After adding some overland upgrades
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 My name's Cody Bush.
00:04 This is 4x4 Garage brought to you by Real Truck.
00:08 We're out here on Overland Adventure 2022.
00:11 We're gonna check out all these rigs,
00:13 do a little bit of wheeling.
00:15 Since last time you saw our Bronco,
00:16 we got a new transmission in it.
00:18 We've got a new roof rack from ARE.
00:20 We've got seats in it from PRP,
00:23 put some overlanding rig stuff on it.
00:26 There's a kitchen in the back.
00:28 We're gonna get this Bronco out,
00:30 test out these new parts,
00:31 see how it does on Overland Adventure 2022.
00:34 (upbeat music)
00:41 This week, we're gonna cover over 300 miles of trails
00:45 right here in the Mojave Desert.
00:46 As we explore several of the camps from World War II
00:50 and General Patton Desert Training Center,
00:51 it's gonna be an incredible week
00:53 of history, adventure, and exploration.
00:57 It's 7.30 a.m. and I'm preparing dinner.
01:00 So, let me show you.
01:02 I got the Road Chef oven.
01:04 It's a 12-volt oven.
01:06 And while we drive through the desert,
01:10 brisket is gonna be cooking in there.
01:12 So, tonight will be good.
01:13 This is a 1964 Jeep M67.
01:24 They only made 'em one year.
01:25 It was a military contract,
01:27 and we made about 500 of 'em.
01:29 I brought a 1988 FJ-62 to Overland Adventure 22.
01:34 This is the four-door version.
01:35 The only thing that's really stocked left on it right now
01:37 is the body and the frame.
01:38 I call myself cheap.
01:41 I have a certain budget,
01:42 so I've tried to fit everything in.
01:44 I needed a lift kit.
01:45 All of a sudden, a FJ-60 lift kit came up
01:48 with the old man Emu.
01:49 He gave me mags installed and everything for 1,100 bucks.
01:52 We're running a small-block Chevy,
01:54 Chevy running gear underneath it.
01:56 '60s, I'm running Falcon 37-inch tires on it in my trains.
02:00 Off the back of my vehicle,
02:02 I have a stainless steel box
02:04 that has basically a cooktop, sink,
02:07 hot water heater, refrigerator.
02:09 It's great.
02:09 I can pull it out.
02:10 We had a half an hour break today.
02:12 I made hamburgers.
02:14 And just fold everything back in and take off again.
02:17 It's a comfortable rig.
02:18 It's got air conditioning, all the whistles and bells,
02:20 and a fun rig to drive.
02:23 I'm gonna put a different lift kit on
02:25 and just get a little bit more clearance set.
02:27 After five days of bouncing off the rear bumper,
02:30 I kinda learned I need about an inch more clearance.
02:33 (upbeat music)
02:35 - Well, Cody has this Bronco
02:50 that they built on a four-by-four garage.
02:53 And so it's relatively fresh.
02:55 And I think this is the first time
02:56 he's had it out on the trail.
02:58 And sometimes what happens
03:00 if you have a suspension that's relatively new
03:02 is it'll flex out
03:04 and things will accidentally fall out of place.
03:07 And that's what's happened.
03:08 This is the front coil spring.
03:10 It's clearly no longer with the truck.
03:12 Usually, if you notice it pretty quickly,
03:14 you can back up and kinda shove it back in place
03:17 and then carefully go forward
03:18 while it stays where it's supposed to be.
03:21 He's gone a bit far
03:22 and his tire's kinda bound up on the bumper.
03:23 So we're probably gonna use a high lift to lift it up.
03:27 We might pull the tire off
03:28 just to help getting the spring back in there,
03:31 but we shouldn't be at this for more than 15 or 20 minutes.
03:35 - Should've put some limiting straps on
03:37 or something to really secure this spring in there
03:39 'cause we overextended the suspension.
03:41 It's the only thing we broke.
03:43 Luckily, nothing up front is really ruined,
03:45 but we're gonna head back to the shop,
03:47 do a couple upgrades that we've noticed.
03:49 The rear springs need to be updated a little bit.
03:51 We're gonna throw this spring back in
03:53 and we'll see you next time.
03:54 - Six hours later.
04:12 (upbeat music)
04:14 - Thank you, everybody.
04:23 - So we're back here at Woods Off-Road.
04:39 We got the Bronco.
04:40 It's been on Overload Adventure
04:42 and it's time to address a couple things
04:44 we kinda thought we'd run into on the trail
04:46 and we definitely did.
04:47 - Oh, totally.
04:48 Yeah, we dropped the spring out.
04:50 We need to put some limit straps on it.
04:52 The rear springs, they're the factory rear springs.
04:54 They're a little worn out,
04:55 so we're gonna throw some Deevers in there.
04:57 Nice multi-leaf spring, ride a little smoother.
05:01 You know what did great out there, dude?
05:03 The Eaton TrueTrek going through deep sand,
05:05 you just keep your pedal right where it's at
05:08 and that thing does its job.
05:09 These tires did great.
05:10 I ran them at like 15, 17 PSI the whole time.
05:14 No problem on the highway or in the sand.
05:17 It was great, dude.
05:18 - That's the thing, you pick some good parts
05:19 and you get some good performance out of it.
05:20 - Yeah, man, absolutely.
05:22 - We don't have to reinvent the wheel.
05:23 We're just gonna address a couple little things
05:24 and then we'll have a really capable off-roader.
05:27 - So basically what I'm doing is just measuring
05:33 from here to the hole.
05:34 I'm gonna soak the inch up on the tape measure
05:37 and then I'm measuring to the eye of my lower tab
05:41 where I wanna put it.
05:42 So currently that's measuring at 13 inches.
05:45 We need to soak an inch up at the top, so that's 12,
05:48 and then an inch for a limiting strap stretch.
05:52 So we're gonna go with an 11 inch strap.
05:54 Should be good.
05:56 (upbeat music)
05:58 (drilling)
06:01 Normally these lift blocks would be okay
06:09 if your leaf springs were in good shape,
06:11 but these are just hammered, they're old and worn out.
06:13 So we're getting a little bit of axle wrap,
06:15 but more to the point, these are just sagging.
06:18 Not only sagging, but they're sagging unevenly.
06:21 So the passenger side of the truck
06:23 is sitting lower than the driver's side.
06:26 New springs should fix all our issues.
06:29 If you ever watch him build these leaf springs,
06:31 it's gnarly.
06:32 It's like a blacksmith with a legit anvil.
06:35 Just pounding on them, it's crazy.
06:38 (drilling)
06:42 So when you're doing limiting strap tabs,
06:52 you wanna go to the radius on the outside of the frame,
06:54 'cause if you weld this on the center or the inside,
06:56 what it's gonna do is when it straps out,
06:58 it's gonna pull the frame down.
07:00 So you want it on the corner on the outside,
07:02 just so it doesn't do that.
07:04 - These might be too long.
07:08 - Oh, hell yeah, they're gonna be too long
07:10 with new springs.
07:12 - Yeah.
07:13 - Well, that's the nice thing though,
07:14 they're Ford U-bolts, so they're easy sizes to find.
07:17 - Okay.
07:25 (drilling)
07:27 - We'll just get that shackle off,
07:29 transfer it to there, and lift this one in place.
07:31 So we don't wanna crunch all the bolts down here
07:40 until the weight of the vehicle's on 'em.
07:42 Yahtzee.
07:53 So we're just about two inches off
07:55 on getting the shackle into position, so.
07:57 I think what we'll do is we'll just raise the axle back up,
08:04 and then we'll get a bottle jack or something
08:06 and just kinda jack this end of the spring down
08:09 to get the shackle in.
08:10 - Oh yeah, oh, oh.
08:14 (hammering)
08:17 - Good, cool.
08:22 - Yeah.
08:23 - Good job.
08:24 - All right.
08:25 - Wood.
08:26 - It ain't pretty, but it worked.
08:28 - Woods off road.
08:30 - People are like, well I don't understand
08:37 why it takes you a year to build that car.
08:40 And then they see it happen in 15 minutes on TV,
08:43 and it's like, hella unrealistic.
08:44 - It's bitchin'.
08:48 - Yeah, almost done.
08:49 So, got some minor adjustments to do.
08:53 Set of consoles almost done.
08:54 The Atlas four speed, four L60.
08:58 So it's flat bellied.
09:01 I had to cut the floor up.
09:02 - Did you?
09:03 - Yeah, so all this is new.
09:04 - Oh yeah, that looks good, dude.
09:06 - But it comes, it's all the way over the driver's side.
09:09 It's pretty far, so.
09:10 - Wow.
09:11 - Back to Mundo.
09:15 Yeah, with the washer.
09:18 - With the washer, yeah.
09:23 - Aw, man.
09:24 - We're gonna lower it down on a jack stand.
09:34 We need the weight of the vehicle on the rear spring
09:36 so that you can torque the U-bolts properly.
09:39 Then we'll raise it back up and put the tires back on.
09:41 But that way we're not trying to torque the U-bolts
09:43 from the inside underneath by the gas tank and all that.
09:46 It makes it way too difficult.
09:47 - Stop stretching.
09:50 - Stretching and stretching.
09:52 (upbeat music)
09:55 - Jack bolts are in, they're just not tight.
09:57 - I was running my Christmas lights
09:58 off of the inverter in here.
10:00 This thing, it's just a fridge
10:02 that runs off the solar panel.
10:05 No, I built the whole thing.
10:07 And then there's four carriage bolts
10:08 that go down through it.
10:10 Keep all the recovery gear in there.
10:14 I just put the lights on.
10:18 So you can flip the lights on.
10:21 It has locks on it so it can't move when it's in there.
10:24 Dude, it's just super redneck built,
10:28 but man, it worked great.
10:30 It was like 175 bucks of stuff at Home Depot.
10:34 And then I pulled this thing.
10:35 Pull the stove out.
10:40 There's your stove.
10:41 When we get this down, I'm gonna put the bed down up there.
10:45 But it goes between the front seats.
10:47 And then this is where your head is.
10:49 And then you can put the window down
10:51 and have air going through in the middle of the night.
10:53 So you don't need anywhere else to sleep,
10:55 you just sleep inside.
10:56 It's like a little RV.
10:57 I was doing my work on my laptop.
10:59 It's like a little table inside.
11:00 Dude, it's like, it's kinda convenient.
11:04 It's kitschy, but dude, it's convenient.
11:06 - Look at those wheels, bro.
11:08 - Huh?
11:09 - 70s called, they want their wheels back.
11:11 - They're awesome.
11:12 - Christian's like, "I need those wheels."
11:14 - They're the best wheel ever.
11:15 - Yes, I agree.
11:17 (upbeat music)
11:19 - Oh.
11:27 No more springs falling out.
11:36 So you can see our limiting straps did their job.
11:40 They're out of the way.
11:43 They're not gonna rub on anything.
11:45 They're not gonna rub on the tires.
11:47 They're not gonna get caught in the brake lines.
11:50 They're not gonna get caught in the drive shaft.
11:52 - Thanks for tuning in and watching these episodes.
11:56 We do appreciate you.
11:57 We do read the comments.
11:59 In fact, someone mentioned that we need
12:01 to do an international maybe next.
12:02 So yeah, you might wanna keep your eyes peeled for that.
12:05 - I think an international on 40s
12:08 for Ultimate Adventure might be in the works.
12:10 - Yeah.
12:11 - We're gonna have some fun.
12:12 We're gonna do a little overlanding again.
12:14 And then I think probably a full-size truck next year.
12:17 - Yeah, a little bit of everything.
12:18 So stay tuned for season two of 4x4 Garage.
12:21 (upbeat music)
12:24 You're spray painting.
12:25 You're using that chrome spray paint, right?
12:29 - VHT chassis black.
12:31 - No, chrome.
12:33 It's gotta be custom.
12:35 Chrome spray paint or gold if you have it.
12:37 Large fleck gold.
12:38 I do have gold.
12:39 (upbeat music)
12:42 (whooshing)
12:44 (whooshing)
12:47 (whooshing)
12:49 (whooshing)
12:51 (whooshing)
12:54 (whooshing)