Only Girls Will Understand TikTok Compilation

  • 8 months ago
Only Girls Will Understand TikTok Compilation


00:00 [Sigh]
00:02 [Knock on door]
00:10 Don't be suspicious!
00:11 Don't be suspicious!
00:12 Don't be suspicious!
00:13 Don't be suspicious!
00:14 Don't be suspicious!
00:15 Don't be suspicious!
00:16 Don't be suspicious!
00:17 Don't be...
00:18 Honey?
00:22 Can you come here, please?
00:24 This is my last tampon I have and I'm not giving it up.
00:29 Oh, I see.
00:30 So you're not giving it up?
00:32 No.
00:33 I'm not giving it up and it's my last one.
00:36 What are you doing tomorrow? Sunday?
00:38 I don't know yet.
00:41 Maybe I'll just put it in the closet or something.
00:43 Should we cut your hat now?
00:45 No.
00:46 Oh, shit.
00:49 Don't break it!
00:50 No, no, no.
00:51 What are you doing?
00:52 Cutting it.
00:53 What do you mean, cutting it?
00:54 I'm managing it.
00:55 I'd like to see that.
00:57 No.
00:58 Can you see it?
01:01 You can't touch it.
01:05 Take it out.
01:06 I'm taking it out.
01:08 Let me touch it.
01:09 No, I don't want to.
01:10 Let me touch it.
01:11 No.
01:12 I'm taking it out.
01:13 I'm taking it out.
01:14 I'm taking it out.
01:15 I'm taking it out.
01:17 I'm going to make some chips.
01:21 I'm going to make some snacks.
01:26 Can I bring you some chocolate?
01:28 That's enough.
01:35 Look, she's eating chocolate.
01:38 [sounds of a door opening and closing]
01:41 So a few years ago, I had a huge sweating problem.
01:50 Like, a perfusive sweating problem.
01:53 I would even sweat through sweatshirts.
01:56 Until one day, I barged into my friend's house and was like,
02:00 "Man, I have a serious sweating problem."
02:03 She was like, "Man, I used to have the same thing, but now I use this."
02:06 She gave it to me, and I went home and started using it every day before bed for three weeks,
02:11 which you're not supposed to do.
02:13 It would give me a terrible rash that was stinging and itchy.
02:17 Even in the middle of the night, I'd be sleeping and it would wake me up from the horrible pain.
02:21 But it's been three years since, and I haven't sweat because I think I damaged my armpits.
02:26 This is the product at CertainDry you can get at Target.
02:28 Okay, there is honestly just this little alarm that exists in my head.
02:31 And at a certain point every day, this little alarm goes off, and it's like, "Get the makeup off.
02:36 The makeup has to come off now.
02:37 If the makeup does not come off now, you will feel like a greasy rat bag until you get the makeup off your skin."
02:43 And it's different times in the day.
02:45 Today, it's like 4 p.m., and I'm like, "Eww, get it off."
02:48 And it has to come off.
02:49 I cannot finish the day with this on my face.
02:52 But tomorrow, I could get to 5.
02:54 I don't make the rules.
02:57 The alarm just lets me know when the makeup has to come off.
03:01 Otherwise, I'm just convincing myself, like, "You will get acne."
03:04 If the makeup does not come off now, it's acne central.
03:07 I just wondered if anyone else, like, had that.
03:10 So here's a question that I really want an answer to.
03:14 Why is it now that, like, I'm in quarantine, being restful, taking care of myself, so to say,
03:21 that my skin decides--I can't even look at it.
03:29 It decides to be so gross.
03:31 Like, I have a full face of makeup on right now, and you can still see how bad it is.
03:37 Like, when I'm at school, do I go to bed with my full face of makeup on?
03:41 Yes.
03:42 But now that I'm at home, do I go to bed with my full face of makeup on?
03:45 No.
03:46 I wash it every single night.
03:47 I take supplements.
03:48 Those--I will say, I think they work.
03:50 But I'm doing everything I can.
03:54 It's just not working.
03:57 Dad!
04:01 You just don't get it.
04:02 I can't show up to Constance with a pimple on my face.
04:05 The other girls will know that I don't have a dermatologist.
04:08 What should I do?
04:10 Steal a dress to pay for some face wash?
04:13 Jenny, the daughter I love, won't steal a dress to pay for face wash.
04:18 Plus, stealing won't get you a fully customized skin care treatment program.
04:22 Which MD Acne sends after analyzing your face on their app.
04:26 And the first kit is free.
04:28 You just pay for shipping, which shouldn't be much, even if we live all the way over in Brooklyn.
04:33 Yeah, Dad, but you still don't get it.
04:35 No one understands me or my skin problems.
04:38 Jenny, I know you're not like the other girls on the Upper East Side, and so will MD Acne.
04:43 Your subscription gives you unlimited chat support with MD Acne's dermatologists, who will work to create products unique to you.
04:50 Fine, you're right. I don't need to be from the Upper East Side to have clear skin.
04:56 Can I have a small blue raspberry slushie?
05:06 A sausage McMuffin?
05:13 A sausage McMuffin?
05:15 Okay, I have dirty hair, so I need to wash my hair.
05:28 Need to wash my hair. But I don't want to wash my hair now, and then ruin my dirty hair with my workout later.
05:34 Or do I workout now, and then wash my hair?
05:37 But I don't want to go to sleep with wet hair.
05:39 Oh, but I could blow dry it. No, but that takes too long. I have too much hair.
05:42 And it's also annoying. It makes my arm hurt, okay?
05:44 Or do I just not workout today, wash my hair, have clean hair, do a double tomorrow?
05:49 But I'm not going to do a double tomorrow. I can hardly do singles.
05:52 I feel like I have to say this.
05:58 The expectations that y'all have on black women when it comes to their hair, I hate it.
06:04 This is not my hair. And the sooner that y'all realize that that is not your hair on top of your head,
06:09 the sooner you'll realize because of that lace showing, it's not that big of a fucking deal.
06:14 Y'all be so quick to comment over other people's videos like, "I see your lace, I see your lace."
06:19 You know that this 40 inch is not my hair. It's not coming out of my scalp.
06:23 You know that. So why do y'all be so pressed on other people?
06:27 Any other race, they don't hold women that high when it comes to their hair.
06:32 Anytime somebody go outside and my hair is not done, it's always, "Oh, you looking rough," or "Oh, this or that."
06:38 Like, y'all never saw a bad hair day before.
06:40 I don't like it. I don't fuck with it. Leave me the fuck alone.
06:44 If you see my lace, keep it fucking pushing. You don't have to let me know. I'm pretty sure I see it too.
06:49 I already told you. The girls that get it, get it. The girls that don't, don't.
07:00 Get your fucking ass up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days.
07:08 That's so true.
07:09 You have to surround yourself with people that want to work. Have a good work.
07:14 Babe. Babe. I cheated on you. Are you sad?
07:22 Babe, you know I'm an empath. When you're sad, it hurts me.
07:26 So really, who's the one suffering here?
07:30 Babe, if you get mad one more time, I'm going to have to exit this toxic situation.
07:34 GirlFact999, did you know that every time you comment on a girl's underarm hair,
07:46 one of her stray pubes falls off her body, climbs into your bed at night to whisper sweet nothings into your ear as you sleep?
07:54 Sweet dreams fall off the wall.
07:57 Oh my god. Jesus.
08:04 Do you like it?
08:07 Sometimes you can choose to not be a dick.
08:09 Yes. Thank you.
08:13 Tell me what the fuck. Can I live? Can I live? Can I fucking live?
08:24 Stop! Good god, man. You almost got the cheese touch.
08:28 The what?
08:29 The cheese touch.
08:31 *sobbing*
08:35 No.
08:58 No.
09:00 Ding dong.
09:11 I'm single. Probably for a while.
09:17 I think a break from the billionaires, maybe.
09:20 No, never. No.
09:23 *silence*
09:27 *phone ringing*
09:49 Guys, let's face the reality. Let's not lie to ourselves.
09:55 Who's Jewel?
10:02 What the fuck, man?
10:03 Jewel, I know Jewel.
10:05 Who the fuck are we even talking about right now, bro?
10:07 Jewel. Jewel. Jewel.
10:11 I just want the disc.
10:13 *silence*
10:17 Okay. I challenge you.
10:33 A ver who does it better. You or me. A ver.
10:42 I'm going to get a sword!
10:44 Give me the stick.
10:46 Watch me. Watch me. Watch me.
10:50 Ehhhhhhhh.
10:52 That's how you do it, man.
10:54 I'm throwing the stick.
10:56 Hey. Hey. The fucking wig is not going to let me do it.
11:03 Here comes the ball. Here comes the ball.
11:11 You're just a fucking high schooler.
11:13 Just a step.
11:15 Man, this guy is talking.
11:19 Francisco Hott.
11:21 Let me go. I'm tired of this Hollywood.
11:25 Let me go.
11:27 Nah. Nah. It's not funny. I've got school.
11:34 Nah. I'm not laughing. I've got school.
11:39 *silence*
11:42 Stop playing game with me now. Stop.
11:46 You don't understand where the fuck you're going.
11:48 Sorry about what I said, but that's it. You're taking the piss out of me.
11:50 I love you and I care about you.
11:52 I asked a thousand fucking times. I asked nicely.
11:54 I tried to respect you, but you don't. It seems like you're fucking with me.
11:57 You have no idea how much I love you.
11:59 *silence*
12:02 Should she suffer?
12:06 Alright, clap if you think she should suffer.
12:09 *applause*
12:11 *silence*
12:14 Can I get a beef taco?
12:17 It's 17 minutes.
12:19 Why not now?
12:22 Do you want me to come in there and cook it for you?
12:24 I mean, you want me to come in there and cook it for you?
12:26 If you want me to cook food, I'll serve it to you and then you're going to try to fool, right?
12:29 Right. So I can't serve it if it's not at the right temp.
12:33 I just want a beef taco.
12:36 I just want a beef taco.
12:38 What if I go in there and cook that shit myself, huh?
12:40 You can try.
12:42 Yeah, I'll try. Let me in.
12:44 Let me in.
12:46 Pull up the fucking wheel.
12:48 *laughter*
12:50 Oh yeah, two-toe, two-toe, huh?
12:57 You want me to cook some beef?
12:58 You want me to whoop your ass?
13:00 He doesn't want me, clearly, but also does.
13:03 It's such a giant question mark that I'm obsessed.
13:07 What do you want?
13:15 A chocolate.
13:16 You want what?
13:17 A chocolate.
13:18 Oh, you poor thing.
13:20 Oh God! I'll never make it this time!
13:27 This is the end!
13:31 Anyway...
