সুকান্ত প্রসঙ্গ থেকে বিজেপি সাইবার যোদ্ধাদের শাহ, নাড্ডার বার্তা! দিনের শেষে কী জানালেন শুভেন্দু?

  • last year
সুকান্ত প্রসঙ্গ থেকে বিজেপি সাইবার যোদ্ধাদের শাহ, নাড্ডার বার্তা! দিনের শেষে কী জানালেন শুভেন্দু?
00:00 I'm a social media. cyber. that is. the PC. last. National Social Assistant Program. cyber. 40%.
00:27 National Social Assistant Program. cyber. voluntary service.
00:38 to the party, Narendra Modi, and the nation to protest in the west.
00:44 And PC by far to end their fraud, to close the curtains.
00:51 They have been encouraged. Our president Jagadprasad Nardaji, and all our leader of the people,
01:00 has been encouraged. He has said, "One country, one constitution, one aim." He has said this,
01:10 and he has done the last work, in the new constitution. We have been rejuvenated by his words. We have
01:17 been encouraged. He has given us some slogans. Next time, we will say, "Modi government."
01:24 He has asked, "Who is the best corrupt?" We have said, "Thief Mamata, thief Mamata."
01:31 He has said, "Hirag Raja was there, Satyajit Rai was behind him, Hirag Rani was not writing."
01:38 We have said, "Hirag Rani, bye bye."
01:41 On the day of Ram Mandir, you said that you will not be present, and you will be there in the evening.
01:45 You said, "This is a sponsored event." How are you looking at this?
01:48 They are their headquarters is China. They have supported India and China during the war.
01:56 Their fathers, ancestors, and relatives all live in China. Therefore, the awareness of the country's culture,
02:04 it is natural that they stay away from that awareness. Because they do not believe in India's freedom.
02:10 They are not accepting the truth of India. They are atheists. Their fathers, Thakurda, Khuda,
02:20 all belong to China.
02:22 If Amit Shah and Narda ji are showing their faces in Kolkata, how are you looking at this?
02:30 There is no value to it. Amit Shah has given the same value to Narda ji.
02:34 He has given the same value to the Rajasthan leader of the Uttar Chhatrisgarh Madhya Pradesh,
02:37 and the Bengali leader of the Uttar Chhatrisgarh Madhya Pradesh.
02:40 In the Gita, you have made a statement about Shukanta Mazumdar.
02:44 You have made a statement about Shukanta Mazumdar.
02:46 There is no use of that. Shukanta Mazumdar is an educated man and a young,
02:51 a young, and an up-and-coming leader. What he said was for the benefit of these atheists and communists.
02:58 And how Vivekananda, Swami Vivekananda, should be worshipped,
03:02 the BJP and the nationalists know that better than Dr. Shukanta Mazumdar.
03:08 You cannot sell Shukanta Mazumdar's words and spread such things.
03:14 A few days ago, I made a statement on the social media of the three groups.
03:19 I said that the natural climate of December is not coming.
03:26 Why is the natural climate changing?
03:33 Because the Congress is destroying the forest, destroying the greenery, and it is planting crops.
03:40 In this city, where we are standing, 5000 big crops have been planted and 8 houses have been built.
03:47 So if you use this with nature, nature will also use it in the opposite way and it will be proven by time.
03:54 He said that what is there in it?
03:57 Shukanta Mazumdar does not need to learn from the illiterate of the three groups.
04:03 He is an educated man like Shukanta Babu, a wise man, a doctorate candidate.
04:11 Then he will say, before opposing Shukanta Babu,
04:16 Mamata Banerjee lost her doctorate and her MBA has been stolen.
04:22 He will find out the truth.
04:24 The social media is in jail.
04:28 Cyber warriors are calling Amit from the bottom of the world.
04:33 "Bipo"
04:35 He is saying that I am talking about those who have gone to jail.
04:39 I am not saying the rest. I will say it later.
