"What Is Your Attitude Toward Life?" - Satsang with Swami Premodaya excerpt

  • 8 months ago
Swami Premodaya explains how every aspect of our lives need to be cleaned up, so that our response to things is natural, spontaneous, authentic - therefore organically in line with Reality, with Truth.

Excerpt from an International Centers of Divine Awakening (ICODA) Satsang with Swami Premodaya, recorded live - 6 June 2016.

isit https://www.I-CODA.org for upcoming meetings with Swami Premodaya. To watch full-length Satsangs, Spiritual Discourses and other events featuring Swami Premodaya, a genuine Guru who seamlessly bridges contemporary & ancient, Eastern & Western - you're invited to visit our FREE channel: http://www.PremodayaTV.com (anytime). His amazing book "Truth Speaks" is available on Amazon.
