Le dirigeant nord-coréen prépare son armée pour une "guerre" possible.

  • last year
D'après l'agence d'État nord-coréenne KCNA, Kim Jong-un a proféré de nouvelles menaces de frappes nucléaires à l'encontre de la Corée du Sud, et a donné l'ordre d'accélérer les préparatifs militaires en vue d'une "guerre" qui pourrait éclater à tout moment dans la péninsule.

L'année 2024 s'annonce tendue dans la péninsule coréenne.
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00:00 According to the North Korean state agency KCNA, Kim Jong-un has issued new nuclear strike
00:05 threats against South Korea and has ordered to accelerate military preparations in the
00:10 view of a war that could break out at any time in the peninsula.
00:13 The year 2024 is expected to be extended in the Korean peninsula.
00:18 North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has launched new nuclear strike threats against South Korea
00:24 and has also ordered the acceleration of military preparations in view of a war that
00:29 could break out at any time in the peninsula, reported the state agency KCNA on Sunday,
00:34 December 31.
00:35 The leader attacked the United States in a long speech at the end of a five-day meeting
00:41 of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, a big year-end mass that sets
00:45 the country's strategic orientations.
00:47 During this meeting, the ruling party announced the launch of three new spy satellites in
00:53 2024, the construction of drones and the development of electronic warfare capabilities, according
00:59 to KCNA.
01:00 After two successive failures in May and June, North Korea successfully put its first
01:06 military observation satellite into orbit in November.
01:09 Moscow's technological aid South Korean intelligence services estimate
01:14 that Pyongyang has received decisive technological aid from Russia, where Kim Jong-un went in
01:18 September and met President Vladimir Putin to succeed in putting this satellite into
01:24 orbit, the Malygyon-1.
01:26 North Korea proceeded in 2023 to a record number of ballistic missile tests, in violation
01:32 of many UN resolutions prohibiting it.
01:34 It engraved its status of nuclear power in its constitution and successfully attested
01:40 the Hwaseong-18, the most powerful intercontinental ballistic missile in its arsenal, capable
01:46 of reaching the United States.
01:48 Kim Jong-un accused in his Washington speech of "various types of military threats"
01:53 and ordered his armed forces to maintain "a capacity for crushing response to war",
01:59 according to KCNA.
02:00 "This is a fact that a war can break out at any time in the Korean Peninsula because
02:05 of the reckless movements of the enemies aiming to invade us," the leader said.
02:09 In a dissuasive effort, the US armed forces have sent to South Korea in recent
02:15 months the USS Missouri nuclear propulsion submarine, the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier
02:20 and a strategic bomber B-52, each time provoking North Korea's anger.
02:25 North Korea had already described the deployment of strategic weapons by Washington as an
02:31 "intentional provocation" of a nuclear war.
02:34 "We must react quickly to a possible nuclear crisis and continue to accelerate preparations
02:39 to pacify the entire territory of South Korea by mobilizing all means and forces, including
02:45 nuclear force, in case of emergency," Kim Jong-un said.
02:49 "A situation of persistent and uncontrollable crisis."
02:53 Pyongyang sees military maneuvers at its doors as the repetition of a future invasion of
02:58 its territory and has long considered these missile tests as "necessary countermeasures".
03:03 At the party meeting, the leader said he was no longer seeking reconciliation and reunification
03:10 with South Korea, emphasizing the "situation of persistent and uncontrollable crisis"
03:15 which, according to him, was triggered by Seoul and Washington.
03:19 The two Koreas had started a process of rapprochement in 2018, characterized by three meetings
03:25 between Kim Jong-un and the South Korean president at the time, Moon Jae-in.
03:30 But relations between the two Koreas deteriorated to a point this year, after the launch
03:36 of a spy satellite by Pyongyang led Seoul to partially suspend a 2018 military agreement
03:41 aimed at easing tensions.
03:42 "I think it's a mistake we shouldn't make to consider those who declare us as
03:48 main enemies, as partners for reconciliation and unification," said Kim, quoted by KCNA.
03:55 He ordered a resumption of the administrations managing relations with the South in order
04:01 to "fundamentally change direction."
04:03 For Lai Hsih-li, professor of international relations at the University of Seoul, the
04:09 decision made by Pyongyang on its "important military capabilities" is likely to hide
04:14 the country's economic difficulties this year.
04:17 Pyongyang's belligerent rhetoric suggests that its military actions are not only aimed
04:22 at dissuasion but also at domestic policy and international coercion, he estimates.
04:27 With AFP.
