Star Wars: 10 Exact Moments We Knew These Characters Were Doomed

  • 9 months ago
Those precise moments you realised the Force was not strong enough with these Star Wars characters.


00:00 From certain characters needing to be dispatched in order to set up the flicks we know and love
00:04 later down the road, to eerie callbacks subtly suggesting that a much-adored personality's time
00:10 is up, these Star Wars faces were all clearly done for from these precise moments on.
00:15 Gareth here from WhatCulture Star Wars and here are 10 exact moments we knew
00:19 these Star Wars characters were doomed.
00:21 10. Luke catches up with an old friend called Biggs. A new hope
00:26 War is a cruel and merciless mistress, and make no mistake about it. From the second we stumble
00:30 upon the Rebel Alliance and their conflict with the Big Bad Empire, our heroes find themselves
00:35 thrown right into the thick of this frequently harsh reality. And in order to get over just
00:39 how high the stakes are in this galaxy-altering battle for the future of their universe,
00:43 Lucas and the gang opted to add a rather genius but eventually devastating callback to simpler
00:48 times. When Luke Skywalker bumps into his old pal Biggs Darklighter as the pair both prepare
00:53 to take on Darth Vader and his Stormtrooper cronies on the Death Star. As the pair reminisce
00:58 and Biggs bigs up the future Jedi's supreme pilot skills, Darklighter's comments on wanting
01:03 to hear about all of Luke's stories when he gets back pretty much acts as the verbal nail
01:07 in his own coffin. Sure enough, in the heat of battle, Biggs is blasted to smithereens by none
01:12 other than Luke's own papi, acting as yet another significant blow to the young farm boy.
01:17 Breaks your damn heart.
01:19 9. Almost everyone who didn't turn up in the OG trilogy after Order 66 happens.
01:25 Revenge of the Sith
01:26 Though it was undoubtedly awesome to finally see a world simply overflowing with the galaxy's
01:31 protectors over the course of George Lucas' prequel trilogy, the daunting realisation that
01:36 an unquestionably depressing purge would be on its way always acted as a subtle shadow in an
01:41 otherwise vibrant Jedi landscape. Simply put, if the Jedi Order wasn't all but extinct, as
01:46 Ben Kenobi put it in A New Hope, by the time of the original trilogy, then some rather substantial
01:52 plot holes would have likely made their presence known before long. So whether fans liked it or
01:56 not, a whole host of Jedi faces we'd come to appreciate and admire over those first two prequel
02:01 features were doomed to bite the dust from the second Anakin Skywalker helped Palpatine overcome
02:06 Mace Windu. But more on that later. And set the stage for Order 66 to become an excruciating
02:12 reality. Just like that, the likes of Ki-Adi-Mundi, Plo Koon and Aayla Secura, and many,
02:18 many more were all wiped out by clones. We knew it all had to end at some point,
02:22 but that still didn't make it any easier to swallow this devastating pill.
02:26 H. Me Skywalker Gets Abducted - Attack of the Clones
02:30 Keeping with the fallen Jedi who helped kickstart a seismic shift in both the galaxy and the balance
02:36 of the Force, the moment that pretty much ignited Anakin Skywalker's steady fall into darkness in
02:41 the first place could be spotted coming a mile away from the second this defiant Jedi padawan
02:46 opted to go looking for his mama on Tatooine. Clearly still possessing a strong bond with his
02:51 single parent, even experiencing dreams of her suffering from afar, those first few premonitions
02:56 of Shmi's pain acted as the unnerving earliest hint at the grim fate that was always destined
03:01 to grip the future Darth Vader's loving mother. A wild goose chase on the desert planet ensued in
03:07 Attack of the Clones, only to present the deeply tormented Jedi with a scenario involving his
03:11 mama being abducted by Tusken Raiders a month before he landed. At that point, seen as a hugely
03:17 hostile group, to expect Shmi to survive that long being held captive by the Raiders was sadly
03:22 unrealistic. And her dying breaths to her little Annie were always necessary in nudging this
03:27 troubled lad down the dark path we all knew he was heading down.
03:30 Obi-Wan's Love is Introduced - The Clone Wars In another instance of a vital character being
03:37 introduced in a project set before the events fans had already seen come to pass in the likes
03:41 of Revenge of the Sith and the subsequent features that would ultimately unfold, the arrival of
03:46 Satine Kryze in The Clone Wars was always destined to be a bittersweet one. While it was a captivating
03:51 development to see the world of Mandalore ruled by the Duchess determined to move the people of
03:55 her planet on from their largely violent ways of the past, the powerful figure who also acted as
04:00 the unexpected love interest of a certain Obi-Wan Kenobi was pretty much doomed from the second it
04:05 became clear that she and Kenobi had a romantic past of sorts. Simply put, Satine isn't mentioned
04:10 in the slightest in the time following on from The Clone Wars, so fans were rather morbidly
04:15 anticipating her demise from the get-go. And in the end, it was none other than Kenobi's great
04:20 adversary Maul who dealt the fatal blow, murdering Satine in front of him as he was helpless to save
04:25 her. A Nervous Young Boba Watches His Father on the Battlefield - Attack of the Clones
04:31 George Lucas' decision to introduce us to the Fett who had set the stage for Boba did admittedly feel
04:37 a little shoehorned at first, but not more than that A New Hope special edition scene. But said
04:42 origin story of the coolest bounty hunter in this galactic series would ultimately provide Boba with
04:47 a tragic foundation on which the rest of his captivating journey was built upon throughout
04:51 The Clone Wars, Original Trilogy and subsequent live-action Disney+ series. Said tragic event
04:57 could be seen coming from the minute the jubilant young son of Jango started cheering on the violence
05:02 and carnage he was witnessing going down within the Geonosian Petranaki arena, however. You don't
05:06 bring a youngster along for the evidently perilous ride if you're not intending to scar him for life,
05:11 right? As expected, it wasn't too long before Jango, fresh off of showing off his slick pistol
05:15 skills in dispatching some Jedi under reek, well and truly met his mate Windu Match,
05:21 having his head taken off by the masterful Jedi in front of his kid's very eyes. Dick move, Windu!
05:27 5. Leia calling out to Ben harkens back to Luke's passing, The Rise of Skywalker
05:32 While it was admittedly one of the more divisive Star Wars passings, the sight of Luke Skywalker
05:37 finally becoming one with the Force after projecting himself across the galaxy in an
05:41 attempt to reconcile with former student Kylo Ren, while simultaneously aiding the future of the Jedi
05:47 in Rey, was one that had a lasting and profound effect on the grand finale of the Skywalker saga.
05:53 One film on from The Last Jedi, Ren was once again tasked with duking it out with Palpatine's
05:57 grandkid, yet the fallen Jedi was once again stopped in his tracks by a Force-sensitive
06:02 relative, this time in the form of his mama, General Leia Organa. Acting as another life-draining
06:08 projection of sorts from across the galaxy, it was evident from the second that Leia hobbled away to
06:13 contact her son that this was to be the final act for the legendary figure. The tragic real-life
06:18 passing of Carrie Fisher also left many sensing that the series would give the iconic face a
06:22 fitting send-off at some point in the saga-ender too, and in acting as the catalyst that would
06:27 bring Ben back towards the light, Leia's final action felt as meaningful as it did gut-wrenching.
06:33 4. Obi-Wan is compromised as Dooku is disarmed - Revenge of the Sith
06:38 The knowledge of Darth Vader's eventual rise always brought with it the inevitable end of
06:43 the former Jedi Master known as Count Dooku. However, it wasn't precisely clear when his time
06:48 at Darth Sidious' side would come to an end coming into the final prequel entry. That was,
06:53 until Obi-Wan Kenobi found himself sidelined in the midst of his rematch alongside Anakin Skywalker
06:58 with the dastardly Sith. From the moment the Jedi Master was buried underneath a platform,
07:03 leaving only the easily-manipulated Anakin to duke it out with Dooku, all signs pointed to
07:08 the highly emotional Force user losing control and getting some much-needed revenge on the
07:13 tyrannical Darth Tyrannus. One "do it" later, Skywalker had successfully decapitated the
07:19 one-time Jedi in front of his soon-to-be-master. But had Obi-Wan still been conscious, you have
07:24 to imagine Dooku would have likely lived to see the inside of a prison cell instead.
07:27 3. Han Solo meets his son face-to-face, The Force Awakens
07:32 While many would confess to being wholly shocked at the most devastating development to come out of
07:37 the first sequel flick, that and the fact that Luke Skywalker didn't even get the chance to
07:40 utter a single word, in truth eagle-eyed fans could very much feel this demise a-coming.
07:46 With much of The Force Awakens taking inspiration from another beloved Star Wars tale in A New Hope,
07:51 it felt somewhat appropriate that the wise old mentor of this flick would fall in a similar
07:56 fashion to that of Ben Kenobi in that fourth episode. Upon stepping out to come face-to-face
08:00 with his fallen Jedi son, Kylo Ren, the eerie similarities to that aforementioned Vader-Kenobi
08:06 showdown were glaring for many. Add into that the late inclusion of the rest of the heroic gang
08:11 arriving on the scene to watch the pair's interaction from afar, and Han Solo's end
08:15 was all but confirmed. Helpless to save the iconic smuggler as he is impaled by his lad,
08:20 Rey, like Luke before her, is forced to take the next steps on her journey without her newfound
08:25 mentor. Hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. 2. Mace Windu tells Anakin Skywalker to stay
08:30 out of it. Revenge of the Sith A great many of the beats that ultimately led to
08:35 the apparent Chosen One heading into the dark side of things could have likely been avoided
08:39 had Anakin Skywalker been supported or just trusted a little more at numerous points throughout his
08:44 gradual fall. And while Obi-Wan getting knocked out of the action and leaving Anakin to be
08:48 manipulated by Sidious earlier on in the Revenge of the Sith film couldn't really be helped,
08:52 the way Mace Windu went about ordering Skywalker to keep from interfering with his arrest of
08:57 Palpatine was both avoidable and in the end, deeply foolish. It was during this verbal back
09:02 and forth that it became clear that Anakin's faith in the Jedi was at an all-time low,
09:06 and Windu's rejecting of Anakin's help due to the confusion he sensed within him likely didn't help
09:11 his cause either. Then, upon inevitably disobeying said order and witnessing Windu suddenly decide
09:16 that Sidious must be killed instead of put on trial - after all, he's too dangerous to be
09:20 kept alive - that loss of faith in the Jedi would finally nudge Anakin over the edge,
09:25 as he betrayed the purple-bladed Jedi Master and set the Great Jedi Purge in motion.
09:30 1. The Lasergate Split the Fight - The Phantom Menace
09:33 The jaw-dropping duel of the fates still sits as one of the most masterful and skillfully crafted
09:39 climaxes the series has to offer. Highlighting the sheer size and power of the opposition now
09:44 standing in their way, both Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi find themselves pushed to their
09:48 limits by the dual-bladed Sith, Darth Maul, early on. And with the pair already struggling to best
09:53 this seemingly indomitable Sith as a unit, the introduction of some frustrating laser gates in
09:58 the thick of the drama acted as a rather unnerving hint at what was to come. Qui-Gon had already
10:03 struggled to see off Maul on his own whilst colliding with the mysterious Darksider on Tatooine,
10:08 so despite it acting as one of the most savage and soul-crushing acts of the entire saga,
10:13 his impaling at the hands of Maul as a helpless Obi-Wan watched on felt depressingly inevitable
10:18 from the second those dastardly gates appeared. In the end, Maul's defiance would get the better
10:22 of him as Kenobi eventually dealt a seemingly fatal blow to avenge his master's death,
10:26 but the fate-sealing damage had already been done.
10:30 And that's our list of any other exact moments we knew Star Wars characters were doomed!
10:34 Let us know all about them in the comment section right down below,
10:37 and do not forget to like, share and click on that subscribe button while you're there.
10:40 Also, if you feel the Force is strong with this kind of video, then head on over to
10:44 and find some more articles just like the one this video you're watching
10:47 right now is based on. I've been Gareth from WhatCulture Star Wars, may the Force be with
10:52 you and hopefully I'll see you very, very soon. Bye!
