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  • last year
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00:00 Wah, finally arrived!
00:02 Yay!
00:03 Wah!
00:04 Oh no!
00:05 What are we filming?
00:17 I'm taking you to try that
00:19 Philippines is very famous now
00:20 The 4 flavours of fritters
00:22 Try it, it's been a long time since we last filmed
00:24 It's my turn!
00:25 Try different flavours
00:27 Try different flavours
00:28 How big is the fritters?
00:30 Big fritters, this one
00:32 Okay
00:33 Oh, there's a set
00:35 These are the different flavours of fritters
00:39 So, we'll show you how it's made
00:41 There are 4 flavours in it
00:43 Wah, I see the flour
00:45 It's a bit sticky
00:46 Wah, very fragrant
00:48 It's chewy
00:50 Shake it, shake it
00:54 Which one? One cheese, honey cheese
00:58 BBQ, chilli BBQ
01:01 Oh, okay
01:02 Wah, you have to weigh it
01:09 Yay!
01:12 55
01:15 Woohoo!
01:16 Wow!
01:20 Wah, finally arrived!
01:23 So, we have 4 flavours here
01:25 We ordered the biggest, most flavours
01:27 So, we have cheese, chilli, BBQ and sour cream
01:32 It's a bit spicy
01:46 Oh, this is spicy
01:48 This is spicy
01:49 Okay
01:50 This is spicy
01:52 BBQ okay?
02:00 This cheese flavour is very strong
02:05 Which I personally don't like
02:07 Use a fork, use your hands
02:09 See if it's a pancake or a pudding
02:11 Try cheese
02:13 Wah, this cheese is really strong
02:20 Oi, oi, oi
02:22 BBQ
02:24 BBQ is okay
02:28 I still like to eat cheese
02:30 I still like to eat cheese
02:32 Okay, we're done eating
02:34 So, we'll do a review
02:35 Are you sure you're done eating?
02:37 I'm sure I'm done eating
02:38 But this big of a shell
02:40 I actually left it for my colleague
02:41 Because I love my colleague
02:43 So, after we ate a few
02:45 I don't think it's as good as the ones on the internet
02:49 Because the ones on the internet are the best
02:52 But after I ate it, it's just a
02:54 It's just a pancake
02:55 Yes, it's just a pancake
02:56 Because it's actually a pancake wrapped in seasoning powder
02:59 So, I think that even though the pancake is fresh
03:03 I don't know if it's because it's wrapped in powder
03:05 It's easier to tear
03:08 So, the pancake is easier to break
03:10 I personally like to eat crispy
03:12 So, if you're a single person
03:13 I suggest you buy a combo
03:16 It comes with a drink
03:18 And there are many sizes
03:19 So, choose the size that suits your needs
03:22 So, that's it for today
03:24 Remember to follow Chinese on IG, TikTok and Facebook
03:27 See you next time, bye bye
03:28 [Music]
