• 2 years ago
These sitcom running gags never get old. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re looking at some of the funniest recurring jokes on comedy series.


00:00 "You sit there and think about the scratch part, that's not good either.
00:03 You gotta fix that stuff."
00:04 Welcome to Miz Mojo, and today we're looking at some of the funniest
00:09 recurring jokes on comedy series.
00:12 "I can't believe you came. That's what you said."
00:15 Number 10, "I don't need this, my man has two jobs."
00:21 Everybody hates Chris.
00:23 Chris's mother Rochelle is always picking up the odd job here and there
00:27 in order to make a little extra money.
00:30 And why not?
00:31 But she'll be the first to let you know just how much she doesn't need
00:35 the nonsense that comes with it.
00:37 "Hold my call. Hold your own damn call. I do not need this. My man has two jobs."
00:42 "My mother seemed to always find work when she needed, so my father didn't complain that much."
00:47 Whenever she's dealing with an annoying customer, an overbearing boss,
00:51 or just whatever minor agitation presents itself, which happens pretty often,
00:56 she expresses herself through this line.
00:59 "Do you have these in a size 8? Do you see me helping somebody else?
01:02 All I'm hollering at people, 'I do not need this, my man has two jobs.'
01:06 And you ain't no damn 8. Get her 11!"
01:09 Rochelle is not one to be shy about speaking her mind.
01:13 She'll tell anyone in the general vicinity.
01:16 "I do not need this, okay? My man has two jobs!"
01:21 "Two jobs equals one finger."
01:26 Number 9 - Knock Three Times - The Big Bang Theory
01:30 "Leonard. Leonard. Leonard. Sheldon, it's two o'clock in the morning."
01:37 "Why does everybody keep telling me what time it is?"
01:39 Sheldon Cooper is definitely a compulsive kind of guy.
01:44 One of his most unforgettable habits is that he always knocks three times
01:49 before entering any room.
01:51 For the majority of the series, it was just a charming, unexplained routine of his.
01:56 Sure, the gang would occasionally tease him about it.
01:59 Penny even shocked him once by knocking right back at him.
02:03 "Penny." "Sheldon." "Penny." "Sheldon." "Penny." "Sheldon." "Penny."
02:10 "What do you want?"
02:12 But when they finally do explain why he always knocks three times,
02:16 you definitely get it.
02:18 "When I opened the door, I saw my father having relations with another woman."
02:23 "Oh, that's awful." "I know. That's also why I never open a door without knocking three times."
02:29 Though it has a tragic backstory, this particular compulsion of Sheldon's is always amusing.
02:36 Number 8 - Bez's Homeland - That '70s Show
02:40 In case you didn't know, Bez's name comes from his being a foreign exchange student.
02:46 We never even knew his real name, let alone his home country.
02:50 "Well, my name is..."
02:51 [Bell ringing]
02:57 Wherever Fez is actually from has always been a mystery.
03:00 Every now and then, something would be revealed about it.
03:03 "My student visa expires when I graduate from high school."
03:06 "What?"
03:07 "Yeah, now I have to leave the country after graduation. That's in a week.
03:10 And I have to relearn my native language."
03:13 For example, we know it's an island. We know they fought a war against the British.
03:18 We even once met a friend from his homeland.
03:21 But every time the actual name of the place comes up in conversation, someone changes the subject.
03:27 "Tell us what's the name of your country."
03:29 "Well, that depends on whether you ask the British or the Dutch."
03:32 "Okay, so what if we ask the British?"
03:35 "No, no, no, no. They wouldn't tell you. They hate us."
03:38 Maybe it will finally be revealed in that '90s show.
03:42 Number 7 - VHS Tape
03:44 It's always sunny in Philadelphia.
03:46 You'd think that eventually the gang would have switched to digital to record things.
03:51 But no, they'll stick with VHS.
03:54 "I'm Crazy Patty, and I'm coming to you from Patty's Pub telling you to come on down.
03:59 We're slashing prices so low, you'll need a pot of gold to get sloppy."
04:04 Not only that, but every time the gang makes a video, they record it on the same tape over and over again.
04:11 And the gang makes a lot of dumb videos.
04:14 "I will now light the pyrotechnics, which are attached at the arms and back and all over my pants.
04:22 Totally and completely badass."
04:25 When Dee and Charlie make a terrible video for a multi-level marketing business called Invigoron,
04:31 you can see the tail ends of some of the older videos they'd made at the end.
04:36 "Don't just be successful, be buried."
04:39 "You'll need a pot of gold to-"
04:41 "But still amazingly badass, oh dude."
04:44 The whole thing is pretty hilarious when you realize it's the exact same tape.
04:49 Number 6, Niall's Wife, Frasier.
04:52 Meris, Niall's wife, is never seen in the show, at least not in a recognizable way.
04:58 "I see her coat on the hat rack."
05:00 "Look closer. Is the hat rack moving?"
05:07 We do see her once in A Memory of Niall's, and we see her shadow once.
05:11 But that's the most we ever got.
05:14 The funny part is that along with always criticizing her personality,
05:18 they're always making fun of Meris' less than favorable appearance.
05:23 Kind of ironic, don't you think?
05:25 "Meris had it made after she lost power in a storm.
05:27 Battery operated, works on a clapper.
05:29 So you can find it in the dark.
05:31 Oh, only problem was, try as she might,
05:33 we're thinking never clap hard enough to activate it."
05:35 Yet they talk about her so much that we feel like we know her quite well.
05:40 Throughout the series, the anticipation about Meris builds and builds,
05:45 but we never get the satisfaction of actually laying eyes on her.
05:49 "It's my dog, my new best friend."
05:52 "Yes, Niall saw her in the pet store and had this inexplicable attraction."
05:56 "You can see her ribs."
05:57 "Hint number one."
05:58 Number 5, Douchebag Jar, New Girl.
06:01 The best thing about this joke is that it evolved right along with the show and the characters.
06:07 "What are we looking at here? That's Baby Smooth."
06:09 "This is LLS. Ladies Love Schmidt."
06:12 "What? What did you just say?"
06:14 "Go put a dollar in the jar right now."
06:16 "Are you serious?"
06:17 "Yeah, now."
06:18 "Damn it."
06:19 At the beginning of the series, Schmidt was putting money in the jar all the time.
06:23 There's even a season one episode where they see the story behind
06:26 why Schmidt has to put 50 bucks in the jar.
06:30 There's even a montage of some of his worst offences.
06:33 "$30, jar."
06:35 "Hey, Nick."
06:37 "No! Jar, Schmidt, jar!"
06:41 "For what?"
06:42 But as he grows as a person, we slowly see the jar used less and less.
06:47 Of course, it still appears occasionally, but definitely less.
06:51 Then, by the time he marries Cece, they are using the jar as the glass he breaks at their wedding.
06:58 "Been here long enough to know."
07:01 "Yay!"
07:03 Number 4, Slap Bet. How I Met Your Mother.
07:06 A lot of the time, you never knew just when the slap bet joke was going to pay off,
07:11 and so we were just as caught off guard as Barney.
07:15 "There will be no slap today."
07:19 "Oh my God! This is the best Thanksgiving!"
07:25 Early in the series, Marshall and Barney make a bet about a particular secret of Robyn's.
07:31 Neither of them turned out to be right in their guesses.
07:34 "A slap occurred without the permission of the slap bet commissioner."
07:39 "Looks like somebody suffered from premature slapulation."
07:41 But by the end of it, Barney was offered the chance to get 10 slaps right then and there,
07:47 or 5 slaps at any point of Marshall's choosing. He opted for the 5.
07:53 "You're going with the 10 now."
07:54 "No way, why get 10 when you can get 5?"
07:56 "Yeah, but the constant fear of knowing that at any moment you can get slapped in the face would drive you crazy."
08:00 "I'm going to go with the 5 for eternity."
08:01 "Good call."
08:02 "Horrible call."
08:03 This gag is legend. Wait for it…dirty.
08:07 Number 3, That's What She Said, The Office.
08:11 "At least we put this matter to bed. That's what she said. Or he said."
08:17 According to Michael, and no one else, he is the funniest guy in The Office,
08:23 and that is his best joke. He never misses an opportunity for a "that's what she said" joke.
08:30 Even when he was being chastised by his boss Jan for making sexual jokes, he just couldn't control himself.
08:37 "I don't come up with this stuff. I just forward it along.
08:42 You wouldn't arrest a guy who's just delivering drugs from one guy to another."
08:46 During an announcement he was making about ending all the jokes, Jim provoked him,
08:51 and Michael couldn't hold it in. He says that's what she said right in front of the bosses
08:57 that were just fussing at him about it. It's like a compulsion for him. He can't resist.
09:04 "You always left me satisfied and smiling, so…that's what she said!"
09:09 Number 2, Title of Your Sex Tape, Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
09:13 This one started as a sort of offhand comment from Jake about Amy
09:18 and became the longest-running joke in the entire show.
09:22 "But stick with me and I promise you, you will love it."
09:24 "Can you magically make everyone kind, sober, and fully dressed?"
09:27 "Kind, sober, and fully dressed. Good news everyone, we found the name of Santiago's sex tape."
09:32 It's kind of like the show's own personal version of "that's what she said."
09:36 Whenever someone said something even slightly sexual-sounding, no matter how innocent in nature,
09:42 Jake would announce that it's the name of their sex tape.
09:46 The joke eventually spread to the rest of the members of the squad.
09:49 "I'm sorry, it just slipped out." "Title of your sex tape."
09:51 "But, yeah, obviously it's the title of the sex tape. Everyone's taking my stuff!"
09:55 Rosa, Amy, and Charles have all said it at times. Even Hulk dropped a couple.
10:00 "We rubbed off on each other quite a bit. Title of your sex movie. Did I do that right?"
10:08 "It was perfect."
10:09 This show had a lot of running gags, the second best probably being the way Jake always repeated
10:16 "cool."
10:17 "Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool,
10:21 cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool,
10:26 cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool,
10:29 cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool."
10:31 Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
10:32 Chin-touching, "everybody loves Raymond," Robert's compulsion.
10:35 "You know, Robert, I always wanted to ask you something."
10:39 "What is that, sir?"
10:40 "Why do you touch your food to your chin before you put it in your mouth?"
10:44 The cone of silence, "get smart," top security.
10:48 "Hodgkins, raise the cone of silence."
10:51 "What?"
10:52 "Raise the cone of silence!"
10:56 Picture It, The Golden Girls, another classic Sophia story.
11:01 "All right, all right, I can pick up a cue.
11:04 Picture It, Sicily, 1912."
11:09 Newman and Jerry, Seinfeld, mutual hatred.
11:13 "Hello, Jerry."
11:15 "Hello, Newman."
11:17 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
11:22 about our latest videos.
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11:33 Number 1, Jazz, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
11:36 Poor Jazz.
11:38 He was always getting thrown out of the Banks' house.
11:42 Literally.
11:43 Uncle Phil always found Jazz to be Will's most offensive friend, and he had no problem
11:49 expressing just how much he didn't like him.
11:52 "Man, I'm starving.
11:53 When do we eat here?"
11:54 "We eat here later.
11:56 You eat here never."
11:57 "It's like you eat here often."
12:01 But Uncle Phil is not the only one who's ever thrown Jazz out.
12:05 Will got in a couple licks from time to time, and even Hillary tossed him out when he got
12:10 fresh with her.
12:11 "Come here."
12:13 "Ahh!"
12:14 The best part of this joke is probably that you could always predict when it was coming,
12:26 because Jazzy Jeff would always wear the exact same shirt in episodes where Jazz got launched.
12:35 What's your favorite running gag on TV?
12:40 Sound off in the comments.
12:45 Do you agree with our picks?
12:46 Check out this other recent clip from MsMojo.
12:48 And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
12:52 Thanks for watching.
12:58 [music]