• 2 years ago
Tummy Ache Song Pinkfong Got Tummy Ache Pinkfong Safety Songs Pinkfong Songs for Children
00:00 Ping Pong!
00:03 Hoi Hoi
00:04 Hoi Hoi
00:06 Subscribe!
00:08 Gather gather, gather gather
00:15 Busy busy, hustle hustle, gather all around
00:18 Yucky bang bang, yucky bang bang
00:21 We are coming for you
00:23 I like it raw, I like it really
00:26 Yucky bang bang, yucky bang bang bang
00:28 Hate washing my hands, dirty is my name
00:31 Yucky bang bang, yucky bang bang bang
00:33 Oh yes, we've conquered the world!
00:36 Ouchie my tummy, ouchie my tummy
00:39 Why does my tummy feel like this?
00:41 I've got a fever, running to the bathroom
00:44 Why does my tummy feel like this?
00:46 Oh no! You've got food poisoning!
00:49 Wash your hands before you eat
00:52 Squeaky clean, rap rap
00:54 Make sure you cook it
00:56 Sizzle sizzle sizzle, boil boil
00:58 Bubble bubble bubble
01:00 Oh no! What's happening?
01:03 Run away run run, run away run run
01:06 Yucky bang bang, yucky bang bang bang
01:08 Run away run run, run away run run
01:11 I'll be back soon!
01:14 Hey guys! Did you like our video?
01:17 Don't forget to click subscribe!
01:20 Don't forget to click subscribe!
01:22 Subscribe!
01:24 Search for Ping Pong on YouTube!
