• last year
St. Louis blues Movie (1929) - Full movie - Plot synopsis: Bessie Smith arrives at her rooming house where the participants of a hallway craps game tell her that her man, Jimmy, has just gone to her room with a beautiful young woman. When she confronts the couple, Jimmy knocks her to the ground, and leaves with the other woman. Bessie begins to sing the blues. Later, in a nightclub, Bessie mournfully continues her song, accompanied by the band and the patrons. When she finishes, the band plays an upbeat tune and people begin to dance. Jimmy enters, laughing, glad-handing, and dancing up a storm. Everyone is delighted to see him. When the song ends, Jimmy calls out to Bessie, who turns and smiles, happy to have him back. They begin to dance. After a few minutes, Jimmie reaches down, steals Bessie's bankroll, and shoves her back to the bar. Holding up her money, he exits laughing, as Bessie returns to singing her sad song.

Full Movie #FullMovie
00:00 >> From the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
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04:16 [ Bell Ringing ]
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04:28 >> Go to your room, honey.
04:30 >> What?
04:32 >> Don't look at me. I told you not to come up here in the first place.
04:48 >> Well, I guess I'll be going now.
04:50 >> Not yet. You got to see me before you go.
04:54 >> You little rat. You're not coming in my room.
05:00 >> Hey, Jimmy, get this woman off of me.
05:03 >> I can't do you no good, honey.
05:11 >> Now, what are you doing with these men?
05:13 >> Yeah, you all can't raise all this sand in here. What's the matter with you?
05:16 >> What's the trouble with you?
05:17 >> Well, look here, I'm the janitor and I don't want to --
05:19 >> I don't care who you is. I don't care if you're the landlord.
05:21 You ain't got nothing to do with my business.
05:22 >> You gonna move.
05:23 >> You can't let me move.
05:24 >> You gonna move.
05:25 >> You gonna pay my rent?
05:26 >> Come on now, you gonna move.
05:27 >> Yes, I'm gonna move.
05:28 >> Don't you hear?
05:29 >> Now, get out.
05:30 >> Wait a minute.
05:31 >> Now, wait a minute, Jess. Grab the woman.
05:42 >> Jimmy, don't leave me. Jimmy, please don't leave your bestie.
05:51 >> Jimmy, you ain't gonna leave me, are you?
05:55 >> Woman, I'll be gone before the evening sun goes down.
06:01 >> Jimmy, don't I give you everything you say you want?
06:05 >> What have I got?
06:07 >> I give you clothes.
06:08 >> Clothes.
06:09 >> I give you suits.
06:11 >> Suits?
06:12 >> Yeah, singular, baby, not plural. One suit, that's all. One suit.
06:18 >> Don't leave me, Jimmy.
06:19 >> Woman, get out of my face.
06:32 >> Don't leave Jimmy, please.
06:42 >> Don't leave Jimmy.
06:57 >> My man. My man's got a heart like a rock cast in the sea.
07:17 My man's got a heart like a rock cast in the sea.
07:28 My man's got a heart like a rock cast in the sea.
07:40 My man's got a heart like a rock cast in the sea.
08:08 I hate to see that evening sun go down.
08:15 >> Hate to see it.
08:19 >> Yes, I hate to see that evening sun go down.
08:27 >> Evening sun go down.
08:32 >> Oh, my baby. He's done left this town.
08:44 >> Feel it tomorrow like I feel today.
09:07 >> Oh, take my ribbon, take my give away.
09:17 >> Say, Louis woman, I'm your wife of three.
09:38 >> Oh, take my ribbon, take my give away.
10:00 >> I've been saying to you, do as I can be.
10:11 My man's got a heart like a rock in the sea.
10:25 >> I'm out in the woods now, don't come far from me.
10:41 >> Let me be your man, don't kill your man, don't go.
10:52 >> Let me be your little dog, kill your little dog, don't go.
11:02 >> And where your little dog comes, anyone your little dog knows.
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15:52 >> This has been a presentation of the Library of Congress.
15:57 Visit us at loc.gov.
15:59 [ Silence ]
