ما هي أبرز الانتخابات المرتقبة في 2024؟

  • 8 months ago


00:00 The year 2023 has brought many challenges to everyone.
00:05 But the most prominent challenges we have seen in 2023
00:09 are the challenges that the heads of states have faced,
00:12 including the presidential elections that we have seen in 2023.
00:17 We will stop at the most prominent elections that we have seen in the past year.
00:21 We will start with the presidential elections in Turkey.
00:24 On May 14, the presidential elections were held in Turkey.
00:29 But none of the three candidates was able to win 51% of the votes.
00:35 This was the first time that President Tayyip Erdogan needed a second round of elections to win.
00:43 But what are the most prominent economic challenges that the Turkish president faces?
00:48 Including the decrease in the price of the lira,
00:50 as the Turkish lira lost 80% of its value in the face of the dollar.
00:54 This led to rising prices and living expenses.
00:57 The high inflation rate, which still has levels that are not satisfied, is 62.5%.
01:03 Erdogan's commitments and the most prominent agenda that he emphasized in his election campaign
01:09 were to reduce inflation to the level of 62% of the dollar.
01:13 Erdogan aims to reduce inflation to the level of the dollar.
01:17 The annual growth target is 5.5% between 2024 and 2028
01:23 to reach 1.5 trillion dollars by the end of 2023.
01:29 One of the most prominent challenges, as we mentioned, is high inflation.
01:34 Before the presidential elections, Turkey used a non-orthodox or non-traditional monetary policy,
01:41 as described, which is to reduce the interest rates to reduce inflation.
01:45 But after the presidential elections, the governor-general of the Central Bank of Turkey
01:50 and the Central Bank of Turkey reversed their monetary policy
01:53 and began raising interest rates in the last six months.
01:57 In 2023, the interest rates were raised seven times in a row
02:01 and reached 42.5% due to the inflationary bubble.
02:07 From Turkey, we move to Argentina.
02:10 Today, the end of the revolutions begins and the reconstruction of Argentina begins.
02:15 This was the speech of the Argentinean president, the new ambassador,
02:20 who won by about 56% of the votes.
02:25 But there are also challenges facing the Argentine economy.
02:29 The deterioration of local currency, the forced inflation, and high interest rates.
02:34 But he pledged to treat the economy with shock.
02:38 What are the most prominent challenges?
02:39 The deterioration of foreign currency, where foreign currency inflation has dropped by about 40%.
02:45 This makes it difficult to manage spending and repay a loan worth $44 billion
02:52 that Argentina had taken from the IMF in 2018.
02:56 Also, 40% of the population is trapped under the barricade of poverty.
03:02 So, high and volatile inflation in Argentina can exceed 140% or even 166%.
03:14 But the Argentinean Central Bank continues to raise interest rates to fight inflation.
03:21 It reached 133%, but in the last meeting of the Argentinean Central Bank,
03:26 the Argentinean Central Bank lowered interest rates to 100%.
03:32 From Argentina and Latin America, we move to the Middle East and the Egyptian elections,
03:37 which took place recently, where Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi won by 89.6% in the presidential elections.
03:46 But these presidential elections took place in Egypt amid four economic crises.
03:53 The Egyptian president, who was elected and won a new era of the Egyptian presidency,
03:58 faces many challenges, such as the rise of the dollar in the official and equilateral markets,
04:04 the slow rate of inflation for the first time in six months,
04:08 the transfer of Egyptians abroad, which is the largest source of foreign currency in Egypt,
04:13 and the payment of foreign debt in the next five years,
04:17 where the amount of foreign debt in Egypt exceeds $164 billion,
04:23 and the failure of the trade balance, which is struggling to meet, is expected to collapse next year.
04:30 What are the most important elections that will take place in 2024?
04:36 Russia on March 17, and there is a challenge to Russian President Vladimir Putin,
04:41 which is the biggest challenge of the Russian-Ukrainian war.
04:44 Also, the European Parliament between June 6 and 9 in the middle of 2024.
04:50 Perhaps the most prominent and largest elections we are watching are the US elections on November 5,
04:57 and a recent poll by Biden's people indicates that Biden's people are at their lowest levels ever,
05:05 and it is expected that Biden will face a wide range in November 2024.
05:10 Former President Donald Trump is the most likely candidate to run for the Republican Party.
