Shruti Haasan को एक इवेंट में Host पर आया गुस्सा, बोली अब ऑस्कर मिल जाएगा?

  • 7 months ago
कमल हासन की बेटी श्रुति हासन एक इवेंट में नजर आई। जहां होस्ट ने एक्ट्रेस को इधर से उधर खड़े होने के लिए कहा, तो वो भड़क गई।
00:00 What do you eat?
00:02 Food?
00:04 Now we will get an Oscar if I stand here.
00:06 Absolutely happy.
00:08 Yeah.
00:10 Now we will get an Oscar if I stand here.
00:12 Now we will get an Oscar if I stand here.
00:14 Now we will get an Oscar if I stand here.
00:16 Now we will get an Oscar if I stand here.
00:18 Now we will get an Oscar if I stand here.
00:20 I am so so happy to be here with all of you
00:22 and see the force and the energy in this room.
00:24 and see the force and the energy in this room.
00:26 You know what?
00:28 Actually I don't have much questions to ask you.
00:30 You can ask me.
00:32 You can ask me.
00:34 So tell me one thing.
00:36 I am going to ask all of them in a while.
00:38 Let's see if they get the basic knowledge.
00:40 What do you eat?
00:42 Food?
00:44 What do you eat?
00:46 You must eat something special to look so beautiful.
00:48 You must eat something special to look so beautiful.
00:50 No, no, that's genetics.
00:52 Ask them what they ate.
00:54 So on this basis,
00:56 on this note itself, ladies and gentlemen,
00:58 let me come to you. You know why?
01:00 Because we did some research about you.
01:02 And once we researched,
01:04 based on that,
01:06 I have some questions. You got the idea a little bit.
01:08 But let's see. I have some questions for you.
01:10 Oh fun! So they have to...
01:12 Yeah! That's why I came forward.
01:14 You thought it was a weird question.
01:16 Because I wanted to catch you off guard.
01:18 Because the first question is also like this.
01:20 Okay, so the first question is about
01:22 the food that you eat.
01:24 And that's why I asked you the same question.
01:26 What is Shruti's favorite cuisine?
01:28 I think it's pretty obvious.
01:30 That's why I asked the obvious question.
01:32 Everyone has to raise their hand.
01:34 Whoever raises their hand first,
01:36 I'll come to him. He raised his hand first.
01:38 I'm going to come to you, my friend.
01:40 First, stand up, my friend. What's your name?
01:42 Nikhil.
01:44 What is Shruti's favorite cuisine?
01:46 South Indian.
01:48 I swear on my mom. I'm kidding.
01:50 Go ahead. Is it right or not?
01:52 What did you say? I didn't hear you.
01:54 South Indian.
01:56 Everyone knows.
01:58 No, no. She's not even married.
02:00 And today she...
02:02 Okay, I'm not married either. Take this gift.
02:04 Wow! Go ahead.
02:06 Go ahead. You're a big kid. You don't get these chances every day.
02:08 Thank you so much.
02:10 [Music]
