'Lost Kardashian' Yuri Lamasbella Breaks Down Kim, Kourtney and Khloé TikTok Tra

  • last year
'Lost Kardashian' Yuri Lamasbella Breaks Down Kim, Kourtney and Khloé TikTok Tra
00:00 Yuri Lamas Bella, also known as the Lost Kardashian.
00:04 I mean, this journey has been so incredible to watch.
00:09 - Oh my gosh, I've literally been dying for an iced coffee.
00:14 (upbeat music)
00:17 You didn't get me one?
00:20 I'm so thirsty and the disrespect is so dehydrating.
00:25 - How did this all start?
00:27 - So my friends back in college would always tell me
00:30 I sounded like a Valley girl.
00:32 And I never knew what that meant.
00:33 I'm like, what is a Valley girl?
00:35 - Where are you from?
00:35 - I was born and raised in Tampa.
00:37 - So you are not a Valley girl.
00:38 - I am not a Valley girl.
00:38 - Not from LA.
00:39 - Yeah, not from LA.
00:40 I had no idea what a Valley girl was.
00:42 And then my friends would tell me that I sounded
00:45 somewhat of like a Kardashian.
00:47 And I was like, I don't think that I do.
00:49 But then my friends would want me to do it
00:51 at like their birthday parties,
00:53 like do little like Kardashian impressions.
00:56 And then so I did it.
00:57 And then one day I just decided to do it for the world.
00:59 So I talked to Scott.
01:02 Yeah.
01:05 Yeah.
01:08 And what did he say?
01:14 He was saying how he wants to take the kids
01:18 to Palm Springs for the summer.
01:21 Tell me about posting that first video.
01:24 What made you think I got to just, you know,
01:26 bump it up from doing it at parties for people
01:28 as like a party trick to,
01:29 I need to share this with the world.
01:30 - Yeah, I had recently gotten on TikTok just for fun.
01:34 It was during the pandemic.
01:35 That's when everybody was watching TikTok
01:37 and I was watching a lot of Kardashian clips.
01:39 I just decided to do something about Palm Springs
01:42 because I was recently watching an episode of Keeping Up
01:45 when they were in Palm Springs.
01:46 And I noticed that Kourtney gives a lot of importance
01:49 to like the kids and I never got that.
01:51 Like as a child, no one ever asked me like,
01:53 what do I want to do?
01:54 You know?
01:55 And I was like, that must be nice.
01:57 And it just made me realize
01:58 that we live such a different reality.
02:00 And so I think I hyper-focused on that,
02:02 did my first Kardashian video.
02:04 It really took like 10 minutes.
02:06 It was just a quick little skit.
02:08 I did it off the top of my head,
02:10 switched from Kourtney to Kim.
02:12 It was just those two characters and it blew up.
02:14 - So you realize that this is working.
02:17 The audience thinks this is hilarious.
02:20 Did you decide I got to lean into this?
02:22 - Yes, that's exactly how it happened.
02:23 So I was having a lot of fun with it
02:25 and I just began to develop characters
02:27 and listening to the audience
02:28 because they would say, oh, you should do this.
02:30 You kind of sound like Kylie.
02:31 I think you would do a great Kris Jenner.
02:33 I really listened to my audience
02:35 and I developed these characters
02:37 and then the wigs came and then the nails came
02:39 and then the salads came, you know, all of that.
02:42 So it was, it's a lot of fun.
02:44 - How's my baby shower planning going?
02:51 (upbeat music)
02:54 This is the first time I'm hearing that Kourtney's pregnant.
02:58 I think a lot of people watch your videos
03:00 and maybe assume these are parodies.
03:03 So this comedian, this talent who's making the videos
03:06 might not be a fan of this family.
03:08 Can you set the record straight?
03:09 Are you actually a Kardashian fan?
03:11 - I am a Kardashian super fan.
03:13 I don't think I would be able to embody them
03:16 the way that I do if I didn't watch
03:17 every single episode of them
03:19 and if I didn't follow them on social media
03:21 and follow their every footsteps.
03:23 Like I study them, I love them so much
03:26 and there are people that will find out
03:28 that I actually love the Kardashians
03:30 and they will unfollow me, but it's fine.
03:32 We're a Kardashian safe space
03:33 and I've always been vocal about that.
03:35 - I love that.
03:36 Okay, I want to go through your creative process.
03:39 I wanna go sister by sister.
03:41 What is it that you do to nail the look,
03:44 nail the voice, nail the cadence?
03:46 Let's start with Kim.
03:48 - I literally can't even deal.
03:49 She's so uncultured.
03:51 Her health journey's probably in shambles.
03:54 No, I'm literally so embarrassed for your life and your soul.
03:57 - Kim is skims.
03:57 Like Kim is perfect to the T, hair is done,
04:01 slick back in a bun,
04:03 always like really hyper-focused onto something,
04:07 always looks amazing.
04:08 That's how Kim is.
04:09 She's very chill, like there's no anxiety with her
04:13 like when she comes into the room.
04:15 So it's more of like a calming energy
04:17 and I just lower my voice a little bit
04:20 and then I just kind of know what I'm talking about
04:24 and what I'm saying.
04:26 And then I just embody it
04:29 because Kim really thinks about what she's gonna say.
04:34 Her cadence is really low and really soft.
04:39 And yeah, she's iconic.
04:40 - Are you happy?
04:41 - Not when I see your face.
04:45 - Not even organic.
04:47 - Yeah.
04:48 - Courtney is a person that everybody wishes they could be.
04:50 They wanna say what they,
04:52 she says what she wants whenever she wants.
04:54 She does whatever she wants. - Unfiltered.
04:56 - Unfiltered, says what she wants to say.
04:58 And she's also very careful with the things that she says.
05:02 So that's when the voice like starts to slow down
05:06 and then she has kind of like a fry voice
05:10 and then she just becomes Courtney.
05:14 - We are foodies.
05:16 That's why we work out the way we do
05:17 because we order everything and we'll scarf it down
05:22 and we'll pray for forgiveness later.
05:25 - Chloe, I love Chloe.
05:27 I think everybody wants a Chloe in their life.
05:29 Everybody needs a Chloe in their life.
05:30 She's very giving.
05:32 But if you look at the dynamic between the sisterhood,
05:35 she's always in the middle of everything
05:38 and she doesn't take anything so seriously.
05:40 She doesn't take her life seriously.
05:42 Everything is like, it's not so serious
05:45 as the show likes it to be.
05:48 And then I love the long nails.
05:50 Like it's just, she's just such a fun time.
05:53 There's nothing like,
05:54 there's nothing so like serious about Chloe.
05:57 So I just have fun with Chloe and everyone loves Chloe.
06:00 - Is it hard to master her voice and her mannerisms?
06:03 - Hers is probably the harder one, yeah, for sure.
06:06 Because her cadence is very different.
06:08 It's a little more sped up than Kim and Courtney.
06:12 And it's also a little deeper.
06:13 So I really gotta like, it takes like five or six takes
06:16 for, and then I publish like the perfect one.
06:19 - Did you really buy a $70 million house?
06:23 - Yeah, but it was on sale.
06:25 - Not a sale.
06:25 - Is your focus with Chloe always the,
06:27 not the insert blank?
06:29 - Yes, it's always like that or okurr,
06:31 or the like, okay, okay, cucumber, like things like that.
06:36 She's, I love her.
06:37 - Literally, none of it is even literally true.
06:40 Okay, I imagine that this one is the hardest one.
06:42 - Kendall is, she is one of the harder ones.
06:44 I tap into probably my most organic voice with Kendall.
06:48 - So she sounds closest to you.
06:50 - I think so.
06:51 And then I just lower it and I speed it up a little.
06:53 'Cause I'm also, I also talk kind of slow too.
06:56 I don't know why.
06:57 But I think I just want to say the perfect,
07:00 I want to say everything perfectly.
07:02 And that's why I'm like, I'm thinking about it in my head.
07:04 But yes, with Kendall, I just,
07:05 I kind of go deeper in a voice.
07:07 There's nothing much to Kendall.
07:08 I get like more of a down to earth girl with Kendall.
07:11 - Kendall, this song's about you?
07:14 Ooh.
07:15 - Kylie is, oh my gosh.
07:17 Kylie is the Don Julio 19,
07:19 she's the 818 girl of everything.
07:22 Like she's a fun time.
07:23 She's the party girl.
07:24 I love her.
07:25 She's just, nothing is serious with Kylie.
07:29 Like she wants to have fun.
07:30 She wants to take shots.
07:31 She wants her ass out, (beep) out.
07:34 Like she wants all of that.
07:35 That's Kylie.
07:36 - Dormy.
07:37 - I literally made you a sandwich.
07:42 Ooh.
07:44 - I love how you do her like, ooh.
07:46 - Yeah.
07:47 And you know, I'm going to like disappoint people,
07:49 but she doesn't really say that.
07:51 Like, I don't think there's ever a video of her.
07:54 - Is it one of those weird things
07:56 where we in society think that she invented that?
07:58 - Yes, it's the Mandela effect.
07:59 - Yeah, the Mandela effect, yes.
08:00 - Yes, there's no footage of it that I can find either.
08:04 But I know I got it from her.
08:06 - I think you did.
08:08 - It's so her.
08:08 - Watch the investigation.
08:09 We will find it.
08:10 - Yeah.
08:11 - We need to find it.
08:12 - I'm almost positive.
08:13 Just so terrified that I have to go into major surgery.
08:15 Oh my God.
08:16 Is it major?
08:17 You know, maybe.
08:19 She's my favorite.
08:20 She's my absolute favorite.
08:22 She's Kris Jenner.
08:23 Like I just love, she's a matriarch of it all.
08:26 So with Kris Jenner,
08:27 she really just focuses on being a mom and being a manager.
08:31 So just putting those two together,
08:33 she has the best props with the martini glasses,
08:36 with the hair, with the blazer on.
08:39 Like she's just, she's such a manager.
08:42 Like she stands on business.
08:43 She is that girl.
08:45 - Like why would I wrinklegate myself?
08:47 - Not wrinklegate.
08:49 - It's worse than my diamond earring falling in the ocean.
08:51 Kim, there's people that are dying.
08:54 I didn't even notice.
08:57 I noticed.
08:59 I just hate Kim.
09:01 And so I didn't say anything.
09:04 - One of the things that makes your videos so special
09:07 is the details.
09:08 The fact that you are not only incredible
09:10 at doing these impressions,
09:12 but that the bits are extremely creative,
09:15 clever, and well-written.
09:17 So are you the writer?
09:19 Are you the innovator behind these ideas
09:22 that we see brought to life?
09:23 - Yes, I would say I'm all,
09:25 I definitely write a script.
09:27 And then sometimes when I'm filming,
09:28 I deviate from the script.
09:30 But yeah, the jokes. - Genius strikes.
09:31 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, genius strikes.
09:32 And I get more motivated to take it
09:34 in a different direction.
09:36 Ideas and motivation on a day-to-day basis,
09:38 you just gotta look at what you hyper-focus on.
09:41 And it's like, how can I dramatize this?
09:43 - Why do your trees look like they're starving?
09:46 This is just like the vibe I'm going for.
09:52 Like Osempic vibes.
09:53 - Not Osempic.
09:54 - The props have taken on a life of their own.
09:58 Where did the idea come from to do Post-It bookmarks
10:02 as your fingernails for Chloe?
10:04 - I don't even know how I got that idea.
10:07 But I remember one day,
10:09 I had had acrylic nails on forever.
10:11 And when I took a break from them, it just didn't,
10:13 Chloe didn't look like Chloe.
10:14 - Right, the signature nails.
10:16 - Yeah, I'm like, Chloe doesn't have long nails.
10:17 Like, Chloe doesn't have short nails.
10:19 Like, I can pull this off with Kim and Kourtney
10:20 and everybody else, but what am I gonna do for Chloe?
10:22 And then I had this idea to do the Post-It nails.
10:26 And it wasn't even the, it was, I had to cut them.
10:28 - Oh, so it wasn't the little bookmarks.
10:30 - It wasn't the little bookmarks.
10:31 - You cut up a real Post-It.
10:32 - I cut up a real Post-It and I did it
10:33 'cause if you look in my original videos
10:36 with the Post-Its for the first time, they're really long.
10:38 And then I found the little bookmark ones.
10:40 I'm like, oh my God, this is Chloe.
10:41 This is perfect.
10:42 - Yeah. - Yeah.
10:43 - And the decision to just let them fly everywhere
10:45 and not edit that out.
10:46 - Yeah.
10:47 - Did that just add to the humor?
10:48 - That just added to it.
10:49 And that in the first video,
10:51 the Post-Its, they weren't sticking.
10:53 And I was, I got kind of frustrated.
10:54 I was like, whatever, I'm just gonna, you know.
10:56 - You let them fly.
10:57 - Yeah, I let them fly.
10:58 It's not that serious.
10:58 People loved it.
10:59 - It's part of the moment.
11:00 It's part of why we love tuning in.
11:03 The wigs are also a huge part.
11:05 Where do we source the wigs?
11:06 Do you take care of these wigs?
11:08 Tell me about that.
11:09 - You know I don't take care of these wigs.
11:10 - Yeah.
11:11 - Like, it's funnier that way.
11:13 It's funner that way.
11:15 I really think that the wigs set it off.
11:17 The wigs are what make the character the character.
11:20 - Absolutely, you are the lost Kardashian.
11:22 - Thank you.
11:22 - Maybe now you've been found
11:23 because I understand they have watched your videos.
11:27 Tell me everything.
11:28 What comments have you received?
11:30 Have they been in your DMs?
11:31 - Not in the DMs.
11:32 Kris Jenner in the DMs.
11:34 - What did she say?
11:36 - She will send me emojis.
11:37 She'll send me a lot of love.
11:38 Never really like chit chat, like, hey, this and that.
11:42 But just a lot of love.
11:43 She'll mention me and her stories
11:45 every time I mention her.
11:46 Every time I mention any of the girls,
11:48 like she'll repost it.
11:50 And she follows me on TikTok and Instagram.
11:53 - Can we talk about my boundaries for the Candyland party?
11:57 What are your boundaries?
11:58 - Just like no candy.
12:01 - So you want a no candy Candyland.
12:05 - Not candyless Candyland.
12:07 - And Khloe Kardashian has probably engaged
12:10 the most in my content in terms of comments.
12:12 I've seen like five or six videos
12:14 where she's had several comments about her character.
12:17 And she, I love that she loves it
12:20 because if they were not fans of it,
12:22 I would probably think twice about continuing to do it.
12:25 But because I know they have fun with it
12:26 and they love it too.
12:27 Like the fact that Khloe can make fun of herself
12:30 and like laughs about it.
12:31 And then with Kim and Kourtney,
12:33 Kim reposted a couple of my videos on her story
12:36 as well as Kourtney.
12:38 - Okay, so that's gotta feel super validating.
12:40 But like, how do we take it to the next step?
12:42 Are you getting invited to the Christmas Eve party
12:45 or maybe even a collaboration
12:47 feels super natural at this point.
12:49 - I know that's the last thing.
12:50 That is the cherry on top.
12:52 I think that's what everybody's waiting for, right?
12:55 I would always say like at the end of the day,
12:57 like when I meet Kim, like that'll be like the cherry on top
13:01 but you know, if that doesn't happen,
13:04 I think that we've created such an amazing community
13:07 and we've had so many laughs and we have so much fun
13:10 and my team is great.
13:11 Like I think it's all worth it.
13:14 - I think 2024, there is no doubt
13:17 you and the Kardashians will be in the same room together.
13:19 You're on entertainment tonight.
13:21 Your camera is right here.
13:22 Do you wanna look in the camera
13:23 and invite them to come film a video?
13:25 - Oh my gosh, Kim, I would love to shake a salad with you.
13:28 Kourtney, I would love to just hang out with you.
13:31 We're soul sisters, so let's just do it.
13:35 Let's prank Kim because she deserves it.
13:39 (upbeat music)
13:41 (upbeat music)
