Japan Earthquake: 48 casualties as military joins relief effort | 155 quakes in a day | Oneindia

  • 6 months ago
The toll from the powerful earthquake in central Japan rose to 48 on Tuesday as Japanese rescuers battled the clock and powerful aftershocks to find survivors of the New Year's Day earthquake. The 7.5 magnitude quake that rattled Ishikawa prefecture on the main island of Honshu triggered tsunami waves more than a metre high, toppled houses, caused a major fire and tore apart roads.

The earthquake caused fires at many places in Ishikawa. Due to this, 200 buildings have been burnt to ashes.There is no electricity in 32,500 houses. Another earthquake warning has been issued here. According to Japan's media house NHK, 14 people are buried under buildings in Wajima city. Rescue operation is being conducted to save them. 25 buildings have been destroyed by the earthquake in Wajima city.

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