FDA Authorizes Florida to Import Bulk Drugs From Canada

  • 6 months ago
FDA Authorizes Florida , to Import Bulk Drugs From Canada.
This is the first time that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved such a program in the state, CBS News reports. .
The approval will likely make it easier for other states to request similar permissions to get prescriptions from Canada, where drug prices are significantly cheaper.
Drug classes that Florida requested include prescriptions "for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, diabetes, HIV and AIDS, and mental illness," CBS News reports. .
Only certain people, such as foster children, prison inmates and elderly patients would qualify for the cheaper drugs at first.
Eventually, Medicaid recipients would have access to the lower drug costs as well.
The plan was signed into law by
Gov. Ron DeSantis in 2019 but required
FDA approval to be put into action. .
In 2021, President Joe Biden signed an executive order instructing the FDA to cooperate with states on drug imports. .
On average, U.S. drug prices are 218%
of costs in Canada, CBS News reports. .
Florida predicts that up to $150 million could be saved for the state annually with the new program.
The state's Agency for Heath Care Administration will be required to give the FDA quarterly reports about imported drugs and any possible safety or quality issues.
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers
of America opposes the FDA's decision to
approve the program, CBS News reports.
We are deeply concerned with the
FDA's reckless decision to approve
Florida's state importation plan, PhRMA President and CEO Stephen J. Ubl, via statement.
Ensuring patients have access to
needed medicines is critical, but
the importation of unapproved
medicines, whether from Canada
or elsewhere in the world, poses
a serious danger to public health, PhRMA President and CEO Stephen J. Ubl, via statement
