Paano gumawa ng DIY sensory wall para sa kids? | Mars Pa More

  • 7 months ago
Para ma-stimulate ang senses ng ating chikiting, sasampolan tayo ni Arthur Solinap ng isang DIY sensory wall!

00:00 Have you heard of sensory play?
00:03 Well, it's actually an activity that helps
00:06 to activate the different senses of our children.
00:09 There are different ways to stimulate our kids' senses
00:13 and this is one of them that Pars Arthur will show us.
00:16 He will sample how to make a simple sensory wall.
00:22 Oh, Pars, what is this?
00:28 It's like a soft net.
00:31 Okay.
00:32 It's like nylon, mesh.
00:34 Yes, it's like that.
00:35 But this one is a bit soft.
00:38 This one has buttons.
00:41 Oh, so you're just putting different textures
00:45 in patterns and small patches.
00:47 That's the nylon one.
00:49 This is the hard one, the yellow one.
00:51 And then this one has pearls.
00:54 And then pearls.
00:56 It's shiny.
00:58 What is this?
00:59 You just put it on a board?
01:02 Yes, just on a board.
01:05 And then this one,
01:07 the ones on the side of the wetland,
01:09 the red ones,
01:11 I just put them on.
01:12 And it's fun, right?
01:16 I enjoy it.
01:18 What's the purpose of this for Shiloh?
01:22 I searched for ways to improve
01:24 the motor skills of children.
01:26 So that the nerves in their brain
01:28 can explore their senses
01:31 in their early age.
01:33 Yeah, through touching different textures.
01:37 So that their senses are more activated.
01:40 Correct.
01:41 Yes, when they feel it,
01:43 this is the feeling.
01:45 Pars, how did you get into DIY stuff for Shiloh?
01:49 Is this just one of the things you did for her
01:52 or are there other DIYs for her learning?
01:57 This is for learning,
01:59 but all of her stuff is DIY.
02:02 Even her stuff, her bedding,
02:05 we don't have it assembled.
02:07 We, Rochelle, did it.
02:09 Really?
02:10 So we're always researching and doing DIY.
02:14 Because we don't want other people to enter,
02:17 so we have to do DIY for them.
02:20 I also did some DIYs for her.
02:23 Shapes that are also like boards.
02:28 I cut them into rounds and squares.
02:30 I let her draw those shapes.
02:35 So far, out of all the things you did,
02:38 what do you think Shiloh likes the most?
02:43 Her favorite thing right now is to read.
02:46 She really likes to read.
02:48 She reads before she wakes up,
02:50 before she takes a nap,
02:52 and before she goes to bed at night.
02:53 So why not, right?
02:54 Yeah!
02:55 We teach her software.
02:56 She has a lot of activities,
02:57 but this is what we saw that she really likes.
03:01 She really likes reading.
03:03 We saw her talent in singing,
03:05 so it's like Rochelle doesn't care about me.
03:08 She copies everything.
03:09 She's like, "This kid is so cute.
03:11 Why does she sing?"
03:12 But Pars, aren't I noticing that based on your story,
03:16 you guys are very hands-on
03:20 when it comes to Shiloh's development and learning.
03:22 Is this something that you planned even before the pandemic?
03:26 Did you plan her education or how you teach her?
03:30 Is it really DIY or was it just a coincidence?
03:33 Because of the pandemic,
03:34 that was your scenario.
03:36 Shiloh has an online class.
03:38 Actually, it was her first day.
03:40 So we looked for other online education.
03:45 We looked for online education.
03:46 We could do it at home.
03:47 We bought books and stuff.
03:51 So we did everything.
03:52 Not just at home,
03:54 we enrolled in an online class as well.
03:57 So we did everything together.
03:59 Wow! That's so exciting!
04:01 Of course, it's her first time.
04:04 But I mean, I know Shiloh is, what, 2 years old, right?
04:07 2.
04:08 In those 2 years,
04:09 what has been the most challenging thing for you?
04:12 Because I'm mentally prepared.
04:14 Because in the stories of my friends,
04:17 I think I just struggle when she gets sick.
04:22 The worst that happens.
04:24 That's the only thing I can't handle.
04:26 It's like, I shouldn't be scared.
04:29 I should be strong, right?
04:31 I shouldn't break down or cry.
04:36 She had a few accidents before.
04:40 That's the only challenge for me.
04:41 She gets hurt.
04:42 So how did you take that?
04:45 Of course, you can't be lazy.
04:47 Yes, yes.
04:49 How did you handle it?
04:50 It's a good thing for us,
04:51 we didn't pray together.
04:54 She's the one who reminds me.
04:57 It's a good thing.
04:58 But I saw that she's the one who's weak,
05:03 she's the one who's strong.
05:04 She's the one who's weak, I'm the one who's strong.
05:07 And we just pray.
05:09 After that, we just relax.
05:12 But it's a dual, don't worry.
