10 Films You Didn't Watch, But Should

  • 9 months ago
You won't regret giving these movies a chance.
00:00 Making a movie is challenging and requires a lot of determination.
00:04 Pre-production, principal photography and post-production all present their own unique
00:08 challenges.
00:09 It's practically a miracle when a film is completed because of how many people and moving
00:14 pieces are involved.
00:16 The biggest challenge, however, comes after a feature film has been completed.
00:19 It needs to find an audience.
00:21 Many of the flicks that don't appeal to the masses simply don't have much to offer
00:24 fans of cinema, but a small number of them are brilliant and tragically miss their chance
00:29 at reaching people.
00:30 So with that in mind then, I'm Ellie with What Culture, here with 10 films you didn't
00:35 watch, but should.
00:37 Number 10.
00:38 Florence Foster Jenkins
00:40 Florence Foster Jenkins tells the story of a woman who has long loved music.
00:44 It means everything to her.
00:46 Unfortunately, she possesses very little musical ability.
00:49 However, she has no clue how talentless she is because everyone that's close to her
00:53 says she's marvellous.
00:56 Over time, Florence develops a working relationship with a young pianist who has difficulty dealing
01:00 with her terrible voice, but they become friends anyway.
01:03 Florence decides to share her work with more people, but when she performs for a wider
01:07 audience, she is poorly received.
01:09 The people closest to Florence do their best to protect her and encourage her, but the
01:13 truth is still painful.
01:15 The film is admittedly quite predictable, but the emotional journey it takes viewers
01:19 on is undeniably worth it.
01:21 Meryl Streep has a remarkable ability to elevate films that are otherwise forgettable.
01:26 Her performance as Florence adds so much heart and passion to the movie and makes it one
01:30 to remember.
01:31 Beyond that, there are plenty of heartwarming moments that are guaranteed to make people
01:35 smile.
01:36 Additionally, some scenes might cause waterworks because of the disappointment Florence faces.
01:41 All in all, it's a very human story that remains engaging throughout and is sure to
01:45 make an emotional impact on those who watch.
01:48 Number 9.
01:49 The Way Back
01:50 Inspired by true events, The Way Back follows the struggles of a small group of prisoners
01:55 being held by Soviet forces during World War II.
01:59 The film stars Jim Sturgis, Ed Harris, Saoirse Ronan, and Colin Farrell, all of whom give
02:03 remarkable performances.
02:06 The human will to survive is incredibly strong, and the characters they play clearly demonstrate
02:10 that fact.
02:11 Early on in the film, the prisoners decide to escape the camp they are being held in
02:14 and find a place of freedom.
02:16 Things don't go quite according to plan, and their journey is full of unforeseen perils.
02:21 The struggles of this small group of people is inspirational and motivating, but it isn't
02:25 without heartbreak.
02:26 It's difficult to watch at certain points, but it's well worth it if you can commit
02:30 to it.
02:31 The beauty and terror these individuals face on their quest for freedom is not easily forgotten.
02:35 The cinematography powerfully highlights the aloneness everyone battles as they travel
02:40 through barren wastelands towards salvation.
02:42 On top of that, Peter Weir's directing is incredible.
02:46 He manages to get personal performances out of the whole cast, and orchestrates many intense
02:50 and gripping scenes.
02:52 It makes for a powerful film, and one of the best survival stories ever told.
02:57 8.
02:58 The Aftermath
02:59 The Aftermath is a fascinating film that centres on Lewis and Rachel Morgan, a British colonel
03:05 and his wife, played by Jason Clarke and Keira Knightley, as they move into a home that was
03:10 previously occupied by a German family.
03:13 The story is set just after the end of the Second World War, and Germans are being forced
03:17 to allow Brits to move into their homes during the reconstruction of Hamburg.
03:21 Lewis allows the home's previous owner, Stefan Lubert, and his daughter to continue
03:25 to live in the house as long as they stay in the attic.
03:28 Rachel is unhappy with this choice, as she holds great resentment towards Germans.
03:32 Time goes on, and Rachel crosses paths with Stefan more frequently.
03:36 In doing so, she discovers he isn't a heartless evil man like she first thought.
03:40 Because of the strained relationship Lewis and Rachel have, she begins to develop feelings
03:44 for Stefan.
03:45 Life becomes difficult and messy from that point, as drama increases and hearts are pulled
03:50 in different directions.
03:52 Thanks to compelling performances from all involved, the movie stirs up conflicting emotions
03:56 and captivates viewers from start to finish.
03:59 It's a challenging story that highlights just how difficult it is to live in the world
04:03 and make sense of it.
04:05 7.
04:06 Fences
04:07 Stage plays don't automatically make great films when translated to the screen.
04:11 It takes a skilled director to bring the story to life in a new art form.
04:15 Denzel Washington met the challenge and delivered an excellent performance not only as the film's
04:20 director, but also as one of its leading actors.
04:23 The story that's told in Fences is powerful, soulful and emotional.
04:27 It requires dedicated and purposeful performances from all cast members in order to be truly
04:32 compelling.
04:33 Denzel got exactly that from his co-stars, especially Viola Davis, which comes as no
04:38 surprise based on how her career has gone.
04:40 Each scene is as formidable as the last, as Denzel's Troy and Viola's Rose try to teach
04:45 their son valuable lessons while simultaneously battling their own demons.
04:50 The entire family struggles through lots of pain and stress, and it paints a vivid picture
04:54 of how difficult life can be.
04:56 The emotional turmoil the family goes through, Rose especially, is palpable, thanks to how
05:01 finely acted the drama is.
05:03 This is a film that sticks in the mind for a long time, which is something not many films
05:07 can boast about.
05:09 6.
05:10 The Green Knight
05:11 In his take on this Arthurian legend, director David Lowery artfully reimagines Gawain's
05:17 tale.
05:18 The version he presents is totally unique, full of wonder and suspense.
05:22 Dev Patel's Gawain is different from what many people are used to from the hero.
05:26 He's untested in battle, frightened and unsure of his place in the world.
05:30 When The Green Knight, played by the excellent Ralph Einsohn, offers a challenge to any of
05:35 Arthur's knights, Gawain answers in the hopes of proving himself.
05:38 This leads him on a dangerous quest to find the Green Chapel, where he encounters many
05:42 different people on the road.
05:44 Each interaction teaches him a lesson and pushes him to become more honourable.
05:48 Gawain doesn't succeed every time, though, and occasionally he falls short of what's
05:51 expected from a knight.
05:53 The way the story is communicated is an absolute treat.
05:57 The cinematography is hauntingly beautiful and the music is chilling.
06:01 The soundscape has one of the most creative atmospheres in recent memory, thanks to the
06:05 excellent sound design and mixing.
06:08 5.
06:09 Boy Erased
06:10 Gay conversion therapy is a dangerous and damaging thing.
06:14 If there was ever any doubt about that, seeing it presented on film makes that point abundantly
06:18 clear.
06:19 Telling difficult stories like this one requires humility, respect and dedication from everyone
06:24 involved.
06:25 Chris Hedges brilliantly plays Jared Amons and is supported by talented actors including
06:30 Nicole Kidman, Russell Crowe and Joel Edgerton, who also wrote and directed the movie.
06:36 Boy Erased is based on the true story of a young homosexual man who was forced by his
06:40 father to join a conversion therapy program.
06:43 Jared's time there is full of horror as he and others are subject to various forms of
06:47 abuse.
06:48 Their "treatment" is entirely unhelpful and only serves to hurt them and make them
06:53 feel alone.
06:54 It's really depressing and disheartening to see, but important to understand what so
06:57 many young men and women have been unfairly put through.
07:01 Although much of the film is bleak, there are moments that are touching and hopeful.
07:05 The few characters in the film who have empathetic and understanding hearts serve as a great
07:09 example of those watching.
07:11 The film serves as a reminder for us to be kind to people that are different from us
07:15 because it can make a world of difference for them.
07:18 4.
07:19 First Reformed
07:20 Despair is something people try to avoid, but it inevitably presents itself from time
07:25 to time.
07:26 Paul Schrader's First Reformed takes a good look at how despair affects the human mind
07:30 and spirit.
07:31 The film centers on a pastor named Ernst Toller, played by Ethan Hawke, and his crisis of faith
07:36 after discovering some troubling information from a person in his community.
07:41 What he learns causes him to doubt his faith and let despair outweigh hope.
07:45 It's a humbling and refreshingly honest portrayal of how a lot of people experience their spiritual
07:50 lives.
07:51 Schrader isn't afraid to wrestle with uncertainty or explore painful feelings.
07:56 This makes the film so much easier to relate to and think deeply about.
08:00 Most films that center on faith spell answers out for the viewer in simple terms, but that
08:04 is not often true to life and people's experiences.
08:07 The difficulty and messiness of First Reforms are what make it so compelling.
08:10 Beyond the film's excellent story, Ethan Hawke and Amanda Seyfried both give remarkable
08:16 performances and the cinematography beautifully conveys feelings of being trapped and lost
08:21 thanks to its 4 by 3 aspect ratio and stationary framing with deep focus.
08:26 3.
08:27 Locke
08:28 This brilliant movie takes place almost entirely inside a single car driven by one man.
08:34 Despite the simple setting, it maintains a firm grip on viewers as it pulls them into
08:38 the drama and tension.
08:40 The film begins with Ivan Locke, excellently played by Tom Hardy, getting in his car and
08:44 leaving a construction site he is the foreman of.
08:47 He's supposed to oversee the largest concrete pour of his career the next day, but he instead
08:51 leaves Birmingham and travels to London to witness the birth of his child.
08:56 The difficult truth is that this new child is the product of an affair.
08:59 Ivan uses the time he has on the trip to call and explain himself to everyone this birth
09:04 will affect.
09:05 He makes phone calls to his family, construction team, and the mother of his new child, all
09:09 of whom are distressed for different reasons.
09:12 Each call is more tense than the last, the drama and suspense climb and remain high all
09:17 throughout the film thanks to absolutely stunning vocal performances by all the supporting members
09:22 of the cast.
09:24 Every aspect of this film is perfectly executed and makes for a totally unique cinematic experience.
09:30 2.
09:31 Anthropoid
09:32 Anthropoid follows the plot to assassinate Reinhard Heydrich, a high-ranking German SS
09:37 and the principal architect of the Final Solution.
09:41 The movie is unbearably tense at moments and commands complete and undivided attention
09:45 from viewers.
09:46 Cillian Murphy delivers an outstanding performance as Josef Gabchik and is accompanied by Jamie
09:52 Dornan, who does an excellent job portraying Jan Kubisz.
09:55 Josef and Jan are charged with the mission of bringing down Heydrich, and the road that
09:59 leads them there is full of hardship, but they refuse to give in until their mission
10:03 is complete.
10:04 There are multiple scenes full of heart-pounding action that puts viewers on the edge of their
10:09 seats.
10:10 Anthropoid is a tremendous work of art all across the board, though.
10:14 The supporting cast is captivating, all of them giving stunning performances that help
10:18 raise the stakes.
10:19 The film editing always heightens the emotions and tension of each scene and even induces
10:23 panic during a few specific moments.
10:26 The cinematography and visual style are both beautiful and engaging, often making use of
10:30 handheld to put viewers right alongside the characters.
10:34 1.
10:35 The Hunter
10:36 Willem Dafoe's entire career more than speaks for itself, so it goes without saying
10:40 that he is incredible in this film as well.
10:43 The Hunter has largely gone unnoticed by movie fans, and that's a real shame because it's
10:47 absolutely phenomenal.
10:50 The movie centres on a man named Martin David, a mercenary who is sent to Tasmania by a military
10:55 biotech company called Red Leaf.
10:58 His mission is to track down and retrieve samples of a Tasmanian tiger so that Red Leaf
11:02 can use its DNA for purposes that are not revealed to Martin.
11:06 After gathering DNA, Martin's task is to eliminate all other Tasmanian tigers so rival
11:11 corporations cannot compete with Red Leaf.
11:14 Upon arriving in Tasmania and getting to work, Martin starts to make a few discoveries that
11:19 are unsettling, and he decides to break his contract with Red Leaf.
11:23 This takes the film in a whole new direction, full of mystery and intensity that continues
11:27 to build as the film progresses.
11:29 Beyond providing entertainment, The Hunter is also thought-provoking.
11:34 Martin has to make some difficult decisions that are not always clear, and it's these
11:38 moments that further solidify the film's grip on the audience and make it a movie to remember.
11:43 And that concludes our list.
11:45 If you have other suggestions, then do let us know in the comments below.
11:48 And while you're there, don't forget to like and subscribe and tap that notification bell.
11:52 Also, head over to Twitter and follow us there @WhatCulture, and I can be found across various
11:56 social medias just by searching Ellie Littlechild.
11:59 I've been Ellie with What Culture.
12:00 I hope you have a magical day, and I'll see you real soon.
