Lana Condor's Bookshelf Is Stuffed With Amazing Thrillers | Shelf Portrait | Marie Claire

  • 9 months ago
Lana Condor takes us on a tour of her bookshelf! She shares some of her favorite reads of all time, from the thrilling to the hilarious, and a few very special "To All The Boys" mementos.
00:00 If a pony only doing one trick has become synonymous with failure,
00:04 perhaps we as a society have become too demanding of our ponies.
00:07 Hello Marie Claire. I am on a condor and I'm very excited to show you guys my little library.
00:16 It's my little library. When I say little, it's little, but she's growing. She's becoming a woman.
00:28 I recently moved to Seattle. I'm still like, you know, kind of nesting, trying to figure out
00:34 different furniture pieces and also where to put them. This bookshelf is really special to me. I've
00:39 had it in my family for as long as I can remember and my parents actually gave it to me. These are
00:46 my little, my little guys. Um, they bring me a lot of peace and joy. And this was my mom's childhood
00:54 tea set that she had when she was a little girl. And so she also gave that to me as a house warming
00:59 gift, which was a very kind of her. So these are a collection of books that I have. Uh, I have
01:05 a couple more strewn around the house. Um, or I give some to my mom cause we share books and go
01:11 back and forth. So some of them aren't here, but these are kind of like some of my favorites. So
01:16 I'm going to show you some of them. My first ones I want to show you are my To All The Boys book set.
01:23 This one is the To All The Boys PS I Still Love You movie tie in, which is so cool. That's my
01:29 face. This one is the To All The Boys I've Loved Before, the first movie tie in book. And then this
01:35 is the PS I Still Love You novel edition, I guess. A movie tie in for To All The Boys Always
01:43 and Forever by Lara Jean that is out. I just haven't gotten a copy yet, which is crazy. The
01:49 majority of my books are thrillers. When I say majority, I mean like honestly, all of them are
01:55 thrillers. I'm a huge thriller fan. I love thrillers. I love everything about them. They make
02:00 me so happy. So you're going to see quite a few thrillers in here. This is a great one. This is
02:06 called Five Total Strangers. I'd love for this to be made into a movie and I would love to be in it.
02:12 It's incredible. It's, it's really great thriller about these five complete strangers stuck in a
02:16 car together on a snowstorm. This is The Douche Journals by Schmidt. A definitive account of one
02:24 man's genius, Schmidt. Madeline Arthur, one of my best friends, she got it for me for my birthday
02:31 and it has all these great quotes from Schmidt. I'm donating my kidneys to science and my heart
02:36 to fashion. This is a great little book that I oftentimes will keep in my purse when I'm
02:40 traveling. It's called How to Love and it reminds me to love. I love to love. I love to love.
02:46 It reminds me basically to love. Often our pride stands in the way of our asking for help. In true love,
02:53 there is no place for pride. To love each other means to trust each other. If you don't tell the
02:59 person you love of your suffering, it means you don't love this person enough to trust.
03:03 You have to realize that this person is the best person to help you. We need to be able to get help
03:09 from the person we love. I am a big fan of Harlan Coben. He is a great kind of thriller action writer
03:22 and my dad introduced me to him for my birthday. He got me this Harlan Coben's The Boy from the
03:30 Woods, which I believe recently came out and it's divine. And then immediately after I finished this,
03:36 I was like, "Dad, this is so good." So I ran to the bookstore and got Harlan Coben's Promise Me.
03:41 If you want to do like a father-daughter read, Harlan Coben. It hits deep with the father-daughters.
03:47 We have like your classic AJ Finn's, which I love. Oh, I just finished this thriller. It's awesome.
03:53 It's called In Case of Emergencies by E.G. Scott. And this is so good. This is so, so good. It's about
04:04 deception and, you know, doubting your reality and murder and the decay of the human brain.
04:12 So that's your thing. This is a great one. Definitely a page-turner. Loved it a lot. It's so
04:19 good. I love Anthony Horowitz. He's the author. This is called The Moonflower Murders. It's
04:24 delicious. Delicious. It looks daunting, but it's a very easy read and you just like
04:32 eat it up like a snack. It's so good. And it's, I love kind of like period piece, like whodunits.
04:38 If you are a detective or you fancy yourself to have detective skills, this is the one.
04:47 This is No Exit by Taylor Adams. I want to make a movie out of it so bad. It says a full-throttle
04:53 thriller. Swift, sharp, and relentless. And that is the review by AJ Finn, who I love. She did
05:00 The Woman in the Window. So as soon as I saw that, I was like, I trust AJ. Let's read this book. And
05:05 I was not disappointed. Calm the f*ck down. It is how to control what you can and accept what you
05:15 can't so you can stop freaking out and get on with your life. This is a great book. She has a bunch
05:20 of really awesome books. And this is my bookmark. This is by Anthony and I. And it basically tells
05:28 you how to calm the f*ck down, which I mean, I mean desperately. We have these incredible books
05:37 that are amazing. White Fragility, Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria,
05:45 and Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race. These are books that
05:53 have taught me a lot and shared a lot of incredible perspective. And I've learned quite a bit from
05:59 these books and they were recommended to me on pretty much all the reading lists that we were
06:07 given during the Black Lives Matter movements earlier this year. So these are incredible reads.
06:14 I highly, highly recommend this. Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race is a really,
06:21 really great one if you are just starting out. Like, okay, I want to learn and I want to be
06:28 better. I want a piece of literature that can help me. It's educational, fun to read, well-researched,
06:34 but doesn't feel like wildly daunting. This is a great one to start with. One of my favorite books,
06:42 The Murder of Harriet Monkton. It's a whodunit, but in like old Victorian times.
06:50 It's shocking to read because it's shocking to see the way that females were treated back
06:57 then, which was horribly. So this one's a good one to read to see how far we've come.
07:06 I, of course, have The Rise of Kiyoshi. I love Kiyoshi. So I have like all my collections of
07:15 the Debbie Klass graphic novels. I also have one in the big book. This is a television show that I
07:23 did a couple years back based off of the graphic novels. The illustrations are incredible. I
07:29 highly suggest if you like really, really dark, dark graphic novels, this one is the one for you.
07:34 I guess the last one that I'll show you, which isn't really a book, but it's a scrapbook,
07:40 is My Makeup Artist on 12 Boys PS I Still Love You. Made a scrapbook for me as my wrap gift,
07:47 and it's really like it's kind of my prized possession. So there's a lot of like behind
07:53 the scenes pictures, a cast and crew writing notes, me and my makeup artist sleeping wherever
08:00 we could. Oh, this is a big letter the crew wrote and signed. This is Noah. He wrote me a letter.
08:11 It's very special. So this is definitely like one of my most prized possessions,
08:17 is my 12 Boys PS I Still Love You scrapbook. I'll share one more. This is the Good Mood Diet,
08:25 and this was written by my father, Bob Condor. He wrote this book a while back,
08:31 and it's called The Good Mood Diet. It's about a diet that helps you have a good mood, and
08:36 it's not about taking things away, but adding things like joy to my amazing darling daughter,
08:42 who always puts me in a good mood. I love you, fiercely, Daddy.
08:48 So these are just a couple of my absolute favorites in my little tiny library. I just
08:56 love collecting books. I'm going to find my Ruth Ware series from my mother. These are my friends.
09:03 Thank you so much Marie Claire, and until next time, happy reading!
