9,5 millions de personnes revendent leurs cadeaux de Noël

  • l’année dernière
00:00 Are you going to resell your Christmas gifts?
00:02 In this case, you are part of the 23% of French people,
00:05 that is 9.5 million people, who plan to sell their gifts.
00:09 This year, the main reason for this surprising trend is financial necessity.
00:14 For the first time, French people plan to use the money collected,
00:19 on average 49.43 euros, to pay their bills rather than to have fun.
00:24 In detail, 42% of the respondents will put the money aside for any financial needs.
00:30 30% will use it to settle some of the Christmas bills,
00:33 and 29% will replace the gift sold by another.
00:37 The study observes differences between regions.
00:39 Normans are the ones who have the most use for reselling their gifts,
00:43 while the Bretons are the less inclined to turn to this practice.
00:47 [Music]
