Ed Skrein Is 'Screaming' For an Alita_ Battle Angel Sequel (Exclusive)

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Ed Skrein Is 'Screaming' For an Alita_ Battle Angel Sequel (Exclusive)


00:00 Alita Battle Angel has such a huge fan base that people are like screaming for the sequel and Alita Battle Angel
00:06 I'm screaming for it. I know what's going on. Why are they?
00:09 Because the Disney bought it and it was the 20th Century Fox thing and you know with the merger such a shame
00:16 It's what it is. I mean for me
00:18 That time spent in Austin with Robert Rodriguez at troublemaker studios. It's like some of my happiest filmmaking moments
00:27 He's he's kind of similar to he's the only person that I could say is
00:31 Anywhere close to Zack in in you know, Zack is one of one
00:35 But Robert, you know is someone who you know, everyone in his crew he's worked with for 20 years
00:40 He's watched them grow up. He knows their kids, you know, he
00:45 He loves filmmaking. He's just chilled out. You know, what was X playing these throwing games on set Robert Rodriguez
00:53 It's got an amp and a guitar. Yeah, and he's in the in in the video village playing that so
00:58 another wonderful man another family man and
01:02 Incredible creative and I loved it working with Rosa Salazar
01:06 It was just like it was just it was it was
01:11 It's definitely in my top three of most enjoyable movies and you know
01:17 What was so hard about this movies? I had to diet I had to do all this stuff
01:20 Well in a lead of battle angel, I wore a mocap suit. Mm-hmm
01:23 The first day I got there was Austin, Texas catering and they had the brisket the sausage the mac cheese
01:30 I was there for Thanksgiving and I was like coming back with like three plates
01:33 I went I went over a little potbelly and then when the movie came out I had a cyborg six-pack
01:39 I was like, yeah, I wanted to I want to stipulate that for every movie now
01:44 I think I think next time I'm gonna do that, you know, I'm just gonna wear a mocap suit every day a roll neck
01:49 I
01:51 Don't have to fight Zack Snyder, we love him. He's great. I love talking to him. He's always no BS
02:06 How do you describe working with him? And was there anything that surprised you about his process? I
02:10 Was surprised by his level of an constant enthusiasm
02:15 He's incredibly consistent and just by the amount of information that is in his mind available for everybody
02:22 he has built an incredible story that he's been working on for such a long time and
02:27 He has behind him like a crew that's been so loyal to him for such a long time
02:32 He installed on set such a beautiful fun and harmonious
02:37 Dynamic with everybody he works with no matter what and you can tell like that
02:43 153 days of filming. It's pretty can get pretty tiring and pretty
02:47 Exhausting and and but no matter what people show up and he shows up with the biggest smile on his face
02:53 And I love when he plays basketball with water bottles. Yeah, he's done with them putting them in the trash
03:00 Yeah, that was the most surprising thing for me. It's like he's throwing competitions all the time
03:05 Yeah
03:05 and we're on this huge movie bigger than anything I've worked on before and I can see Misha the first ad like
03:11 We kind of need to go but Zach's just too busy having a throwing competition
03:14 Yeah, I've been like 50 foot away and he's he's really good at throwing he's making it fun
03:20 He's making a fun environment and it is a way and like I could get to set and sometimes being terrified about a scene
03:27 I'm doing for I'm gonna nail it if I'm gonna get the just of it
03:30 I'm just looking at over my shoulder and it's like he's having a blast
03:33 He's having the best time and and that to me was a not just surprising
03:38 But it was like a like just a reminder to have fun and as a dancer
03:42 I can just be so awful to myself and be very serious and like, you know discipline and then that sort of
03:48 Made me sort of relax a little bit around and at the end of the day and they're just like laughing along with everybody
03:55 I remember there was I mean, I can't say anything
03:58 Well, you mentioned the dance the dance career and I don't know if you I felt this watching it. I it almost felt like you were
04:07 Blending your two careers in this in this movie, especially during some of the fight sequences. Did you feel that?
04:12 Yeah
04:12 I mean honestly
04:13 This is the hardest thing that I've done since I was a dancer and I've always said being on tour
04:18 Being a dancer is the hardest thing I've ever done and this was close to it in terms of what it required
04:23 for me physically and so also out of like like being disciplined and the exhaustion I was physically tired mentally tired, but
04:33 Nonetheless knowing you're doing the best project ever and so we were all happy to be there
04:38 but it just brought me back to just my the discipline that I had to that I have to adopt when I when I
04:45 when I dance and
04:47 just
04:49 Going about those choreographies. Just the way I learn is the same technique that I use when I when I learn choreography
04:56 And it's it's it's a dance, right?
04:58 You're doing it with somebody else and it's like it's just a body language and a movement and I wanted to fight Cora find Cora
05:04 In in that in that element and find her identity and her true
05:10 Position with how she holds things like a river
05:14 Practicing with the guns and wanting to have that body posture and find where her strength is
05:19 to not be too delicate and to not be too masculine just have that her
05:25 Her anchored and said that comes from I think in a way dancing. Well, you look damn cool
05:30 So Ed, you are the the big bad
05:33 well
05:34 one of them but as the movie progresses we kind of learn more and more about this person and
05:39 Potentially where he comes from how much did you know about his backstory and what intrigued you most about the character? I
05:46 Suppose that they're one in the same, you know
05:50 Is that gave me an incredible amount of information about his backstory that you're gonna see a lot more of in the extended cuts
05:57 There's a lot more noble believe it or not. Noble is a lot more suited to our rated than a PG 13
06:03 Part 2 part 2 you learn a little bit more as well, but really is the R rated versions
06:09 Yeah, he told me an incredible amount of information
06:11 and that was the alert that this was a
06:14 antagonist that was
06:17 so well written with you know such a range of
06:20 scenes and
06:24 You know that you can kind of by the end of it you can really understand his motivations and I think a lot of the
06:30 Time antagonists are very underserved
06:32 It's why I like to be very sparing with choosing them. I think I've chosen good memorable ones
06:40 So far and you know after this one, I'm gonna be even more picky
06:45 You
06:47 (whooshing)
