दुनिया में लड़कियों के साथ दुष्कर्म के मामले लगातार बढ़ते है है जिसे लेकर सरकार भी भरसक कोशिश कर रही है, लेकिन फिर भी वो असफल होती है. इसी बीच अब metaverse की vertual दुनिया में एक लड़की के साथ छेड़छाड़ का मामला सामने आया है, जिसने डिजिटल दुनिया पर सवाल खड़े कर दिए है, तो आज की वीडियो में जानेंगे की आखिर पूरा माजरा क्या है और साथ ही आपको बतायेगे की metaverse की डिजिटल दुनिया कैसी है ?और आप यहां कैसे जा सकते है?
The cases of misbehave to girls are continuously increasing in the world, for which the government is also trying its best, but still it fails. Meanwhile, now a case of misbehave with a girl has come to light in the virtual world of metaverse, which has raised questions on the digital world, so in today's video we will know what is the whole matter and will also tell you about the digital world of metaverse. What is the world like?And how can you get here?
#Metaversegameplay, #Metaverseharassement
The cases of misbehave to girls are continuously increasing in the world, for which the government is also trying its best, but still it fails. Meanwhile, now a case of misbehave with a girl has come to light in the virtual world of metaverse, which has raised questions on the digital world, so in today's video we will know what is the whole matter and will also tell you about the digital world of metaverse. What is the world like?And how can you get here?
#Metaversegameplay, #Metaverseharassement