خشب مزروع فى مصر شبيه للأرو ومحدش يعرفه وهنعمل منه مبخره خشب اعواد انا جربته خفيف على المكن زى السويد والدهان بيبان على الخشب من تانى وش عيزين نزرع خشب وهنصنع منه تحف خشبيه من شجرغير متوقع مع نجاركوم ابومسلم بطرق سهله جدآ واقل العدد واسلوب بسيط مبخره خشب اعواد | من فروع الشجر | مشروع مربح والخشب ببلاش مبخرة اعواد بخور
Wood grown in Egypt is similar to oak, and no one knows it. We will make wood incense burners from it. I tried it as light on the machine as Sweden, and the paint shows on the wood again. Why do we want to plant wood and we will make wooden masterpieces from it from unexpected trees with carpenter Abu Muslim in very easy ways, fewer numbers and a simple style? Wood incense burners on sticks. | From tree branches A profitable project and free wood, incense burner and incense sticks
Wood grown in Egypt is similar to oak, and no one knows it. We will make wood incense burners from it. I tried it as light on the machine as Sweden, and the paint shows on the wood again. Why do we want to plant wood and we will make wooden masterpieces from it from unexpected trees with carpenter Abu Muslim in very easy ways, fewer numbers and a simple style? Wood incense burners on sticks. | From tree branches A profitable project and free wood, incense burner and incense sticks