• 2 years ago
Le "Dry January", qui invite tout un chacun à ne pas boire d'alcool pendant un mois, aura de nouveau lieu en janvier à l'initiative d'une soixantaine d'organisations mais sans soutien de l'Etat, une absence persistante et regrettée par nombre d'addictologues.
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00:00 The January DRY, which invites everyone not to drink alcohol for a month,
00:05 will take place again in January at the initiative of sixty organizations,
00:09 but without the support of the State, a persistent absence and regretted by many addictologists.
00:14 Despite the absence of support from the State, the "+" challenge of January +,
00:18 or "+" January DRY + is preparing,
00:21 the organizers of this operation have announced.
00:24 Launched for the fifth consecutive year in France,
00:27 on the model of similar operations in the Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian world,
00:31 the "DRY January", which literally means "dry January",
00:36 consists of not drinking alcohol throughout January.
00:39 The period is conducive to a break,
00:41 after holidays often marked by an important consumption of alcohol.
00:45 But the goal is not only to rest your body,
00:48 it is to experience a daily life without alcohol.
00:52 This type of campaign is increasingly testing itself in public health.
00:57 Instead of focusing on the risks represented by a substance,
01:01 here alcohol,
01:02 we are focusing on the advantages of slowing down consumption.
01:05 Participants are also stimulated by a challenge that simultaneously brings together many people.
01:11 It is the same principle for the month without tobacco, organized in November.
01:16 But unlike this one,
01:18 the "DRY January" is not officially supported by the State,
01:22 a situation regretted every year by part of the health world.
01:26 Organizers count associations,
01:29 such as the League Against Cancer,
01:31 municipalities such as Paris or Lyon,
01:34 organizations of doctors and midwives,
01:36 but not the French Public Health Agency.
01:39 Public Health France had considered joining in 2020 but had given up,
01:44 a choice perceived by many experts as a renunciation of the alcohol lobby,
01:48 especially since President Emmanuel Macron is regularly accused of being complacent with the viticulture sector.
01:54 The confidence in the government to lead a coherent and resolute policy is seriously altered,
01:59 as about fifty addictologists in a letter revealed by Le Parisien
02:04 and addressed to the then Minister of Health, Aurélien Rousseau,
02:08 regretted in December.
02:10 He had since resigned for disagreements on the immigration law,
02:14 had then assured that he would personally participate in the "DRY January",
02:18 but had expressed his skepticism about the fact that the State says "how to live for a month".
02:23 Alcohol consumption is directly or indirectly responsible for more than sixty diseases,
02:29 cancers, cardiovascular diseases, digestive, mental, etc.
02:34 It is the first cause of hospitalization and the second cause of avoidable mortality in France,
02:39 after the tobacco, with about 45,000 deaths per year.
