Detroit Pistons vs. Boston Celtics: Dissecting a Devastating Loss

  • last year
00:03 And, J-Y, where were you when the Detroit Pistons had
00:08 a 21-point lead in Boston over the Celtics, the NBA's
00:13 best team, with under a minute left in the opening half?
00:16 Where were you, J-Y, when Detroit had a 19-point lead
00:19 at the halftime break, only to squander all of those 19
00:23 points in its advantage by the end of the third quarter
00:26 to go to overtime in Beantown last night,
00:30 and the Celtics win by 6, 128-122 in that extra session
00:35 to hand Detroit its 28th consecutive loss,
00:39 adding on to the longest ever losing skid
00:42 in the history of the association.
00:44 J-Y, where were you?
00:46 What were you doing?
00:47 What are your thoughts following the game
00:49 last night between the Pistons and Celtics in Boston?
00:53 Well, as coach was resting after watching that debacle of what
00:57 I called University of Miami football at Yankee Stadium--
01:01 shout out to the U, thumbs down.
01:03 Mario Cristobal-- I may be a better coach than Mario
01:07 Cristobal, but we'll save that for-- yeah, the U down.
01:10 I can't do that.
01:11 That's blasphemy.
01:11 But anyway, where I was, I was waiting, Ben.
01:15 And I was waiting for early in the second half.
01:18 I wanted to see if Boston was going to throw their punch.
01:22 Because you've got to understand this, folks.
01:24 I went through some moments my last year.
01:26 It was a bad year.
01:27 We had six freshmen.
01:29 And I tell people this.
01:31 When you're young and you're losing,
01:33 you don't have to go find losses.
01:36 The losses will find you in all different ways.
01:40 So what I waited for, Ben, is I waited
01:42 to see if there was going to be a run by Boston early
01:45 in the third.
01:46 I talked about it yesterday.
01:47 You don't want to be the team that gives them,
01:50 the Pistons, their win.
01:52 So I jumped on plus 1 and 1/2 at 70-57.
01:56 And I wasn't shocked that it got to the end of the third quarter
01:59 with a game being tied.
02:00 What I was shocked, though, is to see
02:03 Detroit do try and battle the way in the fourth quarter.
02:07 Because I felt like that happened
02:09 and we're going to run away with it.
02:10 You saw some pride with the Pistons.
02:12 But you saw youth.
02:14 You saw mistakes.
02:15 And you saw guys questioning themselves.
02:17 That's why when it's Detroit, Ben,
02:20 they got to be leading going into the fourth.
02:22 And they got to be going away with the game.
02:24 If it's a game close at the end of three,
02:27 go against Detroit because they'll
02:29 find a way to cough it up.
02:32 It's a shame when you watch that game, too, because Detroit,
02:34 you could probably say if this was any other team other
02:37 than the Celtics in Boston, this is a victory for Detroit here.
02:41 We'll see where it goes.
02:41 We're approaching now 30 straight losses
02:44 for the Detroit Pistons.
02:45 And maybe no wins in sight here.
02:47 But again, yesterday was one of those games
02:49 that you thought the Celtics probably would win by 25 or 30
02:52 going away.
02:53 They were on the ropes and needed overtime
02:55 to pick up that victory against the Pistons.
02:58 (upbeat music)
