هل تصمد الشركات الناشئة في 2024؟

  • 8 months ago


00:00 In 2023, many challenges were faced, especially for startup companies,
00:06 because the amount of money collected by the investment capital fund
00:12 has fallen to the lowest level in six years.
00:15 And this fund is largely depended on by startup companies to survive.
00:21 In 2022, the amount of money collected reached the peak,
00:25 and to approximately 173 billion dollars.
00:28 But in 2023, the amount of money collected fell by 60% to 67 billion dollars,
00:36 and this is largely due to the US federal policy, which renewed the monetary policy in 2023.
00:44 Startup companies have been struggling to raise funds for the past 18 months.
00:50 This is what we are talking about in the US.
00:52 But globally, the investment capital fund has raised funds to the highest level since 2015.
01:01 But the fund is now struggling to support startup companies.
01:06 And in 2023, this fund invested 171 billion dollars,
01:11 which is less than half of the 2021 level when it reached 171 billion dollars.
01:18 Tiger Global and Insight Partners, these startup companies,
01:23 estimated their value at approximately one billion dollars,
01:26 and they fell in the last years of 2023.
01:29 And also Electric Scooter, estimated its value at 2.5 billion dollars,
01:34 also fell in 2023.
01:37 The process of extracting investments in startup companies
01:40 reached the lowest level in 10 years,
01:43 especially in the Euro area, where it reached 12 billion dollars.
01:46 And the collapse of startup companies with a value of one billion dollars,
01:49 as we mentioned, is due to Tiger Global and Insight.
01:53 But the technology giant companies withdrew funds from the investment capital fund
01:58 and spent on startup companies in the industrial intelligence sector.
02:04 Amazon, Google, Microsoft spent a third of the 27 billion dollars
02:10 that the startup companies raised in the industrial intelligence sector in 2023.
02:16 It is also worth mentioning that Microsoft's company
02:19 raised a 10 billion dollar deal to acquire Open AI.
02:24 The total spending on the industrial intelligence sector
02:27 reached three times the amount of spending two years ago,
02:31 which is 11 billion dollars.
02:34 Microsoft also raised 1.3 billion dollars in funding
02:39 to run the industrial intelligence sector,
02:41 which is a step ahead of Google and Amazon.
02:47 So this is how the technology companies were able to withdraw funds
02:52 from the investment capital fund and spend on startup companies.
