Low-Cost Architecture for an Advanced Smart Shower System Using Internet of Things Platform

  • 8 months ago
Low-Cost Architecture for an Advanced Smart Shower System Using Internet of Things Platform

Original Paper : Hossain, S., & Abdelgawad, A. (2023). Low-Cost Architecture for an Advanced Smart Shower System Using Internet of Things Platform. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.07712.

smart_shower_code.py: It is the code to connect wireless sensors to the Raspberry Pi which in turn is connected to the IoT (Internet of Things) platform.

It is divided into the following code snippets:

(i) Library setup

(ii) Variable setup

(iii) GPIO setup

(iv) Data sending to ThingSpeak

(v) Data receiving from ThingSpeak

The IoT platform for this application is Thing Speak IoT and the sensors include (i) HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor (ii) AH10-temperature and humidity sensor (iii) CZN -15E sound sensor and (iv) PAJ 7620 gesture sensor. Python programming code was used to interface the sensors with Raspberry Pi 3.


It shows the output for the python code.

Distance: It shows the sensor measurement using Ultrasonic Transducer.

Temperature: It shows the temperature measurement using temperature sensor.

Humidity : It shows the humidity measurement using the humidity sensor.

It uses the sensor measurement to evaluate if an individual is in the shower space.

This same principle can be applied to SMART Refrigerator.

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[1]Hossain, S., & Abdelgawad, A. (2023). Low-Cost Architecture for an Advanced Smart Shower System Using Internet of Things Platform. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.07712.

[2]Hossain, S., & Abdelgawad, A. (2018, October). Smart refrigerator based on internet of things (iot) an approach to efficient food management. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Smart Digital Environment (pp. 15-18).
