White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and NSC spokesperson John Kirby are expected to hold a press briefing.
00:00:00 - Just following up on that, John,
00:00:02 when Prime Minister Netanyahu said yesterday
00:00:05 that Hamas had given some sort of ultimatum
00:00:07 on the hostages, Ron, do you know what he was referring to?
00:00:11 - I don't.
00:00:12 - On a separate topic, I wonder what you made of
00:00:17 Hassan Nasrallah's speech today, "We are not scared of war."
00:00:21 Does the US hear that as escalatory
00:00:24 or pretty consistent with what we've heard recently?
00:00:26 - I think we're gonna judge actions and not words.
00:00:30 We haven't seen Hezbollah jump in with both feet
00:00:33 to come to Hamas' aid and assistance.
00:00:37 We continue to message privately
00:00:41 and of course publicly with y'all
00:00:42 that we don't wanna see this conflict widen.
00:00:44 We don't wanna see a second front opened on the north.
00:00:47 We don't think that's good for the region,
00:00:49 certainly not good for the Israeli people.
00:00:51 And we're gonna continue to deliver that message.
00:00:55 - On migration, the Denver's mayor this weekend
00:00:57 told CBS that his city needs arriving Venezuelan migrants
00:01:02 to have the ability to work.
00:01:04 Is the administration open to extending
00:01:06 temporary protective status for Venezuelans
00:01:08 who arrived after that July 31st state that you all set?
00:01:11 - I don't have an update for you on that.
00:01:13 You probably should talk to Secretary Mariarchis
00:01:16 and his team at DHS, but that's not something
00:01:18 I would have an update for.
00:01:20 - Thanks, Green.
00:01:21 John, you mentioned the last package,
00:01:24 aid package for Ukraine.
00:01:26 If there's no deal with Congress,
00:01:28 what happens once that's exhausted?
00:01:31 I mean, will shipments of weapons just stop?
00:01:35 - They'd have to.
00:01:35 They'd have to.
00:01:38 We have, the president signed out
00:01:41 the last security assistance package
00:01:42 for which we had replenishment authority funds.
00:01:46 That's it.
00:01:47 We need the supplemental pass so that we can provide
00:01:49 additional security assistance to Ukraine.
00:01:51 Now, there's always a lag of days if not weeks
00:01:55 each time we sign out one of these packages.
00:01:57 So the things that were signed out on the 27th
00:01:59 have not all been delivered to Ukraine.
00:02:01 That will come in coming days and weeks.
00:02:04 But after that, absent supplemental funding,
00:02:07 there's no other magical pot to dip into
00:02:11 to try to get support for Ukraine.
00:02:13 - So there's no other pools of government weapons
00:02:15 that could be used temporarily and then refilled later?
00:02:19 - I'm not aware of any band-aid fix that can be done.
00:02:22 I mean, I don't wanna get ahead
00:02:26 of the decision-making process here.
00:02:27 I mean, we're gonna do what we can
00:02:28 to continue to support Ukraine.
00:02:31 But in terms of the kinds of security assistance
00:02:34 that we've been able to provide
00:02:35 and the frequency with which we have provided it
00:02:37 every two weeks, that ended on the 27th
00:02:40 when we submitted our last one for the year,
00:02:43 the last one that we had funding applied to.
00:02:46 - We're gonna start working up then, I guess.
00:02:48 Thank you.
00:02:48 - A follow-up and a question.
00:02:50 John, you just said that you have no indication
00:02:52 that Israel is behind the assassination of Saleh Haruri.
00:02:55 But Israeli cabinet ministers and Israeli officials
00:02:58 are on the record saying that they are gonna go
00:03:01 after Hamas leaders.
00:03:02 They're gonna assassinate them just like they did
00:03:04 in the '70s after Munich.
00:03:06 So do you dismiss what they're saying
00:03:09 as maybe it's not their responsibility?
00:03:11 - My comment was nothing to dismiss anything they said.
00:03:14 I was asked a simple question.
00:03:16 Do we have evidence that Israel was responsible for it?
00:03:19 And I said we didn't.
00:03:20 Now, Israel, as I've said before,
00:03:22 has a right and responsibility to go after
00:03:24 the threat that Hamas poses,
00:03:26 which means they have a right and responsibility
00:03:27 to go after the leadership of Hamas.
00:03:29 Now, as I've also said many, many times from the podium,
00:03:33 we expect that they will do that
00:03:35 in accordance with international law.
00:03:37 - And a question.
00:03:38 Yesterday, the State Department condemned
00:03:39 the statement of two Israeli cabinet ministers
00:03:43 calling for the displacement of Palestinians.
00:03:46 - Yeah.
00:03:47 - And I'm sure that's a position of the White House as well.
00:03:48 - It is.
00:03:49 - But practically, how do you enforce that?
00:03:51 You have so much leverage over Israel.
00:03:54 Apart from condemnation, what practically can you do
00:03:57 to stop this plan?
00:03:58 Because Netanyahu defiantly challenged the White House
00:04:01 when it comes to a state solution and other issues
00:04:04 with the Palestinian soldiers in the northern part of Gaza.
00:04:06 - First of all, I don't think we can call it a plan.
00:04:09 These are comments by two cabinet officers.
00:04:12 That doesn't constitute an Israeli plan
00:04:15 to relocate people out of Gaza.
00:04:18 So I don't think we should get ahead
00:04:20 of where we are right now.
00:04:21 And you're right, that statement does speak
00:04:22 for the United States government
00:04:24 and for this administration in terms of our complete refusal
00:04:27 and rebuke of any forced displacement
00:04:30 outside of Gaza of any Palestinians.
00:04:31 We have made that clear to our Israeli counterparts
00:04:33 in private sessions.
00:04:34 Certainly have made that publicly.
00:04:36 And that's not gonna change.
00:04:37 - Thank you, Karine.
00:04:40 Admiral, back to Ukraine for a minute.
00:04:41 It was well-chronicled earlier in the war
00:04:44 that heavy losses the Russian military took
00:04:47 in terms of equipment, firepower, and such.
00:04:49 In the wake of this recent barrage, though,
00:04:51 launched on these Ukrainian cities,
00:04:53 what is the current US assessment
00:04:54 of just what the Russian military's currently capabilities?
00:04:58 - Interesting that they have to keep reaching out
00:05:04 to other countries to shore up their inventory
00:05:09 of artillery shells and missiles and, of course, drones.
00:05:13 A lot of these drones that were launched
00:05:15 in the last 72 hours were Iranian-made
00:05:17 or Iranian-designed drones.
00:05:19 We know that this war has had an impact
00:05:22 on Mr. Putin's war-making capability,
00:05:25 particularly when it comes to munitions,
00:05:28 artillery, drones, and missiles.
00:05:30 We also know that he still has a sizable amount
00:05:32 of his air force available to him,
00:05:35 a sizable amount of his ground mechanized capability
00:05:37 available to him, and, of course,
00:05:40 while his Navy has been challenged in the Black Sea,
00:05:42 it's really only been the Black Sea,
00:05:44 a fleet that has been affected.
00:05:45 He also has an advantage in manpower
00:05:48 because Russia's just a bigger country,
00:05:50 and he doesn't have to, unlike President Zelensky,
00:05:52 doesn't have to answer to the Russian people
00:05:55 about mobilizations and taking prisoners out of jail cells
00:05:59 and putting them on the battlefront.
00:06:02 He has gone through an enormous amount of manpower
00:06:05 in the last two years of war,
00:06:07 and we know that he's gonna continue
00:06:09 to try to throw manpower at it.
00:06:10 All that said, Jonathan, that's on the plus side
00:06:13 of the ledger for him.
00:06:14 On the negative side of the ledger,
00:06:16 command and control in the Russian army is still abysmal.
00:06:19 Morale, leadership, absolutely at the dirt floor.
00:06:22 They are still heavily reliant on long-range kind of strikes
00:06:28 because they've got that available to them.
00:06:30 When they engage the Ukrainian forces on the ground,
00:06:33 they're not having much success.
00:06:34 For this so-called Ballyhoo counteroffensive
00:06:37 that they were gonna launch themselves,
00:06:38 they've really achieved nothing in recent weeks and months.
00:06:41 This is a military that still has not really learned
00:06:45 the lessons that you would think a modern military
00:06:47 would learn after two years of war.
00:06:49 -In the back, way in the back.
00:06:51 -Yeah, Admiral, you said that the United States
00:06:56 doesn't want a second front,
00:06:58 and you also said that Israel has a right and responsibility
00:07:00 to go after Hamas leadership,
00:07:02 but isn't the United States and the President --
00:07:06 aren't they exactly widening and escalating this,
00:07:11 given the fact that the U.S.
00:07:12 is supporting chasing Hamas leadership outside of Gaza?
00:07:17 I mean, the fact that it's going into Lebanon, a sovereign nation.
00:07:21 -Again, your question is presuming an awful lot,
00:07:23 and it's presuming that I said things I didn't say.
00:07:26 I'm not confirming that the Israelis took this airstrike.
00:07:32 I would refer you to them to speak
00:07:33 to their military operations.
00:07:35 -I didn't.
00:07:36 -Nevertheless, I'm not confirming
00:07:38 that they took this strike.
00:07:41 They have a right and responsibility
00:07:42 to go after Hamas leadership,
00:07:43 and we expect that they'll do that
00:07:44 in accordance with international law.
00:07:47 Nothing's changed about the fact
00:07:48 that we don't want the conflict to widen.
00:07:50 I mean, heck, my opening statement was four
00:07:52 or five pages worth of talking about all the kind
00:07:55 of capabilities that the President's putting
00:07:56 in the region to prevent that very outcome.
00:07:59 -Okay, so let me follow up on that, then.
00:08:01 Given the Red Sea patrols,
00:08:04 we knew in advance of those being set up
00:08:07 that the Iranian defense minister said very clearly,
00:08:11 "Nobody can make a move in a region
00:08:13 where we have predominance."
00:08:14 The United States knew that, set it up anyway.
00:08:18 Is that not being seen as a provocation?
00:08:20 If you know that Iran sees that as a provocation,
00:08:23 you take the action anyway.
00:08:25 -I'd start to turn things on their upside down, isn't it?
00:08:29 -Wouldn't you consider provocation,
00:08:31 launching ballistic missiles and drones at commercial --
00:08:34 -Well, they didn't say we have soil in there.
00:08:36 -Wouldn't that be considered a provocation,
00:08:39 targeting innocent merchant shipping
00:08:41 and innocent merchant sailors?
00:08:43 That's a provocation.
00:08:45 What we're doing, what Prosperity Garden is all about --
00:08:47 go on the web, you can look at it --
00:08:49 it's a defensive posture.
00:08:50 It's a coalition of the willing of maritime nations
00:08:53 coming together to try to protect international shipping,
00:08:56 shipping that affects the global economy.
00:08:59 -Because in turn, what has happened is --
00:09:01 so you're denying, then,
00:09:03 that there has been an escalation
00:09:04 since the Red Sea Patrol?
00:09:06 -I totally disagree with the premise of your question.
00:09:09 It wasn't the United States
00:09:10 who decided to attack commercial shipping in the Red Sea.
00:09:13 The Houthis did that.
00:09:14 And who are the Houthis backed by?
00:09:16 Iran.
00:09:17 As I've said before, Iran provided the missiles
00:09:19 that the Houthis are using.
00:09:20 We are simply in a defensive posture
00:09:22 to try to protect that commercial shipping,
00:09:24 and we have in the last 48 hours.
00:09:26 -There's been an escalation.
00:09:27 Now Iran has launched a frigate into that.
00:09:29 So there has been an escalation.
00:09:31 -Okay, again, let me stop you.
00:09:33 The fact that they -- -Has the United --
00:09:34 I ask you again, has the United States' actions
00:09:38 supported an escalation as a result?
00:09:41 -No. -You said that the --
00:09:44 your words said -- -You asked me a question,
00:09:45 and I answered it. No.
00:09:47 -You said nothing the President has ordered
00:09:49 has been designed to widen or deepen this conflict.
00:09:54 -I stay by my answer. No.
00:09:55 -We got to move on.
00:09:56 -And then we're working on it.
00:09:58 -Thanks, Kim. Thanks, Admiral.
00:09:59 Just on the -- you mentioned a recent call with Netanyahu.
00:10:03 Can you speak to the tenor of the recent conversations
00:10:06 between the President and Prime Minister Netanyahu?
00:10:08 There have been reports of growing tensions between them.
00:10:12 And, you know, I mean, can you describe to us,
00:10:14 you know, the tenor of those conversations?
00:10:17 -No. No.
00:10:19 I'm not going to get into describing the tone and tenor.
00:10:21 We do a readout of these conversations.
00:10:23 We'll continue to do that.
00:10:24 Look, these are two guys that have known each other
00:10:26 a long, long time.
00:10:26 They don't agree on every issue,
00:10:28 and you shouldn't expect that they would agree on every issue.
00:10:30 President is able to have candid,
00:10:33 forthright conversations with counterparts.
00:10:34 And when you're friends with a country,
00:10:36 the way we are with Israel, those conversations can be --
00:10:39 they should be candid and forthright.
00:10:42 -Thank you very much.
00:10:44 Two questions on Ukraine.
00:10:46 Does the President support confiscating
00:10:48 Russian frozen assets, $300 billion, to help Ukraine?
00:10:53 And second question, how much of the equipment
00:10:57 that was delivered to Ukraine by the U.S.
00:11:01 has been damaged by Russia?
00:11:03 Do you have any assessment?
00:11:04 What are their capabilities in terms of the equipment
00:11:09 delivered by the West and the United States?
00:11:11 -On your first question, we're still talking to partners
00:11:15 about what reconstruction and recovery
00:11:18 needs to look like in Ukraine after the war.
00:11:21 But obviously, our main focus right now
00:11:22 is helping them in this fight against Russian aggression.
00:11:26 And on your second question, that's a better question
00:11:27 put to the Ukrainian Defense Forces,
00:11:29 not the United States.
00:11:30 We are working very, very hard to make sure
00:11:34 that every system that is provided to Ukraine,
00:11:36 there's a measure of accountability for it,
00:11:38 that we can assure the Congress and the American people
00:11:41 that that material is being used appropriately
00:11:44 on the field of battle.
00:11:46 And we've seen no indication that it hasn't been,
00:11:48 that there's been some wide-scale corruption
00:11:51 or misuse by the Ukrainian military.
00:11:55 But it is war. It is war.
00:11:58 And these things are sometimes being expended hand-to-mouth.
00:12:02 I mean, there's no sooner to get into Ukraine
00:12:03 than the Ukrainians are firing at Russian troops.
00:12:06 So we're working real hard on accountability.
00:12:08 But as for every single bullet and beam
00:12:12 that had been given to Ukraine,
00:12:14 I mean, that's really something for the Ukrainians to speak to.
00:12:15 -Every single bullet.
00:12:17 I'm asking about, in general,
00:12:20 about Ukrainian capabilities in the war with Russia.
00:12:26 Are you tracking those?
00:12:28 -Of course we are. Yeah.
00:12:29 In fact, we added expertise and individuals
00:12:34 to the team in Kiev
00:12:36 specifically for accountability purposes.
00:12:39 And the Ukrainians understand our need for accountability.
00:12:43 They share that, and they have made it clear
00:12:45 that they're willing to work with us on accountability
00:12:47 measures for all the systems that are being provided.
00:12:50 I will just tell you, broadly speaking,
00:12:52 without speaking to every single artillery shell,
00:12:55 the kinds of material we give Ukraine
00:12:57 is given to them with thoughtful deliberation
00:12:59 based on what they say they need in the moment
00:13:01 and in coming weeks.
00:13:03 And we've seen that with every package that we've delivered.
00:13:05 Number two, as I said, in many cases,
00:13:09 this stuff is going right from the trucks and the trains
00:13:13 to the hands of a soldier on the battlefield.
00:13:15 Not everyone, but oftentimes it's that fast.
00:13:19 They are using these things appropriately
00:13:20 in defense of their country.
00:13:22 -Thanks, Adam. -Thank you.
00:13:23 -Appreciate it. -Thank you, John.
00:13:24 -Yep. -Thank you.
00:13:25 -Thank you so much.
00:13:26 Okay. Darlene, good to see you.
00:13:28 Want to reset us and start us off again?
00:13:30 -Sure. Good to see you, too.
00:13:33 For the first time in the US,
00:13:35 there are wind turbines that have sent electricity
00:13:38 to the grid.
00:13:39 There's a wind farm off the coast of Massachusetts.
00:13:42 It delivered some power just before midnight on Wednesday.
00:13:46 It's a project the Biden administration
00:13:47 had signed off on.
00:13:49 I was just wondering if the President
00:13:50 supports this kind of energy.
00:13:54 Is he aware?
00:13:55 Any reaction that you can share?
00:13:57 -So, I don't have a reaction for you at this time.
00:13:59 I would have to get back to the team,
00:14:01 and I certainly have not spoken to the President
00:14:03 about this particular issue.
00:14:04 As you just stated, that is something that we are --
00:14:07 when it comes to wind turbines, you've seen the President
00:14:09 visit many manufacturing factories
00:14:13 where they are certainly leading with that
00:14:15 and manufacturing those wind turbines.
00:14:17 So, certainly, that is part of our climate change,
00:14:20 certainly, initiative, clean energy.
00:14:22 So, that's certainly something that we have been
00:14:25 very much backing and supporting.
00:14:26 But that particular issue, I have not touched base
00:14:28 with the President about.
00:14:29 -And then two other quick ones.
00:14:31 Will the President have a public schedule tomorrow or Friday?
00:14:35 -I don't have anything at this time for you.
00:14:37 As you know, he will be traveling on Saturday
00:14:40 for January 6th to Pennsylvania.
00:14:42 That is something that the campaign is putting together.
00:14:45 So, if you have any specific details,
00:14:47 we'll certainly make sure that you reach out to them.
00:14:51 I just don't have anything else on his schedule
00:14:53 for the next day or two.
00:14:54 -And is there a list of the scholars and the historians
00:14:57 that the press office said he had lunch with today
00:14:59 in the lead-up to the January 6th meeting?
00:15:01 -I don't have a list to share at this time.
00:15:03 For folks who are not tracking, this afternoon,
00:15:05 the President met or had lunch with a group of scholars
00:15:08 and historians to discuss ongoing threats
00:15:11 to our democracy, whether here and also abroad.
00:15:15 This is something that he tends to do,
00:15:18 especially as we head towards, you know,
00:15:21 an important day like January 6th.
00:15:23 So, it's something that is commonly done.
00:15:24 He's done it -- he's met with a diverse group
00:15:26 of historians before.
00:15:28 I don't have a list to provide to you at this time.
00:15:32 -Thanks, Karine.
00:15:33 On the scholars and historians meeting,
00:15:37 that statement referenced threats
00:15:38 to democratic institutions in the country.
00:15:41 Does the President think that there are any specific policy
00:15:43 changes that are needed to strengthen institutions
00:15:46 ahead of the elections?
00:15:47 -I don't have any policies to announce
00:15:49 or preview for you at this time.
00:15:51 Look, the President has always been clear.
00:15:53 I've been clear from this podium as well.
00:15:55 What happened on January 6th was unprecedented.
00:15:58 An attack on our core principles,
00:16:00 an attack on our democracy,
00:16:01 what we saw was an attack on our rule of law,
00:16:04 attack on our Constitution.
00:16:06 We saw the Confederate flag
00:16:08 in the middle of the Capitol building.
00:16:11 It was a terrifying and horrific day
00:16:15 and a dark day in our history, sadly.
00:16:19 But I just don't have -- as far as policy-wise
00:16:21 and strengthening our institutions,
00:16:23 don't have anything to share at this time.
00:16:24 -But specifically, does he think the United States
00:16:26 is ready to have free and fair elections in November?
00:16:28 -Well, we have to.
00:16:30 I mean, that is what we need -- we have to.
00:16:32 That's what the President believes in, right?
00:16:34 He believes in having a democracy that works,
00:16:37 on having a free and fair election.
00:16:38 That's something that he has spoken to, obviously.
00:16:42 But I don't -- as far as our policies for our institutions,
00:16:45 announcing any new policy, I don't have anything
00:16:47 to announce at this time.
00:16:49 But clearly, that is something that the different agencies
00:16:52 who are involved are certainly making sure
00:16:54 that we get to a place that we're --
00:16:57 you know, where Americans are able to vote freely in November.
00:17:01 -And do you have any reaction to the new data out of Treasury
00:17:04 that the national debt has hit a record $34 trillion?
00:17:08 -So, yeah, if you look at that data, it's a trickle --
00:17:13 there's a trickle-down debt, if you think about it.
00:17:16 Republican tax cuts are responsible --
00:17:17 about 90 percent of it -- of the increase in the debt
00:17:20 as a share of the economy over the last two decades,
00:17:23 excluding emergency spending.
00:17:25 And so, as we know -- you've heard me say this,
00:17:26 you've heard the President speak to this --
00:17:28 of what he has done to certainly lower the debt.
00:17:31 He signed a legislation to lower the deficit by $1 trillion.
00:17:35 Right? When you think about the Inflation Reduction Act,
00:17:37 that's going to lower prescription drug costs
00:17:40 and cracking down on the wealth tax cheats that we've seen.
00:17:44 And then his agenda would cut the deficit
00:17:46 another $2.5 trillion
00:17:47 by making the wealthy pay their fair share.
00:17:49 So, that is what the President has done.
00:17:51 What we've seen on the other side is the complete opposite.
00:17:54 What they've tried to do is continue to give a tax break
00:17:57 to the millionaires and the billionaires.
00:17:59 And that -- what they have actually put forward
00:18:02 would add more than $3 trillion to the debt.
00:18:05 So, that's what the data shows us,
00:18:08 and that's what we have done to try to make sure --
00:18:10 and the President has been very, very deliberate about this --
00:18:13 to make sure that we do everything we can
00:18:15 to certainly deal with the debt.
00:18:17 Go ahead, MJ.
00:18:19 >> The Press: Has the President been briefed on the imam
00:18:22 who was shot and wounded outside of the New Jersey mosque
00:18:26 this morning?
00:18:27 Obviously, there's serious concern about this
00:18:30 having been an act that was driven by Islamophobia.
00:18:33 I just wonder what the White House --
00:18:35 >> Ms. Jean-Pierre: So, we certainly were aware
00:18:37 of the shooting of the imam outside of the New Jersey mosque,
00:18:40 as you just laid out,
00:18:41 and certainly we're praying for his speedy recovery.
00:18:44 Local and all enforcement are on hands-on deck,
00:18:46 obviously, and is investigating.
00:18:48 And we hope that they're able to complete their work
00:18:51 soon. I don't have anything else.
00:18:54 I would refer you to the FBI on any specifics.
00:18:57 And I have not spoken to the President,
00:18:58 but obviously we are aware of it.
00:19:01 >> And just given that this is the first briefing
00:19:03 of the new calendar year, is there a way in which
00:19:06 you could sum up sort of what the President's top priorities
00:19:09 are as we head into his new year,
00:19:11 particularly given that this is the last year
00:19:14 of his first term?
00:19:15 >> Ms. Jean-Pierre: So, look, the way that we see the President's --
00:19:18 even the President's first three years,
00:19:20 he's done more in the first three years
00:19:22 than Presidents have done in the first two terms --
00:19:26 or their first two terms -- in their two terms
00:19:28 of their presidency.
00:19:29 And that is -- if you think about historic pieces
00:19:32 of legislation, whether it's infrastructure,
00:19:33 whether it's Ships and Science Act,
00:19:35 whether it is the Inflation Reduction Act,
00:19:39 as I just mentioned, which is historic in nature,
00:19:41 as we talk about clean energy and lowering prescription drugs,
00:19:45 that is incredibly important.
00:19:47 And what we need to do and what the President wants to focus on
00:19:49 is implementing those, right?
00:19:51 Continuing to implement those really key,
00:19:53 important legislation.
00:19:54 That's what you're going to see the President do.
00:19:56 Last year, in his State of the Union,
00:19:58 you heard the President speak to finishing the job.
00:20:01 And so that is something that he wants to continue to do, right?
00:20:05 Whether it's making sure we have veterans,
00:20:07 making sure that unity agenda that he talked about,
00:20:10 making sure that we're focusing on our veterans,
00:20:12 focusing on getting fentanyl off the street,
00:20:14 focusing on how do we deal with cancer.
00:20:16 Those are the things that the President
00:20:17 is going to continue to talk about.
00:20:19 And one of the very important things
00:20:22 in the Inflation Reduction Act
00:20:23 is that insulin cap at 35 bucks for adults.
00:20:26 He wants to make sure that happens for all Americans.
00:20:30 So there's a lot to work on.
00:20:31 We saw the data coming out of 2023 on the economy
00:20:36 and where the economy is headed
00:20:37 and how by economics we believe is working because of that data.
00:20:41 And so there's still a lot of work to do.
00:20:43 And that's what you're going to see from this President.
00:20:44 >> The emphasis heavily on implementation
00:20:46 as opposed to there being other pieces of legislation
00:20:49 that the White House is hoping --
00:20:50 >> Look, I think when I talk --
00:20:52 when he talks about the unity agenda,
00:20:53 there's more things to be done, right?
00:20:55 There's more work to be done that continues on the historic --
00:20:59 I think the historic first term that the President has had.
00:21:02 So certainly there are more things to be done.
00:21:04 But implementing those historic pieces of legislation
00:21:07 is important as well.
00:21:09 >> Secretary Mayorkas has obviously been up on the Hill
00:21:12 negotiating this deal,
00:21:13 trying to hammer out something on the border.
00:21:16 But at the same time, the House is formally beginning
00:21:19 impeachment proceedings against him.
00:21:21 Do you have any concern that this will complicate a deal,
00:21:23 it could hurt negotiations,
00:21:24 especially as we're up against the clock here?
00:21:26 >> So, you know, I kind of addressed this at the top,
00:21:30 how baseless it is and how they're wasting their time
00:21:32 on impeachment proceedings that make no sense.
00:21:37 And that's not what the American people want them to focus on.
00:21:39 And that's certainly -- we see that from House Republicans,
00:21:42 obviously, and it's a political stunt.
00:21:43 It's baseless. It's purely baseless.
00:21:46 And instead of coming together to deal with,
00:21:48 potentially, what's going to happen on January 19th,
00:21:50 a shutdown, instead of dealing with that
00:21:53 and really keeping to their word of that bipartisan agreement
00:21:56 that the President did and made back in 2023
00:22:00 and keeping that deal -- two-thirds of House Republicans
00:22:02 voted for that.
00:22:03 We saw bipartisan support in the Senate.
00:22:06 And what they're doing is they're not doing their job.
00:22:09 They're focusing on something that Americans do not want to see.
00:22:13 They want us to deliver on things that matter to them.
00:22:16 >> But regardless of that, are you concerned that the fact
00:22:18 that they are taking this action,
00:22:20 even if you disagree with it,
00:22:21 that it's going to make this more difficult?
00:22:22 It's going to complicate all of this.
00:22:23 >> I think it's -- we think it's baseless,
00:22:24 and we think it's a waste of time,
00:22:26 and we think it's not the focus that they should have.
00:22:29 That's not the focus that Americans want them to have.
00:22:32 And so, look, we have --
00:22:34 I mean, we were able to come together,
00:22:37 when you think about the budget,
00:22:39 when you think about where we're headed,
00:22:40 potentially on the 19th,
00:22:42 to come with a bipartisan agreement
00:22:44 to keep the government open.
00:22:45 That was done in a bipartisan way.
00:22:47 Two-thirds of House Republicans voted for that.
00:22:49 So we can get this done. They agreed on it.
00:22:52 They agreed on it.
00:22:54 But yet, they want to focus on something that is not --
00:22:57 is not going to keep the government open,
00:22:59 that's for sure.
00:23:01 >> Okay, we'll jump -- >> Hi, Karine.
00:23:02 Last night, the President said that he needed more money
00:23:05 to protect the U.S. southern border.
00:23:08 "Give me the money."
00:23:09 Does he think it's a lack of money,
00:23:11 a lack of funding that has led
00:23:12 to the current situation at the border?
00:23:14 >> I mean, look, it's certainly a --
00:23:15 we're asked -- there's a reason --
00:23:17 let me step back for a second.
00:23:19 If you look at the national security supplemental
00:23:21 that the President put forward, he put border security in there.
00:23:23 Right? Because he believes,
00:23:24 in order to get the work done at the border,
00:23:26 we need more resources. DHS needs more resources.
00:23:30 Our Border Patrol agents need more resources.
00:23:32 We need more immigration judges.
00:23:35 We need more resources to get this done.
00:23:37 We need the technology at the border
00:23:39 to deal with what's going on with migrants at the border.
00:23:43 And, you know, last May, the Speaker and Republican --
00:23:48 the Republicans in the House,
00:23:50 they voted to get rid of 2,000 --
00:23:52 2,000 Border Patrol agents. I mean, that's their focus.
00:23:55 So, of course, that's not helpful.
00:23:57 So, we need the resources to actually do the work,
00:24:00 and they keep getting in the way.
00:24:01 House Republicans keep getting in the way of doing the work
00:24:04 to deal with what we're seeing at the border.
00:24:06 So, they're obstructing. House Republicans are obstructing.
00:24:08 That's what they're doing right now.
00:24:10 >> The Press: But does the President believe
00:24:11 it's just a money issue,
00:24:13 or does he think that the policies have to change?
00:24:15 >> Ms. Jean-Pierre. Well, I would remind you,
00:24:16 Weijia, on the first day of his administration,
00:24:19 he put forth a comprehensive immigration policy --
00:24:23 legislation, and he presented that to Congress.
00:24:27 And he did that because he understands
00:24:29 that the immigration process,
00:24:30 or the system, has been broken for decades -- for decades.
00:24:33 So, obviously, we need to change policy and work on policy
00:24:37 to deal with a broken system. So, it's both.
00:24:40 It is -- and that's what you've been seeing
00:24:42 from the Senate side. Both Republicans and Democrats
00:24:44 have been talking and negotiating
00:24:45 for the past couple of weeks
00:24:47 on how to deal with the border situation, border security.
00:24:50 And it's been a policy conversation
00:24:52 and a funding conversation. So, it's both.
00:24:55 >> And does he have any New Year's resolutions?
00:24:58 >> I don't have the President's New Year's resolution.
00:25:00 I think -- what I will say is that the President
00:25:04 wants to continue doing the job that he has said
00:25:08 that he's going to do on behalf of the American people.
00:25:10 That's what we have seen him do the last three years.
00:25:12 I've talked about the historic piece of legislation
00:25:14 that's actually going to deal with healthcare,
00:25:16 going to deal with veterans' health, right?
00:25:18 Going to deal with clean energy and climate change.
00:25:21 Going to deal with key issues that matter to the American people --
00:25:23 binomics, making sure that the economy works for all,
00:25:26 we're building the middle class.
00:25:27 Those are the things that the President is going to focus on.
00:25:29 Go ahead, Justin.
00:25:31 >> Two quick ones. The first, after the plane crash in Japan,
00:25:34 I'm wondering both, has the administration offered any support
00:25:38 or is it working on the investigation of the crash?
00:25:41 And has it prompted any review, especially of certain --
00:25:43 >> So, let me just first say, Justin,
00:25:46 our hearts go out to the families of the Japanese service members
00:25:49 who lost their lives in this terrible accident.
00:25:52 So, we're glad that the passengers and all --
00:25:54 obviously, the crew members were able to get out on the commercial flight,
00:25:59 was able to get out safely.
00:26:00 That is incredibly important.
00:26:01 Any specifics on -- any questions about investigations,
00:26:04 that was something for the government of Japan to speak to.
00:26:08 >> The resignation yesterday of Harvard's President
00:26:10 seemed to generate a lot of conversation.
00:26:13 I know the President -- or you weighed in after her testimony
00:26:17 on Capitol Hill, but I'm wondering if you have a reaction.
00:26:20 >> So, look, you know, I know there's been a lot of coverage of this,
00:26:25 and so I want to be very mindful and careful.
00:26:28 And I've said this before, when it comes to either private institutions
00:26:31 or colleges and universities, we're not going to comment.
00:26:34 We're not going to comment on any personal decision that's been made.
00:26:37 And I want to -- you know, as you asked, because you asked me our comments
00:26:43 from here and what we were -- what we said from here,
00:26:45 we believe that this is a moment for leaders to have more clarity.
00:26:50 That we believe that is incredibly important
00:26:53 at this time to have more clarity.
00:26:55 And, you know, look, any calls for genocide are monstrous,
00:27:05 and they're antithetical.
00:27:07 There should not be a place for that in this country,
00:27:11 and we're always going to call out hate,
00:27:13 and we're always going to be very, very clear about that.
00:27:15 And I will add that you heard the university presidents
00:27:19 who testified also apologize, right?
00:27:21 And you heard them say this.
00:27:23 I'll quote what President Gay said.
00:27:25 She said, "I'm sorry, words matter."
00:27:27 I'll quote what President McGill said.
00:27:29 "I was not focused on, but I should have been, the irrefutable fact
00:27:33 that a call for genocide of Jewish people is a call
00:27:35 for some of the most terrible violence human beings can perpetrate."
00:27:40 So we believe it's a time to stand up and have -- and show leadership,
00:27:43 and we believe that's what we did at that time.
00:27:45 Go ahead.
00:27:47 >> Thanks, Kim.
00:27:48 On the border negotiations, can you comment on the concerns raised
00:27:52 by some of the Hispanic caucus members
00:27:55 and other elected Latino leaders who feel they've been kind
00:27:59 of cut out of these talks?
00:28:01 >> So, look, we've been in touch with Democrats, obviously members
00:28:07 of the Hispanic leadership, and we've done that
00:28:12 as these conversations have been going.
00:28:13 We're not going to speak to, certainly, private conversations.
00:28:17 Look, I'll say this.
00:28:18 The President believes that we need to have a bipartisan agreement.
00:28:20 That's where he believes, on both funding and also policy.
00:28:23 And that's what you've seen from Democrats and Republicans
00:28:26 on the Senate side, and that's what they've been doing.
00:28:28 They've been having those conversations during the holiday
00:28:30 season and throughout this week as well.
00:28:34 And so we believe those conversations are headed
00:28:36 in the right direction.
00:28:38 And so, again, I said this moments ago.
00:28:40 The President believes our immigration system is broken.
00:28:43 That's why he put forth a legislation to deal
00:28:46 with the comprehensive -- a comprehensive legislation to deal
00:28:49 with the immigration system.
00:28:50 And so now we're having a conversation,
00:28:52 a bipartisan conversation about how to move forward.
00:28:55 We're going to continue, certainly, to hear from the leaders, obviously,
00:28:59 and to hear what they have to say.
00:29:00 And we've been in touch with them.
00:29:01 We've had conversations with them.
00:29:02 Not going to go into private conversations.
00:29:04 And, you know, it's being hammered out.
00:29:06 I don't want to get into specifics from here,
00:29:08 what the policies are going to look like, what's in or what's out.
00:29:11 We think it's heading in the right direction,
00:29:13 and it is important to have these conversations.
00:29:14 >> One of the concerns that they've raised,
00:29:16 they say the discussions is leading the Biden administration
00:29:20 into a trap, you know, asylum discussions,
00:29:22 that making it harder to migrate legally will only increase
00:29:27 irregular migration.
00:29:30 Have you heard that from them specifically?
00:29:32 >> So, look, I've seen the reporting just like you have.
00:29:35 Obviously, the team here has had conversations with leaders.
00:29:40 Here's the situation, right?
00:29:42 The situation is that this system,
00:29:43 this immigration system has been broken for decades.
00:29:46 And we need to have a bipartisan agreement to move forward
00:29:50 on how to deal with the system.
00:29:52 That's what we need to do, both on a policy front
00:29:55 and a funding front.
00:29:56 And so that's what you're seeing from the Senate side
00:29:59 on both Republicans and Democrats.
00:30:01 And it's been weeks of conversations and negotiation.
00:30:03 And we think that is important.
00:30:06 That's the only way we're going to be able to deal with this issue.
00:30:09 And it's headed in the right direction.
00:30:10 I'm not going to get into asylum.
00:30:11 I'm not going to get into asylum policy.
00:30:13 I'm not going to get into specifics.
00:30:15 And so I'm just going to have to leave it there, obviously.
00:30:18 Go ahead, Michael.
00:30:19 >> Thanks, Karine.
00:30:20 The House Committee is moving ahead with impeachment proceedings
00:30:23 against Secretary Mayorkas.
00:30:25 There's a hearing scheduled for next week.
00:30:26 So I'd just like to get the White House response.
00:30:30 And also, just to clarify, does the President still have confidence
00:30:34 in the Secretary?
00:30:35 >> Absolutely, the President has confidence in the Secretary,
00:30:37 I think.
00:30:38 And I've said this moments ago.
00:30:40 I said it at the top as well.
00:30:41 We believe that what they're doing, the House Republicans are doing
00:30:46 with this impeachment inquiry is baseless.
00:30:48 We believe that it's a political stunt.
00:30:51 And we believe there's no time for that right now.
00:30:54 There are things that the American people want us to get done.
00:30:57 And that's what they should focus on.
00:30:59 And it is unfortunate that this is where the House Republicans --
00:31:04 that's the road that they want to go down
00:31:07 with this impeachment proceeding.
00:31:08 That is really unfortunate.
00:31:10 And that's when the American people have been very clear.
00:31:12 They want us to see it.
00:31:13 They want us to work in a bipartisan way to get things done for them.
00:31:16 And that's what the President wants to do.
00:31:17 Go ahead, Karen.
00:31:19 >> Just two back on the border negotiations.
00:31:21 Has the President spoken to Secretary Mayorkas since he met
00:31:23 with the bipartisan negotiators on the Hill yesterday?
00:31:26 >> I don't have -- I don't have -- I would --
00:31:28 literally would have to check.
00:31:30 I don't have any call to read out.
00:31:34 But obviously, the President speaks
00:31:36 to his Cabinet secretaries on a regular basis.
00:31:39 But on this particular meeting, I just don't --
00:31:41 I don't want to get ahead of that.
00:31:44 So I would have to check in.
00:31:46 But he speaks to them on a regular basis.
00:31:48 Obviously, it's his Cabinet.
00:31:49 >> And you've said you're not going to get into the details
00:31:52 of what's being negotiated.
00:31:54 But broadly, does the White House want
00:31:56 to see Congress clear the supplemental before turning
00:32:01 to the government funding issue for January 19th?
00:32:04 >> So, as you -- I mean, as you just laid out,
00:32:05 Congress has a lot of work to do.
00:32:07 >> They do.
00:32:08 >> And the supplemental --
00:32:10 the reason that we put forward a supplemental,
00:32:11 they are emergency requests
00:32:13 that we believe are incredibly important and that needs
00:32:15 to be dealt with on behalf of the American people.
00:32:18 So obviously, those are important.
00:32:20 Those are emergency requests that the President asked for.
00:32:22 So critical, very critical to the American people.
00:32:25 And, you know, their basic job for House --
00:32:28 for the House -- well, for Congress, more broadly,
00:32:31 is to keep the government open.
00:32:33 That's their basic duty, is to keep the government open.
00:32:35 And all they're doing is dealing with a bipartisan agreement
00:32:39 that the President made with Congress, right?
00:32:42 It's something -- again, I'm going to repeat myself here --
00:32:44 something that two-thirds of House Republicans voted for,
00:32:46 something that we saw come out of the Senate
00:32:48 in a bipartisan posture.
00:32:50 And so they have a lot to deal with.
00:32:53 They have a lot to deal with,
00:32:54 and they should just do their job.
00:32:57 >> Does the President still have plans
00:32:59 to visit the disaster site in East Palestine, Ohio?
00:33:03 >> So, I don't have anything --
00:33:05 any schedule of the President at this time.
00:33:07 But I will say this, the President continues to oversee,
00:33:10 as you know, and we've said it multiple times from here.
00:33:13 It was a robust recovery effort
00:33:16 to support the people of East Palestine.
00:33:20 And we will visit when it is most helpful.
00:33:22 The President will visit when it's most helpful
00:33:23 to the community.
00:33:25 And so we're going to continue to stay on the ground
00:33:27 as long as possible, remember,
00:33:28 because we had that robust operation,
00:33:30 while ensuring that Norfolk Southern
00:33:33 is held accountable for the trauma
00:33:35 they inflicted on this community.
00:33:36 But in the meantime, this is another thing --
00:33:38 I was just asked about Congress, the supplemental, and the budget.
00:33:41 This is another thing that we want Congress to act on.
00:33:43 It is important that they do their part
00:33:45 to enhance rail safety.
00:33:46 That is something that Congress has to do,
00:33:48 and they have to do it by passing
00:33:51 a bipartisan Railway Safety Act.
00:33:54 That is something that they need to get to.
00:33:56 But the President is going to continue to be there
00:33:58 for the community, as he has been
00:34:01 for the past several months.
00:34:03 >> And Argentina has reported three foreign nationals --
00:34:06 Syrian and Lebanese --
00:34:08 arrested on suspicion of plotting a terror attack.
00:34:11 Is that something the U.S. is monitoring?
00:34:13 Does it raise concern levels here?
00:34:15 >> I don't have anything for you at this time.
00:34:18 Go ahead.
00:34:18 >> Federal debt, I want to ask you about.
00:34:20 So I heard you blame the Republicans for the federal debt,
00:34:22 but President Biden has been in office for 35 months,
00:34:25 and over the past three months,
00:34:28 the U.S. has added $10 billion per day to the federal debt.
00:34:32 So -- and that's not turning around.
00:34:33 So is there a discussion here about cutting spending then?
00:34:37 >> Republican tax cuts are responsible for 90 percent --
00:34:42 90 percent of the increase in the debt.
00:34:45 Ninety percent.
00:34:46 That is something that Republicans are responsible for.
00:34:49 What the President has done --
00:34:51 what the President has done -- and you've heard us talk about it.
00:34:54 I just talked about this.
00:34:55 He's put forth legislation, like lowering the deficit
00:34:58 by $1 trillion.
00:35:01 And that's part of the lowering prescription drug costs
00:35:03 and cracking down on the wealthy tax cheats.
00:35:07 That's what he's done.
00:35:08 You know, $1.5 trillion, again, another way to lower the deficit.
00:35:12 And that is through wasteful spending on special interests,
00:35:15 like Big Pharma. The President beat Big Pharma.
00:35:17 That's what he was able to do last year
00:35:19 because of the policies that he has put forth.
00:35:22 And meanwhile, yeah, you know what?
00:35:24 The GOP, congressional Republicans,
00:35:27 what they want to do
00:35:29 is they want to continue with their magonomics.
00:35:31 What they've proposed will add $3 trillion to the debt.
00:35:34 That's the numbers.
00:35:36 You're a data guy. That's the numbers.
00:35:38 That's what we have seen.
00:35:40 >> So, real quick, also on the border.
00:35:42 The Vice President is in Los Angeles --
00:35:44 I'm sorry, went to Los Angeles to Las Vegas today.
00:35:47 And the House Speaker is along the border.
00:35:49 Does the President still have confidence
00:35:51 that the Vice President can get to the root causes
00:35:54 of the migration to stop the flow?
00:35:56 >> The President sees the Vice President as a partner.
00:35:58 She's a partner with him on all of the successes
00:36:02 that we have seen, what we've been able to do the first term
00:36:06 in this administration,
00:36:07 the first three years of this administration.
00:36:09 I just listed out historic pieces of legislation
00:36:12 that we've been able to get done,
00:36:13 whether it's lowering prescription drugs,
00:36:15 whether it's dealing with veterans care,
00:36:17 whether it's dealing with climate change,
00:36:19 whether it's binomics, dealing with the economy.
00:36:23 That is something that he has done in partnership
00:36:24 with the Vice President.
00:36:25 So, he has all confidence in her and will continue to do so.
00:36:28 >> And the border?
00:36:29 >> He has confidence in the Vice President.
00:36:31 I answered your question. Go ahead.
00:36:33 >> With the additional indictment of Senator Menendez,
00:36:36 does the President think the Senator should resign?
00:36:39 >> That's up to him.
00:36:39 That's a decision that he needs to make.
00:36:41 And obviously, it's a serious matter.
00:36:43 And he thinks it was the right thing
00:36:45 that he step down as chairmanship.
00:36:47 As anything else to your question,
00:36:48 that's something for the Senator to decide on.
00:36:50 >> Broadly, though, does the President trust the Senator?
00:36:53 And has the Senator been cut off by the White House?
00:36:56 >> I'm not going to get into any private discussions
00:36:59 here at the White House,
00:37:00 but that is something as it relates to him resigning,
00:37:03 that is something that the Senator has to deal with.
00:37:04 Go ahead.
00:37:05 >> You mentioned the immigration proposal
00:37:07 that the President put forward a few times.
00:37:10 Are there any pieces of it that the President
00:37:11 is now pushing for in these border talks?
00:37:13 >> I'm not going to get into negotiations from here.
00:37:16 >> Why is he not actively pushing for any parts of it?
00:37:18 >> I didn't say he wasn't.
00:37:19 I'm just saying I'm not negotiating from here.
00:37:22 >> Okay. Thank you, Crain.
00:37:24 A couple weeks ago, you had said what we're seeing
00:37:26 at the border isn't unusual, but in the month of December,
00:37:29 there were more than 302,000 migrant encounters,
00:37:31 the highest total for a single month ever reported.
00:37:35 So, does the administration concede
00:37:37 that what we're seeing now is unusual?
00:37:40 >> What I said was, to be exact,
00:37:41 is that what we're seeing at the U.S.
00:37:43 is ebbs and flows in how many migrants arrive at the border.
00:37:47 It's something that happens every year.
00:37:49 It ebbs and flows.
00:37:50 And it's fueled by efforts of smugglers
00:37:53 to encourage irregular migration.
00:37:55 And I will add, since May 12th,
00:37:59 DHS has removed folks who have been here illegally,
00:38:03 who were not here on a legal basis,
00:38:05 about 460,000 people that they've been able to remove.
00:38:08 That's what I said. Every year, we see an ebbs and flow,
00:38:10 and that's what we're seeing at this time,
00:38:12 which is caused by misinformation from --
00:38:15 and disinformation from smugglers.
00:38:17 >> Well, I reported that they only deported 142,000
00:38:20 in all of the fiscal year 2023.
00:38:22 December had more than double that,
00:38:25 crossing just a single month.
00:38:27 So, how is that really a measurable consequence?
00:38:31 >> Since May 12th, DHS has been able to remove
00:38:34 and return over 460,000 individuals
00:38:38 who did not have a legal basis to be here.
00:38:41 That's what DHS has been able to do since May 12th.
00:38:44 And I will remind you that just last week,
00:38:48 we had Homeland Security Advisor Sherwood Randall
00:38:52 and Secretaries Biden and Mayorkas
00:38:54 meet with the Mexican government just last week,
00:38:57 and it was a productive conversation.
00:38:59 And we believe that the President of Mexico
00:39:01 has taken significant enforcement actions,
00:39:03 and we are starting to see the results.
00:39:05 And so, a lot of this is diplomacy, right?
00:39:08 A lot of it is having diplomacy.
00:39:09 A lot of it is enforcement.
00:39:11 I mean, you know, I just laid out how last May,
00:39:15 while DHS was removing --
00:39:16 starting to remove folks who were here on a --
00:39:19 who were not here on a legal basis,
00:39:20 you had House Republicans voting to get rid of 2,000,
00:39:23 you know, Border Patrol agents. That's what they were doing.
00:39:27 So, we're trying to deal with the issue, and we get it.
00:39:29 It ebbs and flows every year. We get it.
00:39:31 We understand what's happening at the border.
00:39:33 That's why there's negotiations happening on the Senate side
00:39:36 where Republicans and Democrats deal with this issue.
00:39:39 Dealing with the issue as the administration's
00:39:42 also fighting to keep up --
00:39:44 you know, to remove razor wire along the border
00:39:47 that is intended to keep, you know, the surge lowered,
00:39:52 to keep people out from crossing illegally.
00:39:55 Governor Abbott's razor wire does not prevent.
00:39:59 It does not prevent non-citizens from unlawfully crossing.
00:40:03 That's not what it does. If anything, it puts at risk --
00:40:06 it puts the lives of the Border Patrol at risk.
00:40:09 It puts them in danger. That's what the razor wire does.
00:40:13 And that's what Governor Abbott is doing.
00:40:15 Again, a political stunt that doesn't actually fix the problem
00:40:19 and puts Border Patrol agents --
00:40:21 >> The President is fixing it right now?
00:40:23 >> Well, I just don't -- I mean --
00:40:24 >> It's a temporary solution, obviously.
00:40:27 But when -- I guess the reason that I'm coming to it
00:40:29 from this perspective is because --
00:40:30 >> But, Jackie, it also puts the -- it puts Border Patrol --
00:40:33 it puts them in a difficult position, right?
00:40:36 >> I hear you. But when you're talking about
00:40:38 the impeachment proceeding, for instance, as baseless,
00:40:41 and you have, you know,
00:40:42 Democrats calling on the administration to do more --
00:40:46 you had the mayor of Denver today saying that Denver
00:40:49 has become the highest city per capita
00:40:52 for migrant recipients in the country.
00:40:54 You've had mayors in New York and Chicago
00:40:57 begging for more federal help,
00:40:58 saying that the administration is not answering them.
00:41:01 And then you have Texas saying that they've had to take
00:41:03 measures into their own hands because the administration
00:41:06 isn't enforcing existing laws on the books.
00:41:08 The numbers keep going up.
00:41:10 You have, you know, records being shattered every month.
00:41:14 A population bigger than the size of Seattle
00:41:17 coming in since October.
00:41:19 And I understand where you're coming from,
00:41:21 but in the meantime,
00:41:22 when there's really not been any progress --
00:41:25 and you always talk about how this has been an issue
00:41:27 for decades --
00:41:28 what is the administration doing right now
00:41:31 to actually improve the crisis at the border?
00:41:34 >> We have House Republicans that's literally blocking
00:41:37 the President's effort to do something.
00:41:39 That's what they're doing. They're playing political games.
00:41:43 They're doing political stunts.
00:41:45 Literally, House Republicans themselves voted
00:41:48 to decrease the amount of Border Patrol agents.
00:41:51 By 2,000, they're getting in the way
00:41:54 and they don't want to help.
00:41:56 But we are glad that we are working with Senate,
00:41:59 Republicans, and Democrats in a bipartisan way
00:42:02 to come up with a bipartisan agreement
00:42:04 to deal with the border security.
00:42:05 That's what we're seeing. Those negotiations have been going on.
00:42:08 They're going to -- they're continuing this week.
00:42:10 And we hope -- we really do hope that we come to a place
00:42:12 where we can talk about a bipartisan agreement,
00:42:15 where we can deal with the funding and the policy.
00:42:18 And, you know, House Republicans are getting in the way.
00:42:20 That's what they want to focus on.
00:42:22 That's where they see their --
00:42:23 there could be the most effective.
00:42:25 And that's not what we believe.
00:42:27 That's not what the American people want.
00:42:28 Go ahead, Peter.
00:42:29 >> Just to be clear, how does the razor wire
00:42:31 put Border Patrol agents at risk?
00:42:32 I mean, Kareem, the Biden administration themselves
00:42:34 said that the agents have been cutting the wire
00:42:36 to provide medical assistance to migrants
00:42:38 or to apprehend migrants who have already crossed
00:42:40 into U.S. territory.
00:42:41 >> Well, let me be more clear. It makes it more difficult.
00:42:43 It actually makes it more difficult for Border Patrol
00:42:46 to apprehend those who do cross.
00:42:48 So I'm going to be -- just clear that up a little bit.
00:42:51 It makes -- it just makes it --
00:42:52 >> It's less about road safety, but they're building up again.
00:42:53 Understood. I just wanted to make sure I got that right.
00:42:54 >> Yeah, yeah. Just to be more clear, it makes --
00:42:56 it does make it more difficult for them to do their jobs.
00:42:57 Right? It does.
00:42:58 >> A quick last question, if we can.
00:43:00 President Biden obviously campaigned
00:43:01 on the idea of being a bipartisan leader,
00:43:03 the ability to work together.
00:43:04 One of his biggest successes, the White House would say,
00:43:06 would be the infrastructure law.
00:43:08 Right now, a trillion dollars, it was approved
00:43:11 with the support of Democrats and Republicans.
00:43:14 Right now, there's a new Republican House speaker.
00:43:16 President Biden hasn't had a one-on-one meeting with him yet.
00:43:19 Many weeks have now passed. Is there any indication
00:43:21 when that would happen and what's precluding the President
00:43:23 from saying, "Speaker Johnson, come to the White House.
00:43:25 Let's sit down and talk about this"?
00:43:27 >> So here's what I'll say to that.
00:43:29 You have Speaker Johnson, who has been very clear
00:43:33 where he stands on the border.
00:43:35 Right? Who has -- continues with the House Republicans
00:43:38 to make this a political issue and to put --
00:43:41 to move forward with political stunts,
00:43:42 and has blocked -- has blocked any efforts
00:43:46 for the President to deal with the border.
00:43:48 That's what we've seen.
00:43:48 That is what we've seen from the speaker.
00:43:50 Now, the President has been able, with his team, right,
00:43:53 to have a bipartisan conversation,
00:43:56 a negotiation with senators, Republicans, and Democrats.
00:43:59 That is a good thing. That is a good thing.
00:44:02 We think those negotiations are headed in the right way
00:44:05 as we talk about border security.
00:44:07 And, you know, we are hopeful.
00:44:09 We are hopeful that we'll come to a place
00:44:10 that we are dealing with an issue
00:44:12 that Americans really care about.
00:44:13 And that's where we are, Peter. That is where.
00:44:15 >> No questions being made. Two seconds to meet.
00:44:16 >> I don't have anything to read out to you,
00:44:18 but that is what -- that is the playing field
00:44:20 that we're seeing right now. That is.
00:44:22 Thanks, everybody. I'll see you tomorrow.
00:44:24 Thank you.
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