日航生还奇迹 | “教科书式疏散”全球狂赞! 机组人员和乘客做对了什么?

  • 9 months ago
▌热点短视频 ▌日航大火写下全机人员生还的奇迹背后,他们究竟做对了什么事?


主持 | @celes 美伶

#日本 #飞机 #事故 #相撞 #逃生 #黄金90秒
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频

更多新闻资讯看这里 ▹ https://xuan.com.my/hotspot


00:00 An airplane crash at Yutian Airport in Japan
00:02 killed five people.
00:04 But the worst part is that
00:05 more than 300 passengers on board
00:08 were safely evacuated.
00:09 It's a miracle that hundreds of people
00:11 were able to escape from the fire in time.
00:14 The reason behind this is the
00:16 "Golden 90-Second Evacuation Rule."
00:18 What are some points that need to be learned
00:20 to keep them a secret?
00:22 "The Golden 90-Second Evacuation Rule"
00:24 "The Golden 90-Second Evacuation Rule"
00:26 "The Golden 90-Second Evacuation Rule"
00:28 "The Golden 90-Second Evacuation Rule"
00:30 Japan's cargo plane crashed in 2024.
00:33 It was on the international news headlines for two consecutive days.
00:36 After the 7.6 earthquake,
00:37 a rare air accident occurred on Tuesday night.
00:40 After a collision between a Japanese passenger plane
00:43 and a coast guard plane,
00:44 a large fire broke out.
00:45 From the footage,
00:46 the passenger plane had exploded once after landing.
00:48 The plane then dragged the fire and continued to move forward.
00:51 After the plane passed, it was also engulfed by fire
00:53 and burned to the ground.
00:55 The scene was not only terrifying,
00:57 but also made all passengers and crew of the large passenger plane
01:00 evacuate safely in a short time,
01:02 which is called a "relief operation"
01:05 that is also admirable and worth learning from the outside world.
01:09 According to passengers,
01:09 about 10 minutes after landing,
01:11 an explosion occurred on the plane.
01:13 In the 10 minutes of fighting with the "dead god,"
01:16 the Japanese media pointed out that
01:17 passengers can safely escape
01:18 and return to the basic personnel
01:20 90-second training once a year.
01:22 In short,
01:23 it is to evacuate all passengers quickly
01:25 within 90 seconds of an emergency.
01:27 There are also foreign media analysis that
01:29 the cooperation between the base personnel and the passengers
01:31 also created a miracle of all survivors in this plane accident.
01:35 The base personnel knew which escape doors could be far from the fire
01:37 and activated the escape pod in time,
01:39 arranging passengers for a fun landing.
01:41 And passengers are facing such a crisis
01:43 not only relatively calm and obedient to the instructions of the air traffic control,
01:47 but also no one packed a small bag of hand luggage
01:48 when they escaped from the plane.
01:51 Air traffic control has been urging passengers for many years
01:54 that if they stop to pick up their luggage
01:56 when they encounter an emergency,
01:58 it may endanger their safety.
02:00 It's just that not everyone will be obedient.
02:04 But this time, the passengers of the Japanese Airlines accident did it.
02:06 Facing this time, all the members escaped safely.
02:09 The Japanese security officials also praised the base personnel
02:11 and passengers for dealing with the emergency and escaping successfully.
02:15 "The Japanese Airlines staff,
02:18 the airport staff,
02:20 and the passengers were all calm and
02:24 all 379 passengers and crew of the Japanese Airlines
02:31 were able to escape."
02:33 According to preliminary investigation by the Japanese Transportation Agency,
02:35 the accident is suspected to be a communication error in the tower staff instructions.
02:39 The passenger received the left-hand navigation instruction,
02:41 and the coast guard received instructions to drive to the runway,
02:44 causing the collision of two planes.
02:46 However, the cause of the accident is still to be investigated.
02:49 This accident may be a miracle of life.
02:52 But we can't always look forward to miracles
02:54 because people's lives may be lost in a tragedy that is always mysterious.
02:58 If you like this video,
02:59 please like and share it to let more people know.
03:02 Also remember to follow Reddit and Hotspot
03:03 to follow more key news from China.
03:06 (electronic music)
03:09 you
