Merdeka 118 高度不够“塔尖”来凑?原来大马这建筑是“虚高”的始作俑者! #建筑篇 | 懂来做莫? Ep18

  • 9 months ago
▌懂来做莫 ▌#18 Merdeka 118大楼“高度不够,塔尖来凑”?这种用“虚荣高度”来拿第一第二的风气,竟然是我国带头的?

主持 | @Jazkee黄界錤

#Merdeka118 #虚荣高度 #PNB118
#国油双峰塔 #PetronasTwinTowers #默迪卡118
#不懂没关系 #懂了也没用 #冷知识
#发射热点 #84hotspot #懂来做莫

更多新闻资讯看这里 ▹


00:00 The Medeca-118 tower will be put into use soon.
00:02 Many people say it is the second-highest tower in the world.
00:06 But the landmark we once thought was not high enough to be used as a tower.
00:11 It's okay if you don't understand. It's useless to understand.
00:12 Just do it.
00:13 The Medeca-118 tower, which is said to be as high as the clouds,
00:16 is 678.9 meters above the Shanghai Central Building.
00:19 But some people think that after removing the tower, which is 40 floors high and 160 meters high,
00:23 it is just a skyscraper with a higher elevation.
00:27 The first tower to be used as a skyscraper was the National Tower of Shanghai.
00:32 The tower was built in 1998.
00:34 It was a decoration tower that won the world's tallest building in the Willis Building.
00:38 Although the roof of the tower is 63 meters lower than the building,
00:41 the World Tower Association later decided that
00:43 as long as the relevant high-rise building is part of the original design
00:46 and does not exceed half of the total height,
00:49 it can be included in the total height of the measured building.
00:52 So the height of the Medeca-118 and the Twin Towers is recognized.
00:56 (electronic music)
