Most Shocking Reveals from the Epstein List

  • 9 months ago
This long-awaited list was full of shocking testimony. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re looking at the most noteworthy revelations from the first tranche of unsealed court documents relating to a lawsuit against Jeffrey Epstein and his former girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, by one of their accusers, Virginia Giuffre.


00:00 The highly anticipated documents also mentioned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking.
00:06 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're looking at the most noteworthy revelations from the first
00:11 tranche of unsealed court documents relating to a lawsuit against Jeffrey Epstein and his
00:15 former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell by one of their accusers, Virginia Giuffre.
00:19 She is asked, did Jeffrey ever talk to you about Bill Clinton? She responds,
00:26 he said one time that Clinton likes them young. David Copperfield's dinner query.
00:33 Famed magician David Copperfield is known for making the Statue of Liberty disappear,
00:37 but he likely wishes he could make his association with Jeffrey Epstein vanish also.
00:42 The illusionist was named a total of six times in the first batch of unsealed documents.
00:46 The court transcript indicates that attorney Sigrid Macaulay asked Epstein accuser Johanna
00:51 Sjoberg if she ever met David Copperfield. It was revealed that Copperfield dined with Epstein on
00:56 several occasions with young girls present. It was also noted that he performed magic tricks.
01:01 He allegedly performed magic tricks for Epstein and several of his victims during a dinner
01:07 at Epstein's townhouse in New York City in 2016.
01:10 Furthermore, Sjoberg said that Copperfield asked if she was, quote,
01:14 aware that girls were getting paid to find other girls. Copperfield's relationship with
01:18 Epstein was previously uncovered in a 2019 article from The New York Times.
01:23 The magician was also accused during the Me Too movement of assaulting a teen model in the late
01:27 80s, something Copperfield denies. Copperfield said in statements on social media that he'd
01:34 been falsely accused of sexual misconduct in the past and was about to, quote, weather another
01:40 storm. A well-known prime minister. It was revealed in an unredacted 2014 filing that
01:46 Jeffrey Epstein trafficked victims to powerful men and world leaders. This included a, quote,
01:52 well-known prime minister. Previously deemed confidential, includes references to familiar
01:57 names from politicians to celebrities, many of them previously linked to Epstein before his
02:02 suicide in 2019. The document alleges that Epstein integrated the worlds of, quote,
02:08 politically connected and financially powerful people for the purposes of, quote, business,
02:13 personal, political and financial gain. And as it turned out, he also used girls to obtain
02:19 blackmail information on them. The court filings indicate that victim Jane Doe number three was
02:24 sent to, quote, numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives,
02:29 foreign presidents and a well-known prime minister. Maxwell directed her to have sexual contact
02:34 with people, including former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, Prince Andrew and tech guru
02:40 Marvin Minsky. Following these encounters, Epstein would question her. She alleges that he would get
02:46 her to, quote, describe the events that she had with these men so that he could potentially
02:50 blackmail them. It was vast. It was significant. It harmed literally hundreds of young women.
02:56 The names of the individuals, including the prime minister, were not mentioned in the documents.
03:01 Michael Jackson visited Epstein's house when it was announced that the so-called Epstein list
03:06 was set to be revealed. Many were curious if any prominent celebrities would be mentioned.
03:11 A lot of people, including Jimmy Kimmel, are really hoping that doesn't happen.
03:17 Kimmel fired back on social media. Dear blank, I've not met, flown with, visited or had any
03:24 contact whatsoever with Epstein. And while several Hollywood stars were among the names included in
03:30 the court documents, most were not indicated in any wrongdoing. Victim Johanna Schoberg testified
03:36 that Epstein name dropped many celebrity names during the massages she gave him.
03:40 This included Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett and Bruce Willis.
03:44 Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs.
03:47 But she maintains that she never saw or met any of them. However, the alleged Jeffrey Epstein
03:53 victim did claim that late pop star Michael Jackson once visited Epstein's Palm Beach residence.
04:03 Schoberg says she was introduced to Jackson, but iterated that she did not give him a massage.
04:08 Many political pundits waited to see if the former president of the United States would
04:15 end up in the unsealed Epstein court documents. It turns out that Donald Trump's name appeared
04:20 four times, although he was not accused of any wrongdoing. In 2002, Trump told New York Magazine
04:26 that Epstein was, quote, "a terrific guy and a lot of fun to be with," adding that he, quote,
04:32 "likes beautiful women on the younger side." In victim Johanna Schoberg's deposition,
04:37 she recounted that Jeffrey Epstein, quote, "called up Trump." Epstein suggested visiting
04:42 one of Trump's casinos after Epstein's private jet had been diverted from New York City to Atlantic
04:46 City. She recalled Epstein saying, quote, "Great, we'll call up Trump." She added that she never
04:52 massaged Trump. However, in Virginia Giuffre's testimony, she said that she
05:02 began working as a masseuse for Jeffrey Epstein when she was 17 and also worked as a spa attendant
05:08 at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort. "President Trump, by the way, cut him off, he says, after
05:13 Epstein was accused of basically hitting, reportedly hitting on a young woman, daughter of a client
05:21 at Mar-a-Lago." Prince Andrew's affiliation with Jeffrey Epstein is well-documented. Epstein's
05:29 former girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, is said to have introduced Andrew to Epstein, and the two
05:33 struck up quite the friendship. The Duke of York has since been accused of atrocious acts by
05:38 Epstein's victims, all of which he denies. "No, nothing. Doesn't, never happened." The unsealed
05:45 court documents add new flames to the fire for the prince, however. In one witness testimony,
05:50 Johanna Schoberg says Andrew inappropriately touched her during a photo. The photo involved
05:55 a puppet of Andrew, the one used in the BBC series Spitting Image. She alleges Ghislaine
06:00 Maxwell introduced the puppet of Andrew and, quote, "they decided to take a picture with it."
06:05 After placing the puppet's hand inappropriately on Virginia Giuffre, Andrew did the same to
06:10 Schoberg. "Then the law says I have no charge to answer and I should not be hit with a piece of
06:15 wood." Worse, a Jane Doe number three alleges that she was forced to have relations with the prince
06:22 on several occasions in several locations, all while she was underage. The documents also show
06:28 an email sent by Ghislaine Maxwell where she expresses, quote, "fear" over being questioned
06:32 about her links to Andrew. "Epstein would never have been able to do this without the support of
06:37 the individuals around him." When asked by the Guardian newspaper, Buckingham Palace declined
06:41 to comment on the released documents, noting that Andrew is no longer a working royal.
06:46 Stephen Hawking shocker One of the most surprising and
06:50 unsettling revelations from the unsealed court papers involves theoretical physicist and
06:55 cosmologist Stephen Hawking. "If you are looking for trouble, you found it." "Yeah, just try me,
07:01 you-" The documents show an email from Jeffrey Epstein to then-girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell
07:07 where he asks her to, quote, "issue a reward to any of Virginia Giuffre's friends to counter
07:12 various claims." As per the email, these claims included, quote, "the Clinton dinner" and the
07:17 new version in The Virgin Islands that Stephen Hawking participated in an underage orgy.
07:22 It was known that the late Stephen Hawking had previously visited Jeffrey Epstein's private
07:26 Caribbean island in 2006 as part of a conference funded by Epstein. The event took place only a
07:32 few months prior to Epstein being charged with his first offenses. Professor Stephen Hawking died
07:37 in 2018 at age 76. "I have two years to live." "Sorry?" Before we continue, be sure to subscribe
07:46 to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos. You have the option to
07:51 be notified for occasional videos or all of them. If you're on your phone, make sure you go into
07:56 your settings and switch on notifications. Bill Clinton alleged preference. Bill Clinton's ties
08:04 to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were no secret, with plenty of photos to prove it.
08:09 But how well did the former president of the United States actually know them? According to Clinton,
08:14 not well at all. Well, Bill Clinton's name appeared 73 times in the newly released court docs.
08:20 "She's asked about whether he may, being Clinton, may have had a meal on Jeffrey Epstein's plane."
08:25 While the former president is not implicated in anything illegal, he was mentioned as having
08:29 a rather perverse preference in the opposite sex. In Johanna Sjoberg's 2016 testimony,
08:35 she recalled Jeffrey Epstein telling her that Clinton, quote, "likes them young."
08:39 "She is asked, 'Did Jeffrey ever talk to you about Bill Clinton?' She responds,
08:46 'He said one time that Clinton likes them young.'"
08:49 Most other references to Clinton's name were related to Virginia Dufresne's attempts to
08:53 have him deposed in her suit against Ghislaine Maxwell, which has since been settled.
08:57 Clinton admits to flying on Epstein's private jet multiple times, but has denied visiting his
09:03 private island. He also claims to have had no knowledge of Epstein and Maxwell's crimes.
09:08 A spokesman for Clinton referred NBC News to a prior statement from 2019,
09:13 saying he had not spoken to Epstein in over a decade and was unaware of Epstein's crimes.
09:19 Which of these Epstein-list revelations surprised you the most? Let us know in the comments below.
09:24 "Are people going to keep supporting these people and backing them and,
09:27 and just, you know, going to their movies and voting for them and, you know, that kind of thing?"
09:32 [Music]
