Update on California after heavy snow in 2023

  • 8 months ago
Lake Arrowhead resident Lisa Griggs shares her past year in California with
record amounts of snowfall and how her community is preparing for this snow season.
00:00 We want to take a look back on 2023,
00:02 so we're going to take everyone to San
00:04 Bernardino, CA this morning where it is all quiet.
00:07 We are looking for some rain a little
00:09 later on tomorrow late tonight tomorrow.
00:12 Boy, it's been a much different start
00:14 of the wet season in California
00:16 compared to what we had last year.
00:19 Of course, record amounts of snow
00:21 fell in the California mountains
00:22 above Santa Bernardina last year.
00:24 We frequently checked in with Lisa
00:26 Griggs, a Lake Arrowhead resident,
00:28 who lives in one of the largest snowfall areas.
00:31 You know, Lisa,
00:32 it just seemed like it was just
00:34 yesterday that you and I and then
00:37 Christina were talking, but but certainly
00:39 it's been a much much different winter
00:42 so far this year compared the last.
00:46 Thank God, Bernie.
00:48 We're done with the snow.
00:54 Everybody here is praying that
00:55 we just get rain honestly.
00:57 Yeah, and how long did it take you by the
01:01 way to fully recover from last winter?
01:04 I think you guys asked that last.
01:08 I don't know that things ever
01:10 really will be back to normal.
01:12 I think the community has major PTSD
01:15 because every time there is a call for
01:18 snow all the shelves are cleared out
01:21 and there's like a run on food and
01:24 supplies and all kinds of stuff so.
01:27 I don't know.
01:28 I think it took several months
01:30 because I was talking to Christina.
01:32 We had snow all the way into May.
01:34 I remember May 4th we got 6 inches so
01:37 we had 110 inches in five days during
01:39 that whole storm and I think it was
01:42 just months before it ever really,
01:44 really all went away.
01:45 I was like June or July.
01:49 Lisa, one of the things I always like
01:51 to talk about is I feel like everyone,
01:53 you know, has this perspective that like,
01:55 oh, their weather has to be the worst.
01:57 I got a whole 10 inches of snow.
01:58 It must be the worst.
02:00 Can you put in perspective what 110 inches
02:03 of snow is like for people who--
02:04 - It's like what is that?
02:05 It's like nine feet, right?
02:07 - Yeah.
02:08 - So, Christina, imagine like the,
02:10 literally the snow is all the way up
02:12 to the roof lines of the homes.
02:15 So, if you're in a one story house,
02:18 like it's all the way around your windows.
02:22 I mean, yeah, there you go right there.
02:25 - It was a perfect perspective of just how incredible
02:30 that amount of snow was and that we were even able
02:34 to get it all moved out and it was horrible.
02:38 It was a really, really horrible time for us
02:41 as a community because we had to adapt
02:44 and overcome and pivot very, very quickly.
02:48 And thank God we live in a beautiful community
02:51 and we have amazing, amazing people here
02:55 that really pulled together to help their neighbors.
02:59 - And did you see any changes?
03:01 Do you think there were any changes as far
03:04 as how the community would handle events
03:07 like this in the future?
03:08 - I think there was a lot of talk about how
03:13 to kind of maybe get out ahead of this in the future.
03:18 I think that definitely VOAD and Volunteers Active
03:22 on Disaster needed to be called in sooner.
03:25 But I think definitely the shift was get
03:29 to know your neighbor, make sure that you're prepared
03:32 for these things.
03:33 I mean, obviously, how much can we prepare?
03:35 But know that you're not alone, but in the sense
03:40 that you will have to take care of yourself.
03:44 So, make sure that you just get out ahead of things
03:47 and that you're prepared as much as possible.
03:52 - And Lisa, I have to ask you here for our last question.
03:55 You and I were talking behind the scenes.
03:57 The thoughts crossed your mind of maybe moving
04:00 down the mountain, right?
04:01 I mean, after a winter like that, I can't blame you.
04:04 - Yeah, I mean, obviously my businesses are calling me
04:09 probably more down into the city right now,
04:11 but I think the mountain is a beautiful place,
04:14 a beautiful community.
04:16 I will say this, everywhere you drive around this community,
04:20 there are more houses for sale than have ever been for sale.
04:25 So, before the storm, there was very little inventory.
04:30 And now when I drive around, it's not unusual to see three,
04:34 four, five houses in a row or on a street
04:39 that have signs for sale.
04:43 So, I think there's a lot of people
04:46 that are selling right now
04:48 and the market has definitely shifted.
04:51 - Wow, I mean, after last year, can't blame them.
04:54 - All right, Lisa, thanks for joining us.
04:56 And as always, we will be in touch this winter.
04:59 - Thank you.
