ভক্তি করে পালন তো করেন, কিন্তু জানেন কি কেন শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণর সঙ্গে জুড়ল কল্পতরুর নাম?

  • 7 months ago
ভক্তি করে পালন তো করেন, কিন্তু জানেন কি কেন শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণর সঙ্গে জুড়ল কল্পতরুর নাম?
00:00 Every year on 1st January, devotees come to Dokhineshwar or Kashipur Uddanbati to do Bhakti.
00:08 It is also known as Kalpataru Udshab.
00:10 Devotees of Sri Ramakrishna Parambhamsa Dev follow this special day.
00:15 This was decided on 1st January, 1886.
00:20 On this day, Ramakrishna Unukami comes to worship the entire country.
00:26 He follows Kalpataru with devotion. But do you know what is Kalpataru?
00:32 Why did he join with Sri Ramakrishna?
00:36 In the ancient times, Sri Ramakrishna was associated with a special person in Kolkata,
00:41 whose name was associated with Bagh Bazar.
00:46 Probably, he came to Bagh Bazar for the first time in 1887.
00:51 He came to Bagh Bazar on 40th Bhojpada Lena.
00:56 Here, he performed with the special actor Girish Chandra Ghosh.
01:01 Besides this, this Bagh Bazar is also a holy place for Sri Ramakrishna Parambhamsa Dev.
01:09 For the convenience of Saroda Devi's stay in Kolkata, Bagh Bazar built a holy three-story house for her.
01:16 Presently, this house is known as Maa's house.
01:21 From this house, you can see the Maratha Khalsa and Ganga's meeting place.
01:26 On the side of the house, there is the Kashmir friend Shoshan Ghat and the presence of Shoshaneshwar Shiv Temple.
01:32 Sri Sri Maa Saroda Devi's name is associated with Kalpataru.
01:38 Now let's go back to the story of Kalpataru.
01:42 Sri Ramakrishna was suffering from cancer of the left cervical vertebra at that time.
01:46 At that time, he was brought to Uddanbati, Kashipur for medical treatment.
01:51 At that time, the first animal was a little sick and he was out to play with his disciples.
01:57 Among the disciples was the actor Girish Chandra Ghosh.
02:01 Sri Ramakrishna asked him under a tree in Uddanbati,
02:06 "Oh Girish, you are doing my sins, have you understood me?"
02:13 He replied, "Girish Ghosh, I believe you are the eternal God of death for mankind."
02:21 "Then keep your conscious right to Samadhi."
02:27 He would teach every disciple in his conscious.
02:31 The disciples of Sri Ramakrishna knew that the sport had a strange meaning for each of them.
02:40 That day, they got what they wanted from the Thakur.
02:45 Actually, Kalpataru is the bright tree of the heaven.
02:49 What you want under that tree, you can get it.
02:54 After that, every year, Kalpataru festival is celebrated in their own way.
03:01 Every year, many devotees gather at Uddanbati and Dokhineshwar.
03:07 The story of the Indian race, culture and one race is mixed with the Kalpataru festival on 1 January.
03:17 Bureau report, One India Bangla.
