• last year
Hiragi Utena is a major fangirl of the magical girls protecting her city and leaps at the chance to join their ranks. Bu | dHNfTDJVY3RCMWdPVDg


00:00 Hiragi Utena, you have the power to choose.
00:05 I'm a magical girl?
00:08 The power you have to choose is the power of the female executive of an evil organization.
00:14 Magical Girl Tresmajia, here I come!
00:18 This presence...
00:20 Transmajia!
00:21 That's as far as you go, Henormita, the evil organization!
00:28 Your opponent is me.
00:30 If you underestimate me, I'll kill you!
00:33 That guts...
00:36 I, Leopold, will beat you up again!
00:41 Her name is Morinobu.
00:44 Now, let's get fired up and conquer the world!
00:49 T-Tresmajia...
00:52 Y-You did it!
00:56 I did it...
00:58 Why am I so happy?
01:01 I'm torturing my beloved magical girl...
01:05 I-It's strange...
01:08 I'm...
01:10 I'm feeling weird!
01:13 I want to be a magical girl!
01:16 I want to be admired!
01:17 I want to be a magical girl!
01:18 I want to be a magical girl!
01:19 I want to be admired by a magical girl!
01:22 I want to be admired by a magical girl!
01:25 I want to be admired by a magical girl!
01:27 You seem to have had a lot of fun.
01:36 T-That's not true!
01:39 I'm not a magical girl!
01:41 Subbed by Morinobu
01:44 ♪ Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do ♪
