the by-product of a tortured mind.
00:24:39 We conjure supernatural images that bring us a sense of closure.
00:24:45 Sometimes comfort.
00:24:51 If left untamed, our brains have the ability to wish our lost loved ones back to life.
00:24:57 Spirits exist.
00:25:01 Only in the mind.
00:25:05 [music]
00:25:07 [crying]
00:25:27 [water running]
00:25:56 [glass breaking]
00:25:58 [music]
00:26:18 [music]
00:26:20 [singing]
00:26:25 [singing]
00:26:27 [music]
00:26:50 [singing]
00:26:52 [singing]
00:27:16 [singing]
00:27:44 [gunshot]
00:27:46 [telephone ringing]
00:28:13 [music]
00:28:16 [music]
00:28:19 [footsteps]
00:28:21 [music]
00:28:25 [wind blowing]
00:28:35 [wind blowing]
00:28:43 [wind blowing]
00:29:11 [thud]
00:29:13 [crying]
00:29:20 [music]
00:29:30 [music]
00:29:32 [thud]
00:29:44 [music]
00:29:56 [music]
00:29:58 [thud]
00:30:08 [thud]
00:30:14 [music]
00:30:25 [music]
00:30:27 [music]
00:30:35 Just in time.
00:30:51 You ready?
00:30:52 This is the one.
00:30:54 Thank you for agreeing to see us, Mr Hargreaves.
00:30:58 I see you have a new client, Miss Rose.
00:31:00 The most talented I've ever represented.
00:31:02 Mason. Mason Richardson.
00:31:04 It's a real pleasure to meet you, at last.
00:31:06 Yes, yes, yes. Please, take a seat.
00:31:09 Have you had a chance to read Mason's work?
00:31:15 Yes.
00:31:16 May I ask what your thoughts were?
00:31:20 It's a great read. Truly.
00:31:23 But I'm afraid it's too much of a gamble for us.
00:31:29 As you know, sales are down year on year.
00:31:33 I do have a revised draft that I'd love to talk to you about some of the changes that we've made.
00:31:39 Look, my mind's made up.
00:31:43 I think passing on this would be a big mistake.
00:31:49 This has everything to be a major hit.
00:31:51 Except a known name on the front cover.
00:31:55 I can't afford to take another risk on a rookie author.
00:32:00 Oh, you know a good book when you see one.
00:32:03 Sometimes that's all it takes.
00:32:06 I'm sorry, Greta.
00:32:17 Thank you for your time.
00:32:19 I appreciate everything you've done.
00:32:35 This is the end of the road for me.
00:32:37 You can't just give up.
00:32:39 I know how much you want this.
00:32:43 Let's talk about it over a drink.
00:32:47 I promised Margot I'd head back.
00:32:49 Just one quick drink.
00:32:55 That's all I'm asking.
00:32:59 Please.
00:33:06 Please.
00:33:08 I'm Sarah, and I wish to contact my mother.
00:33:25 Um, my name is Barton, and I wish to contact my wife.
00:33:35 I lost her many years ago.
00:33:39 I just want to know if she's free of pain.
00:33:44 And last but not least?
00:33:48 My name is Margot, and I would like to contact my sister, Evie.
00:33:56 And what do you want from her?
00:33:59 Clarity.
00:34:04 I want to know if I'm right in thinking that she's been the one visiting me these past few nights, or...
00:34:10 Or you're just losing your marbles.
00:34:13 Please settle down.
00:34:16 Let's see if we can get your answer.
00:34:22 Please.
00:34:26 [clock ticking]
00:34:29 We call upon the spirits of our long-lost friends and loved ones to connect with us here today.
00:34:41 Spirits.
00:34:44 Let us know you can hear us.
00:34:52 Give us a sign.
00:34:58 A spirit is with us.
00:35:14 Spirit.
00:35:20 Reveal who in attendance you wish to contact.
00:35:26 [clock ticking]
00:35:36 [clock ticking]
00:35:39 What was your wife's name?
00:36:05 Jessica.
00:36:07 Jessica?
00:36:10 Your husband, Barton, wishes for a sign that you are no longer in pain.
00:36:19 Please.
00:36:22 She wishes to speak to you.
00:36:34 How?
00:36:36 [clock ticking]
00:36:43 Oh.
00:36:47 [gunshot]
00:36:57 [music]
00:37:00 Barton.
00:37:10 Jess?
00:37:15 Oh, Jess.
00:37:19 I... I need to know.
00:37:24 To know what?
00:37:27 How long should I let this charade continue?
00:37:38 Just do it!
00:37:40 Show's over, folks. And that is all that it is.
00:37:47 A show, Barton.
00:37:52 Barton Bailey.
00:37:55 -Notarized? -Yes, no surprises there.
00:38:02 But the candles, on the other hand, are most intriguing.
00:38:08 Oh, very good.
00:38:14 You have been the victims of an all too common con.
00:38:22 You are merely putting all your hard-earned cash into the pockets of charlatans
00:38:27 like our friends here, who take great pleasure in lying to your faces.
00:38:34 And may I suggest finding other work, something more in keeping with your incredible talents.
00:38:45 The West End, perhaps.
00:38:50 [laughing]
00:38:52 You know, you think you're so high and mighty, but we are giving these people peace.
00:38:57 Closure!
00:38:59 You are selling them lies.
00:39:03 No different to you then, Mr. Bailey, eh?
00:39:08 Profiting from deceit. Your books are full of lies.
00:39:15 You are no lesser fraud.
00:39:19 He's not signing autographs.
00:39:44 I'm not interested in any of that.
00:39:47 Well, he won't indulge your ghost stories either.
00:39:50 You'd be lucky to get a smile.
00:39:54 Sorry to bother you, Mr. Bailey. My name is Margot Richardson.
00:40:03 I've read your book.
00:40:05 I wanted to ask you about my recent encounters.
00:40:09 The supernatural is not founded in logic or reality, but pure fantasy.
00:40:16 Whatever is plaguing you will become clear soon enough.
00:40:20 But things are happening to me that I can't explain in any other way.
00:40:24 I need someone with your expertise.
00:40:27 My expertise?
00:40:30 A ghost hunter.
00:40:34 Hmm. I was once a paranormal investigator.
00:40:41 But now I have turned my attention to more worthwhile endeavors,
00:40:46 exposing those who would profit from the weak-minded.
00:40:51 Like yourself.
00:40:54 I'm desperate.
00:40:57 Help me before it's too late.
00:41:01 I need to understand what's happening to me. You're the only one.
00:41:05 What do you mean, "too late"?
00:41:09 I'm in danger of being sent away.
00:41:17 If you truly want answers, may I suggest you try reading my book again?
00:41:30 At this time, with your brain engaged.
00:41:35 Hmm?
00:41:37 I warned you about him.
00:41:48 Look, give it a couple of days.
00:41:55 If you're still adamant, see us at this address.
00:41:58 You might be persuaded to run a few tests.
00:42:02 For the right price.
00:42:04 I wouldn't count on it, though. My dad's pretty stubborn.
00:42:08 Thank you.
00:42:10 Charlie. Charlie.
00:42:13 Did my story sound crazy to you?
00:42:25 Not exactly.
00:42:28 Where are you, Mason?
00:42:53 I'm here.
00:42:56 I'm here.
00:42:59 I'm here.
00:43:02 I'm here.
00:43:05 I'm here.
00:43:09 [♪♪♪]
00:43:12 [♪♪♪]
00:43:16 [♪♪♪]
00:43:19 [♪♪♪]
00:43:43 [♪♪♪]
00:43:46 [♪♪♪]
00:43:56 [♪♪♪]
00:43:59 [♪♪♪]
00:44:02 [♪♪♪]
00:44:31 [♪♪♪]
00:44:58 I told you to stop wearing that horrible thing.
00:45:02 I need to wear it.
00:45:10 Why?
00:45:14 My neighbours called me names again.
00:45:18 I'll have a word with their parents.
00:45:23 Why do they hate me?
00:45:25 They're nice to Margot.
00:45:28 They don't hate you.
00:45:30 They're just ignorant.
00:45:33 If those girls don't see how wonderfully kind,
00:45:37 thoughtful and funny you are,
00:45:40 then, Evie, they're not deserving of your friendship.
00:45:44 You don't need anyone who treats you differently
00:45:48 and who doesn't see what's in here.
00:45:53 No matter what, you will always have your sister and I.
00:45:57 Never forget that.
00:46:02 After one of the shortest murder trials in recent history,
00:46:11 Knightley admitted all the charges against him
00:46:15 and entered no defence.
00:46:19 [KEYS CLACKING]
00:46:22 Butler points finger at abusive Nancy.
00:46:29 How can you treat Evie this way?
00:46:33 How dare you speak to me like that? We pay you.
00:46:36 You have never paid me a penny, miss.
00:46:39 May I remind you that I was here long before you arrived
00:46:43 and will remain long after you've gone.
00:46:47 How can you treat them both with such contempt?
00:46:51 They are a constant reminder.
00:46:57 A reminder...
00:47:02 of what James will never give me.
00:47:06 All I've ever asked of him were children of my own.
00:47:09 You knew that was never an option.
00:47:12 How can I be asked to love another woman's children?
00:47:17 I tried.
00:47:20 Douglas, I... I really tried.
00:47:24 But I can't do it.
00:47:30 I will never love them.
00:47:35 They will forever be what stands in the way of what I truly want.
00:47:44 My family.
00:47:47 I had a dream last night.
00:47:53 I drowned them both in the river.
00:47:58 The scariest part was...
00:48:04 it was far from a nightmare.
00:48:09 (Distorted)
00:48:13 Family butler Douglas Morrison told police last night
00:48:36 that his daughter Nancy Jones,
00:48:39 girlfriend of the accuser James Knightley,
00:48:42 would often relish any opportunity to punish Evie
00:48:46 for reasons beyond logic.
00:48:50 He recalled how each lash of her belt was made with a smile
00:48:55 and would often lock her in the basement for days on end
00:48:58 whilst their father was away on business.
00:49:04 "It's reason to believe Sir James Knightley is covering
00:49:08 "for his beloved manipulative Nancy," he said.
00:49:13 (Screaming)
00:49:19 (Gasping)
00:49:32 (Breathing heavily)
00:49:35 (Breathing heavily)
00:49:39 (Breathing heavily)
00:49:42 (Breathing heavily)
00:49:46 (Footsteps)
00:50:13 Was it Nancy, Evie?
00:50:16 (Screaming)
00:50:22 (Gasping)
00:50:25 (Breathing heavily)
00:50:42 I assume you've not told Margo about us yet.
00:50:46 I'm waiting for the right time.
00:50:50 There is no right time to tell your wife you're leaving her.
00:50:55 What am I going to do?
00:51:00 Every publisher in town has turned me down.
00:51:03 It's not your fault they can't see great work
00:51:06 when it's put in front of them.
00:51:08 Quality doesn't matter. No-one's willing to take a bet on me.
00:51:13 Why don't we start our own publishing company?
00:51:20 Stop chasing the approval of these tasteless fools
00:51:24 and put the books in the readers' hands ourselves.
00:51:29 How would we do that?
00:51:35 Well, I have the connections.
00:51:38 We just lack printing investment.
00:51:41 We would need significant investment.
00:51:45 I think I can get hold of the money.
00:51:50 I just need time.
00:51:53 This could be the start to a new life.
00:51:58 Just you and I.
00:52:03 Creating the future we've always wanted.
00:52:06 Together.
00:52:09 Evie?
00:52:28 Evie?
00:52:31 Evie?
00:52:34 Evie?
00:52:37 [footsteps]
00:52:40 [footsteps]
00:52:43 [music]
00:52:59 [applause]
00:53:07 [music]
00:53:35 I need to know who, Evie.
00:53:38 Dad's innocent, isn't he?
00:53:45 Who did this to you?
00:54:01 I know. I know you want me to know the truth.
00:54:05 [music]
00:54:19 [music]
00:54:22 [music]
00:54:29 [music]
00:54:34 [music]
00:54:47 [music]
00:54:50 [music]
00:54:58 Go!
00:55:04 [music]
00:55:07 [music]
00:55:10 [music]
00:55:13 [music]
00:55:16 [music]
00:55:19 [music]
00:55:22 [music]
00:55:25 [music]
00:55:28 [music]
00:55:31 [music]
00:55:34 [music]
00:55:37 Are you going to tell me what happened tonight?
00:55:43 If you won't talk to me.
00:55:46 You won't believe me.
00:55:49 Your visions are getting out of control.
00:55:55 They aren't visions, Mason. This is real.
00:55:58 None of this is real.
00:56:03 Margot!
00:56:06 How do you explain this?
00:56:12 [footsteps]
00:56:15 It was Evie.
00:56:25 [laughs]
00:56:31 Margot.
00:56:33 I saw her in the attic and then I saw her down here.
00:56:35 No, you didn't.
00:56:36 Look what she did to me!
00:56:37 Enough!
00:56:40 Look, I've tried being patient with you, but...
00:56:43 But what?
00:56:48 When I was in London...
00:56:52 I made a call to Dr. Lake.
00:56:57 Tell me you're lying.
00:57:04 I'm so worried about you.
00:57:09 What have you told her?
00:57:12 I told her everything.
00:57:14 You don't understand.
00:57:16 They'll stop me from coming home. They'll lock me up!
00:57:19 Why would you do that?
00:57:27 Because you need help.
00:57:37 [music]
00:57:40 [music]
00:57:43 [music]
00:57:46 [music]
00:57:49 [music]
00:57:53 [music stops]
00:57:56 [footsteps]
00:57:59 [footsteps]
00:58:02 [footsteps]
00:58:05 [laughs]
00:58:23 [music]
00:58:26 [music]
00:58:29 [music]
00:58:32 [footsteps]
00:58:35 [music]
00:58:40 [footsteps]
00:58:56 [music]
00:58:59 [footsteps]
00:59:06 [laughs]
00:59:24 [music]
00:59:27 [music]
00:59:35 [footsteps]
00:59:42 Where are you going?
00:59:49 I have another book meeting lined up.
00:59:50 You never said anything about another book meeting!
00:59:54 [music]
00:59:57 [music]
01:00:00 [knocking]
01:00:09 Morning.
01:00:20 I need to speak to Barton.
01:00:23 To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?
01:00:38 He hasn't had his morning coffee yet.
01:00:41 I feel like I'm losing my mind.
01:00:44 I know the feeling.
01:00:47 I didn't come here to be mocked.
01:00:49 I can offer you little else.
01:00:52 I can't do this alone.
01:00:59 Not anymore.
01:01:02 Do you know how many times I have had this very conversation?
01:01:10 Hmm?
01:01:13 How many lonely wives, widowers with overactive imaginations,
01:01:18 have stepped through that door,
01:01:21 desperate to understand the bumps in the night?
01:01:26 Hmm?
01:01:29 Care to try a guess?
01:01:32 Charlie?
01:01:39 Well, we've investigated over 200 cases of suspected supernatural activity.
01:01:46 And what conclusive evidence did we find to support their suspicions?
01:01:53 Nothing.
01:01:55 Nothing!
01:01:58 The media has eroded the minds of an entire nation.
01:02:14 We're all scared.
01:02:17 Paranoid.
01:02:20 And seeing things that just aren't there.
01:02:25 Now rest assured, whatever it is that's keeping you awake at night,
01:02:32 it is no spirit.
01:02:36 What night?
01:02:40 If that's all I'm asking for.
01:02:43 Mrs. Richardson.
01:02:45 Please.
01:02:48 You'll never see me again?
01:02:53 I swear.
01:02:56 Load her up.
01:03:06 [♪♪♪]
01:03:09 What's wrong?
01:03:32 Nothing.
01:03:35 This house just looks familiar.
01:03:39 So, what can you tell us about this supernatural presence, Mrs. Richardson?
01:03:50 I've seen a little girl.
01:03:54 My sister, Evie.
01:03:58 Every time I've seen her, it's been at nine minutes past nine on the dot.
01:04:05 The exact time she died, I believe.
01:04:10 And she died on these grounds?
01:04:14 Evie was murdered, Mr. Bailey.
01:04:20 This is the nightly murder house, isn't it?
01:04:33 I'm sorry for your loss.
01:04:37 Your father got what he deserved.
01:04:44 [♪♪♪]
01:05:11 Mrs. Richardson?
01:05:14 What's the matter?
01:05:20 Nothing.
01:05:24 Nothing at all.
01:05:28 It's my belief that spirits only show themselves to those they wish to be seen by,
01:05:39 which makes our lives rather tricky.
01:05:42 Fortunately, we've got plenty of other ways of detecting supernatural activity.
01:05:49 This belief, where did it come from?
01:05:55 I lost my mother when I was very young.
01:06:03 Too young.
01:06:05 But growing up, she'd visit me when I needed her the most.
01:06:14 You've seen her?
01:06:17 You think I'm crazy for saying so, but I still see her, sometimes.
01:06:24 I've seen enough to know that those that died in great pain, like my mother or Evie,
01:06:34 remain with us somehow.
01:06:38 It's as if their life's work is incomplete.
01:06:42 They still have a purpose, a reason to communicate with us.
01:06:49 [♪♪♪]
01:06:54 [♪♪♪]
01:06:58 [♪♪♪]
01:07:01 [♪♪♪]
01:07:28 [♪♪♪]
01:07:57 Showtime.
01:08:00 [♪♪♪]
01:08:04 [♪♪♪]
01:08:08 [♪♪♪]
01:08:11 [♪♪♪]
01:08:14 [♪♪♪]
01:08:17 [sighs]
01:08:31 [sighs]
01:08:35 [clattering]
01:08:38 [clattering]
01:09:02 [♪♪♪]
01:09:05 [liquid pouring]
01:09:24 [liquid pouring]
01:09:27 [whispering]
01:09:37 [breathing deeply]
01:09:42 [whispering]
01:09:48 [whispering]
01:09:51 [screams]
01:10:07 [panting]
01:10:10 You all right?
01:10:15 [♪♪♪]
01:10:18 Your sister's so weird. A tea party.
01:10:31 What happened to her face?
01:10:33 Leave her alone.
01:10:34 Ooh!
01:10:35 Touchy, touchy, Margot.
01:10:38 You said you didn't get along with your sister.
01:10:40 Why do you keep on defending her?
01:10:42 I don't want to make fun of her.
01:10:44 Does she just play all day, every day, by herself?
01:10:47 Stop!
01:10:48 She can't have any friends, can she?
01:10:50 Who'd want to be friends with someone who looks like that?
01:10:53 She's a freak!
01:10:54 I said stop!
01:10:56 [panting]
01:10:57 It's all right, it's all right, it's all right, all right.
01:10:59 Look at me. It's me.
01:11:00 [panting]
01:11:01 It's me. It's me.
01:11:03 [panting]
01:11:04 Here.
01:11:05 [panting]
01:11:08 Are you all right, Margot?
01:11:13 [sniffles]
01:11:15 Have you ever heard sounds like that before?
01:11:18 You believe me now, don't you?
01:11:28 I always have.
01:11:32 [laughs]
01:11:34 But no doubt my father is conjuring up a logical explanation as we speak.
01:11:41 [footsteps]
01:11:44 How can he be so blind?
01:12:02 The more along the line, I realized that
01:12:08 proving the existence of the supernatural would discredit his life's work.
01:12:13 His books, written to reassure people that they had nothing to fear
01:12:21 about their homes being haunted, continue to sell in their thousands.
01:12:26 Desperate people, they don't think twice about throwing money around in the search for peace of mind.
01:12:32 He has nothing to gain from proving the truth.
01:12:38 But everything to lose.
01:12:41 [music]
01:12:50 [music]
01:12:53 [thud]
01:13:13 [music]
01:13:16 [screams]
01:13:33 Dad!
01:13:36 [music]
01:13:40 [thud]
01:13:42 What's happening?
01:13:46 Margot?
01:14:03 [footsteps]
01:14:06 What's going on?
01:14:13 Who are you? What are you doing here?
01:14:16 Don't worry, we're leaving.
01:14:18 Are you going to tell me what's going on here?
01:14:24 What's the point?
01:14:25 Tell me!
01:14:29 I hired them to prove that we're not alone here.
01:14:33 You've actually lost it this time, haven't you?
01:14:39 Someone had to believe me and it was never going to be you.
01:14:41 You are seeing things again!
01:14:43 You're starting to sound like a broken record.
01:14:46 We all know it!
01:14:48 I mean, what do you expect me to say?
01:14:50 I expect you to believe me.
01:14:52 To stand by me no matter what!
01:14:55 But you...
01:14:56 What?
01:14:57 You're insane!
01:14:59 You're truly insane!
01:15:01 God, listen to yourself!
01:15:03 Mimi is gone!
01:15:05 She's long gone!
01:15:06 She's not here!
01:15:08 You're wrong!
01:15:09 Well then where is she then?
01:15:11 Hmm?
01:15:12 Where is she?
01:15:14 She's looking right at you.
01:15:28 Over here!
01:15:38 Over here!
01:15:39 Listen, please just...
01:15:40 No!
01:15:41 No? Well then where is she now?
01:15:43 I don't know.
01:15:48 Well let's find her then, shall we?
01:15:52 Evie!
01:15:54 Evie!
01:15:55 Evie!
01:15:57 Evie!
01:15:59 Come out, come out, I hear you!
01:16:02 Come out!
01:16:03 God, what do I have to do to convince you?
01:16:07 You are sick, Margot!
01:16:09 We're alone!
01:16:11 We are completely alone!
01:16:14 I can't take this any longer.
01:16:20 Well go then.
01:16:21 Oh, I'm going.
01:16:22 Go back to her!
01:16:23 [SCREAMS]
01:16:24 You don't think I know what you've been doing?
01:16:30 You promised.
01:16:36 You promised you wouldn't do it again and...
01:16:41 and I believed you.
01:16:44 Whatever this is...
01:16:53 Whatever this has become...
01:16:55 It's over.
01:16:58 I want a divorce.
01:17:02 This time...
01:17:19 This time...
01:17:20 I'm going to make sure they throw away the key.
01:17:28 [FOOTSTEPS]
01:17:30 [FOOTSTEPS]
01:17:38 [CAR DOOR SLAMS]
01:18:47 You alright?
01:19:14 [GASPS]
01:19:42 [GUNSHOT]
01:19:43 [TIRES SCREECH]
01:20:16 This is undeniable.
01:20:40 Look, this is going to change everything.
01:20:44 Delete the audio file.
01:20:51 Will you do it?
01:20:55 You knew this day was coming, Dad.
01:21:01 Margot was right.
01:21:05 She hired you to find out the truth.
01:21:11 Margot didn't hire me.
01:21:13 Then who did?
01:21:19 [WATER POURS]
01:21:24 I want you to visit the house.
01:21:32 Indulge her little ghost hunt.
01:21:38 And then, when she's proven wrong, I want a written letter.
01:21:42 Expressing your concern about her mental state.
01:21:46 Now I'm starting to think that it's you that needs professional help.
01:21:53 My wife is hiding money from me.
01:21:58 A lot of money.
01:22:05 Lock her up in the nut house, and it all passes over to you.
01:22:10 I can't let it just sit there any longer.
01:22:15 In exchange for your help,
01:22:19 I'm willing to see that you get your fair share.
01:22:23 Name your price.
01:22:31 [CHUCKLES]
01:22:35 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:22:37 You're being paid...
01:22:40 ...to say that she's crazy.
01:22:43 You've proved she's anything but.
01:22:47 You'll get your cut.
01:22:50 Keep it. I don't want any part of this.
01:22:53 You know, you started this to know the truth.
01:23:03 Because you wanted to help those who had lost their loved ones, like us,
01:23:07 tell fact from fiction.
01:23:10 To help them!
01:23:13 That's just a distant memory now.
01:23:17 Your lies pay much better, don't they, Dad?
01:23:31 What have you become?
01:23:33 [DOOR SLAMS]
01:23:44 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:23:52 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:23:55 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:23:58 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:00 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:02 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:05 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:08 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:11 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:14 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:17 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:20 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:23 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:26 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:29 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:31 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:34 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:37 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:40 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:43 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:46 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:49 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:52 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:55 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:24:58 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:25:00 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:25:03 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:25:06 [GASPS]
01:25:09 [DOOR KNOCKS]
01:25:15 [DOOR KNOCKS]
01:25:27 [DOOR OPENS]
01:25:29 I told you.
01:25:55 I told all of you.
01:25:57 I can't let you stay here any longer.
01:26:04 For your own safety.
01:26:07 She isn't attached to the house.
01:26:11 She's attached to me.
01:26:15 How do I end this?
01:26:23 I'm not convinced we can.
01:26:25 Not until she gets what she wants.
01:26:28 She wants me to know the truth.
01:26:31 I'm getting close.
01:26:35 I fear her true intentions...
01:26:39 ...are a little more sinister.
01:26:42 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:26:45 [KNOCKS ON DOOR]
01:26:48 [KNOCKS ON DOOR]
01:26:52 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:26:54 What's that?
01:26:57 Your defence.
01:27:00 Holy water?
01:27:03 We must cleanse this space.
01:27:06 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:27:09 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:27:12 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:27:15 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:27:18 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:27:21 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:27:23 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:27:26 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:27:29 [THUNDER]
01:27:32 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:27:35 Come on, Barton.
01:27:40 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:27:43 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:27:46 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:27:50 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:27:52 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:27:55 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:27:58 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:01 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:04 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:07 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:10 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:13 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:16 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:19 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:21 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:24 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:27 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:30 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:33 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:36 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:39 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:42 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:45 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:48 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:50 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:53 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:56 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:28:59 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:29:02 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:29:05 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:29:08 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:29:11 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:29:14 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:29:17 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:29:19 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:29:22 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:29:25 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:29:28 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:29:31 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:29:34 - Basim?
01:29:37 Basim, where are you?
01:29:40 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:29:47 [THUNDER]
01:29:49 - Basim!
01:29:54 [BASIM SCREAMS]
01:30:00 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:30:06 - Margot?
01:30:15 - Evie?
01:30:17 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:30:20 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:30:23 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:30:26 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:30:29 - Was it Nancy, Evie?
01:30:34 - I would give anything to go back in time and stop her from hurting you.
01:30:38 [BASIM SCREAMS]
01:30:41 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:30:44 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:30:46 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:30:49 - What are you doing this?
01:30:52 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:30:55 - What do you want from me?
01:30:58 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:31:01 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:31:04 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:31:07 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:31:10 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:31:13 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:31:15 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:31:18 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:31:21 - She's a freak!
01:31:24 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:31:27 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:31:30 - This is why I always have no friends.
01:31:33 - Just like your sister.
01:31:36 - You're no fun, Margot.
01:31:38 - I can be. Prove it.
01:31:42 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:31:44 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:31:47 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:31:50 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:31:53 - Watch this.
01:31:56 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:31:59 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:32:02 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:32:05 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:32:08 - Evie.
01:32:11 We've been thinking.
01:32:13 Would you like to play a game with us?
01:32:16 Perhaps...
01:32:19 hide and seek?
01:32:22 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:32:25 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:32:28 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:32:31 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:32:34 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:32:37 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:32:40 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:32:42 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:32:45 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:32:48 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:32:51 - One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:32:59 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:33:02 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:33:05 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:33:09 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:33:11 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:33:14 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:33:17 - Hide in there.
01:33:20 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:33:23 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:33:26 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:33:29 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:33:32 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:33:35 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:33:38 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:33:40 - Trust me.
01:33:43 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:33:46 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:33:49 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:33:52 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:33:55 - You want to win the game, don't you?
01:33:58 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:01 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:04 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:07 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:09 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:12 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:15 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:18 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:21 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:24 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:27 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:30 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:33 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:36 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:38 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:41 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:44 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:47 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:50 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:53 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:56 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:34:59 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:35:02 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:35:05 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:35:07 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:35:10 [SOBBING]
01:35:13 [SOBBING]
01:35:16 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:35:19 [SOBBING]
01:35:22 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:35:25 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:35:28 - Evie?
01:35:31 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:35:34 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:35:36 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:35:39 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:35:42 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:35:45 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:35:48 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:35:51 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:35:54 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:35:57 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:36:00 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:36:03 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:36:05 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:36:08 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:36:11 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:36:14 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:36:17 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:36:20 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:36:23 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:36:26 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:36:29 [THUNDER]
01:36:32 - I didn't mean to hurt her.
01:36:34 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:36:37 - What's gonna happen to me?
01:36:40 - Nothing. I won't let anything happen to you.
01:36:43 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:36:46 - Listen to me.
01:36:49 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:36:52 - No one must ever find out about this.
01:36:55 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:36:58 - From now on, we don't talk about it.
01:37:01 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:37:03 - It never happened.
01:37:06 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:37:09 - I'll take care of this.
01:37:12 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:37:15 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:37:18 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:37:21 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:37:24 - Look away, Mom. Look away.
01:37:27 - This isn't happening.
01:37:30 - This isn't happening.
01:37:32 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:37:35 - This isn't real.
01:37:38 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:37:41 - This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real.
01:37:44 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:37:47 - This isn't real. This isn't real.
01:37:50 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:37:53 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:37:56 - But it was real.
01:37:59 Wasn't it?
01:38:01 [THUNDER]
01:38:04 - I remember.
01:38:07 [SOBS]
01:38:09 - You died because...
01:38:12 because of me.
01:38:15 [THUNDER]
01:38:18 [THUNDER]
01:38:21 [SOBS]
01:38:24 - I'm sorry, Evie.
01:38:28 I'm so sorry.
01:38:30 For everything.
01:38:33 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:38:36 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:38:39 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:38:42 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:38:45 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:38:48 - I'm not going with you.
01:38:51 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:38:54 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:38:57 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:38:59 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:02 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:05 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:08 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:11 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:14 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:17 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:20 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:23 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:26 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:28 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:31 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:34 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:37 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:40 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:43 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:46 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:49 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:52 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:55 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:39:57 [OMINOUS MUSIC]
01:40:00 - I'm not insane.
01:40:03 I do see the ghost of you.
01:40:07 They tell me you've lost your mind.
01:40:14 But I know your soul is restless.
01:40:19 And so is mine.
01:40:23 The clock strikes nine, oh nine.
01:40:26 With a danger in its chime.
01:40:29 I relive the time frustration.
01:40:32 Sister, tell who did this crime.
01:40:35 And as the truth is lost.
01:40:42 I fumble deep inside my mind.
01:40:51 Unravel what is left of you.
01:40:54 But I will always find you.
01:41:00 I promise I will find you.
01:41:06 I have a plan.
01:41:11 To avenge who did wrong by you.
01:41:19 The clock strikes nine, oh nine.
01:41:22 With a danger in its chime.
01:41:25 I believe the truth was twisted.
01:41:28 I think I know who did this crime.
01:41:32 And as the truth is lost.
01:41:38 I fumble deep inside my mind.
01:41:47 Unravel what is left of you.
01:41:50 But I will always find you.
01:41:56 I promise I will find you.
01:42:02 And as the truth is lost.
01:42:08 I fumble deep inside my mind.
01:42:16 Unravel what is left of you.
01:42:19 But I will always find you.
01:42:25 I promise I will find you.
01:42:31 [Music]
01:42:36 [Music]
01:42:41 [Music]
01:42:44 [Music]
01:42:47 [Music]
01:42:50 [Music]
01:42:53 [BLANK_AUDIO]