London: Russland durch Abschuss von Jets in Südukraine geschwächt

  • 8 months ago
Gemäß der Einschätzung Großbritanniens hat der Abschuss von drei Jets durch die Ukraine das Angriffspotenzial Russlands im Süden geschwächt.

Die Ukraine hat nach Einschätzung Grossbritanniens mit dem Abschuss von drei russischen Jets das Angriffspotenzial Russlands in der Südukraine geschwächt.
Die Nachrichten kontinuierlich News & Zeitgeschehen - Internationale Live-Informationen.
00:00 According to the assessment of Great Britain, the launch of three jets through Ukraine has
00:04 weakened the potential for attack by Russia in the south.
00:07 According to the assessment of Great Britain, the launch of three Russian jets has weakened
00:13 the potential for attack by Russia in the south of Ukraine.
00:17 This has mainly affected the Russian attacks on a Ukrainian position on the otherwise controlled
00:24 south-east bank of the river Dnieper in the Chezon region, the British Ministry of
00:30 Defence shared on Saturday under a call for intelligence findings.
00:34 The British consider it realistic that the lack of air support for the failure of an
00:41 offensive by the 18th Army against the so-called "Brückenkopf" could have contributed.
00:45 In recent days, Russia has re-increased its tactical air attacks around the position,
00:52 but in less mass than before the three shellings on 22 December.
00:56 Ukraine has been defending itself against an attack by Russia for almost two years.
01:02 The British Ministry of Defence has been regularly publishing information on the course of the war.
01:09 Moscow is throwing out misinformation.
01:13 war.
