Superhero Origins: Marvel 1602 Avengers

  • last year
Avengers... 'tis time to assemble, as battle is afoot! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re looking at the comic book origins of the 1602 Avengers.


00:00 Welcome to WatchMojo and today we're looking at the comic book origins of the 1602 Avengers.
00:18 Before What If put its own spin on this 17th century superhero team, the concept was dreamt
00:23 up by the prolific writer Neil Gaiman.
00:31 The creative became well known over the years for putting new spins on classic heroes like
00:35 Batman.
00:36 At the same time, fans knew Gaiman could craft completely original concepts and characters
00:41 like the Sandman.
00:42 That's why Marvel trusted him to play some of their most iconic characters in a radically
00:47 new and exciting setting.
00:49 And combined with fantastic work from artists Andy Kubert, Scott McCowen, and Richard Isenov,
00:55 we got Marvel 1602.
00:58 Gaiman's narrative opens up on a 17th century world that was on the verge of widespread
01:07 disaster.
01:08 For some unknown reason, unusual and destructive weather started popping up everywhere.
01:14 "Tornadoes, floods, and droughts unleashed a wave of destruction upon our planet."
01:24 During this chaotic time, 17th century versions of Doctor Strange and Nick Fury speak with
01:29 Elizabeth I to try and find a solution, but they aren't the only familiar faces around.
01:36 After introducing the main threat, we see how harsh the world is to empowered people.
01:41 As just one sickening example, we see an ancient version of Angel that was held captive and
01:46 judged just for having wings.
01:55 Right as he was about to be executed, a few of the X-Men arrived to set him loose.
02:00 These early takes on mutants, known as Witchbreed, reveal that they too have been rejected and
02:05 scarred by society.
02:07 Cyclops even shows that his chest was branded with the letter X.
02:11 But despite the world's hatred, this group of old mutants were able to survive together
02:15 under the tutelage of Carlos Javier, aka Professor X.
02:25 Their rescue allows Angel to finally spread his wings for the first time in a very long
02:30 while.
02:31 As he acquaints himself with the team, we learn about two of the most important players
02:36 in the story.
02:37 Within the pages of Real American History books, Virginia Dare was a young girl who
02:42 was born into an English colony whose residents mysteriously disappeared.
02:54 Marvel's 1602 recasts her as a girl who can shapeshift and is constantly watched over
02:59 by her loyal bodyguard Raj Haas.
03:01 As she approached England's shores, Doctor Strange was suddenly overwhelmed with visions
03:06 about her.
03:07 These sights pushed him to seek her out and help her hide from dark forces.
03:12 Before Strange can ponder where the visions came from, the Queen is mysteriously assassinated.
03:18 Although the evil Doom is responsible, mutants are blamed for the crime.
03:28 The new king, James I, soon decrees that all superpowered people are now enemies of the
03:33 crown.
03:34 As all the heroes try their best to avoid death, an impatient observer decides to break
03:39 a big rule and interfere.
03:46 In a major twist, Uatu the Watcher pulls Strange into an urgent conversation.
03:52 The cosmic being tells the human that the storms are being indirectly caused by time
03:57 traveler.
03:58 This person's mere existence in 1602 was somehow causing reality to unravel.
04:03 Apparently, the universe tried to balance itself by causing superheroes to appear on
04:08 earth hundreds of years earlier.
04:17 But introducing superpowered people wasn't enough.
04:20 Strange learns that if this person isn't found, this earth will collapse and set off
04:25 a chain reaction that could destroy the entire multiverse.
04:34 While the doctor wanted to warn others, he couldn't speak about what he learned as
04:39 long as he lived.
04:40 Things seemed to go from bad to worse after Strange was captured and executed.
04:45 Fortunately, death itself couldn't stop the master of mystic arts.
04:55 From beyond the grave, he's able to speak the truth about everything he discovered and
04:59 pushes his allies to find the time traveler.
05:02 It's originally assumed that the young Virginia was the one out of time.
05:07 After all, she did mysteriously disappear in the original timeline.
05:17 However, in another stunning twist, it's revealed that Virginia's bodyguard Raj Haas
05:22 isn't who he appeared to be.
05:23 The mystery man reveals he was sent back into the past by a sinister villain.
05:28 Before becoming known as Raj Haas in 1602, he was called Steve Rogers, aka Captain America.
05:46 This version of the hero lived in a twisted future where his superpowered friends were
05:50 labeled as criminals.
05:52 Eventually, Cap himself was captured and forced back into 1602.
05:56 After regaining his senses, Steve realized that he had an opportunity to shape all of
06:01 American history.
06:02 He vowed to remain in the past in the hopes that he could prevent numerous tragedies and
06:06 build a better country.
06:14 A past version of Nick Fury tries desperately to remind Steve that staying in the past will
06:20 lead to the complete erasure of everyone's future.
06:23 But the Avenger refuses to leave 1602.
06:26 As the clock ticks closer to destruction, Nick Fury betrays the hero.
06:38 After knocking Captain America out in the past, the spy carries the Avenger through
06:42 a portal and back to the future.
06:44 Originally, this act would have caused everyone on Earth-1602 to disappear.
06:49 But a sentimental Uatu is allowed to literally keep the world in his hands.
06:54 Not only were the Avengers of Earth-1602 saved, but they were given the chance to thrive in
06:59 future stories.
07:09 Over the years, several writers and artists returned to this unique world to continue
07:13 the storylines that Gaiman originally weaved.
07:15 And around 20 years after the comic was first introduced, the world got to shine on screen
07:21 in What If.
07:22 It's unknown what the future might hold for this marvelous version of the past, but
07:25 if Neil Gaiman had his way, we'd have seen these characters realized in an entirely new
07:30 medium.
07:38 Back in 2018, the creator had a conversation with Marvel's television division about
07:43 getting a live-action 1602 show off the ground.
07:47 The talks weren't successful.
07:54 But an interesting thing happened in the years since Gaiman reached out to Marvel.
07:58 After Captain Carter appeared on What If, the character made her live-action debut in
08:02 Multiverse of Madness.
08:07 Her incredible appearance made us feel other animated What If characters could show up
08:12 too.
08:13 Unfortunately, there's always the chance a strange spell could pull a 1602 character
08:17 into the main reality.
08:19 While a full show based around the historic team is far from a guarantee, it's now more
08:24 likely than ever that one or more of these past heroes could pop up in a mainline story.
08:46 But even if we don't see old versions of characters cross over to the present, we can
08:50 still recognize how unique the concept is.
08:52 The 1602 world gave us an opportunity to see our favorite heroes in ways we could've
08:57 never imagined.
08:59 We were also pulled into a dark and engrossing tale that was full of twists and triumphs.
09:03 Whether we made the journey on the page or on screen, it was always a blast to take this
09:08 marvelous trip to the past.
09:14 Which Marvel hero would you like to see in the 17th century?
09:17 Let us know in the comments down below.
09:31 Thanks for watching.
09:42 [MUSIC]
